MHACB/520 Competency 2 Assessment and RubricCourse Title: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances
Competency Assessment Title: Collaborative Assignment Reflection
Assignment Directions
Collaborative Assignment Reflection
Part 1: Hospital Merger and Culture Considerations
Imagine that your hospital has recently merged with a group of medical centers. As a high-level executive, you have been asked to develop a
strategy to integrate the two cultures. Success with this effort must also translate into the optimization of patient care, quality, safety, cost of
services, and access to care.
Research best practices and devise approaches to address potential issues and pushback. Create a proposal of 700 to 875 words that includes
the following:
Identify and describe the personnel groups affected by the merger.
Predict and explain challenges in merging the two cultures. Consider the cultures of the clinical staff and the medical staff.
Propose strategies or solutions to address those challenges.
Explain the negotiation strategies that may be useful to elicit buy-in on the decisions.
Design the modes of communication you will use to convey these strategies to the clinical and medical staff.
o Identify who should be the primary communicator.
o Outline the information that should be included.
o Explain how buy-in will occur.
Part 2: Reflection
Facilitation and negotiation are skills you will use on a regular basis as a leader in health care. You researched best practices and applied them to
a merger of two workforce cultures.
Reflect on the research you completed as well as your proposal you wrote in Part 1. Write 350 words on the following:
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MHACB/520 Competency 2 Rubric
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Examine the overall strategy and implementation you devised to address the different aspects of the company merger. What were the
major factors and considerations that led you to make the strategic decisions for the merger?
Discuss the health sector best practices you drew from your research to help determine the decision-making and negotiation approaches
defined in your proposal.
Describe any facilitation and negotiation strategies that you have used or experienced in any setting that you can use in your professional
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or
other sources of similar quality).
Combine your proposal and the reflection.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
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MHACB/520 Competency 2 Rubric
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Competency Assessment Rubric
Meets Expectations
Not Met
1. Part 1: Personnel
(weight 15%)
Thoroughly and clearly identified
and described the personnel
groups affected by the merger
Generally identified and described
the personnel groups affected by
the merger
Did not identify or describe the
personnel groups affected by the
2. Part 1: Merging Cultures
(weight 15%)
Clearly predicted and thoroughly
explained challenges in merging
the two cultures; clearly considered
the cultures of the clinical staff and
the medical staff; proposed
innovative and clear strategies or
solutions to address those
Partially predicted and explained
challenges in merging the two
cultures; somewhat considered the
cultures of the clinical staff and the
medical staff; proposed general
strategies or solutions to address
those challenges
Did not clearly predict or explain
challenges in merging the two
cultures; did not clearly consider the
cultures of the clinical staff and the
medical staff; did not propose clear
strategies or solutions to address
those challenges
3. Part 1: Modes of
(weight 15%)
Thoroughly and clearly explained
the negotiation strategies that may
be useful to elicit buy-in on the
decisions; designed clear and
thorough modes of communication
that will be used to convey these
strategies to the clinical and
medical staff; clearly identified who
should be the primary
communicator; clearly outlined the
information that should be included;
clearly and thoroughly explained
how buy-in will occur
Partially explained the negotiation
strategies that may be useful to
elicit buy-in on the decisions;
designed general modes of
communication that will be used to
convey these strategies to the
clinical and medical staff;
somewhat clearly identified who
should be the primary
communicator; partially outlined
the information that should be
included; generally explained how
buy-in will occur
Did not clearly explain the
negotiation strategies that may be
useful to elicit buy-in on the
decisions; did not design clear
modes of communication that will be
used to convey these strategies to
the clinical and medical staff; did not
clearly identify who should be the
primary communicator; did not
clearly outline the information that
should be included; did not clearly
explain how buy-in will occur
4. Part 2: Implementation
and Strategy
(weight 15%)
Thoroughly and clearly examined
the overall strategy and
implementation devised to address
the different aspects of the
company merger; clearly provided
the major factors and
considerations that led to the
strategic decisions for the merger
Partially examined the overall
strategy and implementation
devised to address the different
aspects of the company merger;
somewhat clearly provided the
major factors and considerations
that led to the strategic decisions
for the merger
Did not clearly examine the overall
strategy and implementation devised
to address the different aspects of
the company merger; did not clearly
provide the major factors and
considerations that led to the
strategic decisions for the merger
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Meets Expectations
Not Met
5. Part 2: Health Sector
Best Practices and
(weight 20%)
Thoroughly discussed the health
sector best practices drawn from
research to help determine the
decision-making and negotiation
approaches defined in the proposal;
cited 3 reputable references to
support the assignment (e.g., trade
or industry publications,
government or agency websites,
scholarly works, or other sources of
similar quality)
Generally discussed the health
sector best practices drawn from
research to help determine the
decision-making and negotiation
approaches defined in the
proposal; cited 1 to 2 reputable
references to support the
assignment (e.g., trade or industry
publications, government or
agency websites, scholarly works,
or other sources of similar quality)
Did not clearly discuss the health
sector best practices drawn from
research to help determine the
decision-making and negotiation
approaches defined in the proposal;
did not cite reputable references to
support the assignment (e.g., trade
or industry publications, government
or agency websites, scholarly works,
or other sources of similar quality)
6. Part 2: Facilitation and
Negotiation Strategies
(weight 15%)
Thoroughly and clearly described
any facilitation and negotiation
strategies that have been used or
experienced in any setting that can
be used in professional life
Generally described any facilitation
and negotiation strategies that
have been used or experienced in
any setting that can be used in
professional life
Did not clearly describe any
facilitation and negotiation strategies
that have been used or experienced
in any setting that can be used in
professional life
7. Grammar and Writing
(weight 5%)
Accuracy in grammar, sentence
structures, sentence boundaries,
and word choice enhanced the
Rare inaccuracies/errors in
grammar, sentence structures,
sentence boundaries, and word
choice did not detract from the
Occasional or frequent
inaccuracies/errors in grammar,
sentence structures, sentence
boundaries, and word choice
detracted from the content.
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MHACB/520 Competency 3 Assessment and Rubric
Course Title: Sector Stakeholders: Identifying and Cultivating Alliances
Competency Assessment Title: Professional Development and Networking Relationships
Assignment Directions
Professional Development and Networking Relationships
Throughout this course, you should have solicited recommendations from current or previous employers, supervisors, or instructors. If not, begin
soliciting recommendations via LinkedIn or contact them directly by email or telephone. Be polite and professional in your solicitation. You will
need to acquire the recommendations before the end of the week to complete your summative assessment.
Building self-awareness is an important exercise in becoming a leader people want to work for. An effective approach to building self-awareness is
to reflect on experiences of success or failure to learn about what worked or did not work in your communication, negotiation, and collaboration
with internal and external colleagues.
Write a 525- to 700-word summary that examines the results of your efforts to solicit professional recommendations.
Consider the following:
Identify those to whom you reached out and their relationship to you. Who responded, and what did they have to say?
Examine the recommendations. Do you think the professional characterizations accurately reflect how you view yourself as a
professional? Explain your response.
Consider the responses you did not receive. Why do you think these people might not have responded?
Consider and describe what this assignment taught you about your professional relationships with current or previous employers or
supervisors. Incorporate insight you have gained through the personality and leadership style assessments.
Examine and explain strategies you can use to strengthen weak professional relationships.
Include copies of the recommendations in your paper.
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or
other sources of similar quality).
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
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Submit your assignment.
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MHACB/520 Competency 3 Rubric
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Competency Assessment Rubric
Meets Expectations
Not Met
1. Contacts
(weight 22%)
Clearly identified those contacted
for recommendations and their
relationship with the student;
clearly identified those who
responded and their response
Partially identified those contacted
for recommendations and their
relationship with the student;
partially identified those who
responded and their response
Did not identify those contacted for
recommendations and their
relationship with the student; did not
identify those who responded and
their response
2. Recommendations and
(weight 22%)
Thoroughly examined the
recommendations and thoroughly
explained accuracy of
professional characterizations
against self-view as a professional
Partially examined the
recommendations and explained
accuracy of professional
characterizations against self-view
as a professional
Did not examine the
recommendations or explain accuracy
of professional characterizations
against self-view as a professional
3. Responses Not
(weight 22%)
Thoroughly considered and
explained possible reasons for
Partially considered and explained
possible reasons for nonresponses
Did not consider or explain possible
reasons for nonresponses
4. Insight on Professional
(weight 24%)
Comprehensively described
lessons and insights learned
about professional relationships;
fully incorporated insight gained
through personality and
leadership style assessments
Partially described lessons and
insights learned about professional
relationships; partially incorporated
insight gained through personality
and leadership style assessments
Did not describe lessons and insights
learned about professional
relationships; did not incorporate
insight gained through personality and
leadership style assessments
5. References
(weight 5%)
Cited 3 reputable references to
support the assignment (e.g.,
trade or industry publications,
government or agency websites,
scholarly works, or other sources
of similar quality)
Cited 1-2 reputable references to
support your assignment (e.g.,
trade or industry publications,
government or agency websites,
scholarly works, or other sources of
similar quality)
Did not cite references
6. Grammar and Writing
(weight 5%)
Accuracy in grammar, sentence
structures, sentence boundaries,
and word choice enhanced the
Rare inaccuracies/errors in
grammar, sentence structures,
sentence boundaries, and word
choice did not detract from the
Occasional or frequent
inaccuracies/errors in grammar,
sentence structures, sentence
boundaries, and word choice
detracted from the content.
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