Research project to answer discussion 1 and 2 please read: Topic: Exploring the impact of obesity among middle-aged adults in the primary care setting and the role of nurses in managing obesity.
Problem statement
Obesity is described as an abnormal or excessive buildup of fat that poses a healthconcern. Risk factors for the development of obesity include family inheritance, lifestyle choices,social and economic issues, certain diseases and medications, age, and other factors. It hasbecome an epidemic in the last 50 years, and the economic burden associated with obesity isestimated to be as high as $ 100 billion yearly (Panuganti et al., 2021). It is the second leadingcause of preventable death after smoking. It is a medical problem that needs attention as itincreases the development of other health problems, such as hypertension, obesity, heartdiseases, and certain cancers
1. When you develop a research project, you need to have a reliable and valid method of measurement in your study. Using your anticipated research proposal, how will you address the issues of reliability and validity? What concerns do you have over reliability and validity in your study and how will you overcome these concerns?
2. Appropriate sampling is a critical component in developing a good research project. Using your approved research questions and research topic, explain your anticipated sampling method and why this is appropriate for your research proposal. What is your sample size?
3.How does PMM awareness and prevention support the Hippocratic Oath?
4. In your experience, have you seen a need for increased vigilance in PMM? Explain.?
5. Select one of the following discussion prompts to address:
Discuss the characteristics of common headaches—migraine, cluster, and tension—and describe their evaluation and treatment options. What prevention strategies would you advise?
Discuss the pathophysiology of cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs)—thrombotic, embolic, hemorrhagic, and lacunar—their incidence and prevalence, clinical manifestations, evaluation, and treatment.