Question CT1. When Jane Elliott gathered and debriefed her third graders at the end of the original two-day exercise, what comments did the children make concerning what they had learned from the exercise? Comment on specific words the children used and interpret the feelings behind the body language they demonstrated as third graders.
Question ER/CT2. Notice how quickly the children fell into their assigned roles. According to Elliott, in the span of how many minutes did it take for the children to take on these roles? What does this say about how easy it is to learn to become prejudice? Make a personal statement reflecting on how prejudice is learned.
Question CT/SR3. As adults who attended the reunion, what specific comments were made to Jane Elliott about the value of the exercise when asked was “the learning was worth the agony? How would you interpret their responses?
Question EQS4. The Stanford University Psychology Department evaluated the children’s academic level of work during the two-day exercise from their spelling tests, reading tests scores after the two-day exercise was complete. Write a complete sentence describing each of the following the types and directions of correlations found as a result of the children’s experiences. Explain the type and the direction demonstrated for each of the following and the correlational relationships (positive or negative): (a) between self-esteem (X) and discrimination (Y)? (b) between discrimination (X) and academic performance (Y)? (c) between self-esteem (X) and academic performance (Y)? (d) What are the implications of these findings?
Question PR/TR5. Which particular child (Raymond, Susan, Brian, Russell, John, Roy, Lorrie, Greg, Sandy, Sheila, Verle) attracted your attention in the video? How did you relate to the feelings of that child? What makes you say that?
Question CT/ER6. Identify the specific prejudicial statements and the behavioral techniques used by Jane Elliott to set up the exercise. Draw parallels between Elliott’s words and methods with those used by individuals and /or by society to foster prejudice, discrimination and inequity.
Question SD/PR7. Have you ever personally experienced (been a victim of) prejudicial attitudes or discriminatory behavior? If so, what were the circumstances? How did you cope with the stress? If not, what will you do in the future when you see or experience discrimination in action?…