Respond to the following
How does your leadership style align with your personality typology based on the personality test you took in Week 2? Do you find that your personality traits are consistent with your leadership style? Defend your answer
Hi, this was my week 2 work. My personality type is Assertive protagonist base on the personality test and the result match my actual leadership style. AsseAssertive Protagonists Assertive Protagonists are Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging and Assertive. These warm, forthright types of love helping others and have the creative energy to achieve their goals.Some qualities that I possess and is helpful to me as leader are: being a great listener, positive and very optimistic. Qualities that might detract me from effective leadership will be poor communication, lack of accountability, and conflict. Self awareness is important for effective leadership.. self-aware, a person needs to have a clear perception of their personality(strengths/weaknesses), emotions, beliefs and motivations. When youhave a clear understanding of yourself, it helps you understand others and how they perceive you or your reactions to their perceptions of you in the given moment. Therefore, self awareness is about empowerment because you are working on yourself enough to understand theoutside world’s perception of you. You have to maintain that control at all times.