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Turnitin™This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.Group CategoryGroup PresentationGroup NameGroup 2 – July 20Instructions
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and share examples of collaboration in the health care community demonstrating how they are working to solve difficult problems.
In groups of 3, you will select an article or project that demonstrates collaboration in health care. It can be within an organization (e.g. interprofessional collaboration) or between two or more organizations.
You must identify the organization(s) that are collaborating and the difficult problem they have come together to solve.
You are required to submit your topic to the assignment dropbox for your professor’s approval a minimum of 2 weeks before your presentation date. Groups with presentations on Week 11 will submit 1 week prior.
You must submit only one project topic at a time to the assignment dropbox for the professor for review. In your submission, you must identify the organization(s) that are collaborating, the problem they are trying to solve and cc your group.
You will present your collaborative project to the class.
All students must equally participate in the presentation
Questions to Be Answered During the Presentation:
What is the problem that the collaborative project is trying to solve?
What is the collaboration? Describe the project or program.
How is it an example of collaboration (versus cooperation or co-creation)?
What is the shared common goal for both organizations?
Who were the stakeholders in the collaborations and what strengths did each bring to the project?
Were the right stakeholders involved in this collaboration? Were any missing?
Reflect on the impact of this collaboration on today’s Canadian health care system- what was the effect of the collaboration? Think about performance management here – did it add/improve quality, effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, or add value to the health care system? If the article/initiative was conducted in another country- how could it be applied to the Canadian health care system?
Submission Requirements
The presentation should be 10 – 15 minutes long.
No more than 15 slides
One member from the group must submit the PowerPoint presentation to this assignment submission folder, before you present.
The presentation dates are listed with the groups. There will be approximately 3 presentations every week from Weeks 11 to 14
APA@Conestoga format
Submitted using this assignment submission folder.
Submitted as a PowerPoint document
hwp, odt, rtf, pdf, wpd, txt, ps, pptx, ppt, ppsx, pps, xls, xlsx