Overview of the Assignment
Part 1 – Assignment Instructions:
1. Create a conflict scenario in healthcare (between two individuals):
a) Ensure that you provide specific detail, including context, background,
contributing factors, points of view, etc.
b) Should be based on a personal example but do not include the outcome as you
will be mediating the scenario in class.
c) Conflict should be based on a difference of opinions as would be observed in a
collaboration, where the two parties are participants in the conflict resolution,
rather than a performance or Human Resources conflict that may require a more
prescribed or directed solution.
2. Write two character descriptions (one for each of the individuals) that will include the
“personality styles” that will be acted out in the conflict scenario.
3. Identify the conflict resolution steps (from class – Week 6) that you plan to practice in
the scenario to resolve the conflict.
4. One week before the class in which the scenarios will be acted out, email your group
members and cc your Professor. IMPORTANT: This will be a separate email to each
group member containing
a) the conflict scenario, and,
b) their specific character description.
Part 2 – About the in-class, small group presentations:
1. In class, every student will mediate the scenario that they write.
2. In your groups of three (assigned by the Professor), in class, you will take turns acting
out the scenario:
a) The group member that wrote the scenario will be the mediator, and the other
two members will play the characters that were written for them (character
b) One of the character group members will provide feedback to the mediator.
c) You will rotate through all the roles until each person in the group has had a
chance to be both a mediator and provide feedback.
3. You will receive feedback from your peers using the Assignment 4 Peer Feedback
Template document below.
Setting Up the Paper & Sending Emails
Conflict Scenario:
• Include the information that your characters will need to understand and “act out”
the scenario.
• This will be emailed to both participants and cc’d to your Professor.
• This will be included in your final eConestoga submission.
Character Description A:
• Character Description that includes “personality styles” for one of the individuals.
• This will be emailed together with the Conflict Scenario to one group member.
• This will be included in your final eConestoga submission.
Character Description B:
• Character Description that includes “personality styles” for the other individual.
• This will be emailed together with the Conflict Scenario to the other group member.
• This will be included in your final eConestoga submission.
Conflict Resolution Steps:
• Briefly describe the conflict mediation steps that you plan to practice when
mediating the scenario.
• Do not select all the steps, as you will not have time to complete all of them in 10
minutes. Select relevant ones or those you want most to practice.
• This will be included in your final eConestoga submission only.
• 10-minute conflict resolution scenario
• 5 minutes feedback session.
Submission & Grading
Submission Instructions:
1. Conflict resolution scenario (2 pages max) → submitted to this assignment folder.
a) 1 page case scenario
b) 1-page character descriptions & conflict resolutions steps
2. Peer feedback for one group member (1-page max) → submitted to the Assignment 4 Conflict Resolution Scenario Peer Feedback Submission assignment folder.
**must be written as a paper, NOT bullet points**
Format Instructions:
• 12pt font
• APA@Conestoga formatting.
• Submitted in Microsoft Word format.
• Your grade will come from the submission of your scenario and the quality of the peer
feedback you submit for your peers.
• Be sure to carefully review the rubric.
• You must be in attendance on Week 10 to be graded for both components.