Summaries: The overview of the seminar 1. The speaker name and seminar title (these are not counted in the word limit). 2. The hypothesis or scientific question addressed. 3. One experimental method or approach used to address the question. 4. Name the type and purpose of the experimental controls used in that experiment. 5. One major finding from that experiment. Do you agree with the speaker’s interpretation? 6. A brief conclusion: How does the finding relate to the authors hypothesis of central question? How does the finding change your views?
presenter Name: Apr. 22Christopher Seet UCLA
name of the Topic: Engineered immunity from pluripotent stem cells
On March 9, 2018, John Boothroyd gave a presentation called, “Even though my
friends are all parasites, they still teach me a ton about life.” He talked about an
apicomplexan parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, which has a haploid genome and causes
many infections in humans and animals. This parasite infects many hosts called
Intermediate hosts, but it is only able to sexually reproduce in cat species, its definitive
host. Boothroyd wanted to see what contributes to virulence in the strain, and with
quantitative trait locus analysis they were able to find multiple virulence loci on the
chromosomes. Type 1 strain(S22) is more virulent than the other strains of the parasite.
Mice contain immunity-related GTPase (IRGs) which attack and destroy vacuoles that
hold parasites (PVM); type 1 strain has a protein ROP18 which interacts with IRGs and
phosphorylates it so that IRGs don’t destroy the PVM, thus the mice lose their form of
defense. To prove ROP is significant they added ROP to a type 3 strain, which doesn’t
have any virulence factors, and saw destruction of the IRG and the parasite surviving.
Toxoplasma gondii is a versatile parasite that infect many hosts because it can insert
itself to host cells by essentially brining their own receptors, it also accommodates to
different genomes, expands by selfing but also reproduce sexually which allows for new
strains to be produced.