OTH 2420 OT for Physically Disabled
Ms. Chang-Mason
CASE STUDY- Treatment Planning
A. Part I: Diagnosis Review (Maximum 10 points) DUE: Friday 5/12/23
Create your case study and research the diagnosis.
1. Write a two-page (minimum) introduction including following criteria:
2. Medical diagnosis
3. Physical Symptoms of diagnosis
a. This includes how the client presents clinically
4. Performance skills
a. What performance skills are typically affected by this diagnosis?
b. Must address all 3 components – Motor, Process and Interaction skills per
5. Client Factors
a. What client factors are typically affected by this diagnosis?
b. Must address all affected areas using the categories from the OTPF
6. Occupations
a. How does this diagnosis affect the client’s ability to perform occupations?
b. Must address all applicable occupations as listed in the OTPF
7. OT Assessments
a. List the assessments typically used to establish a baseline or to identify
b. Must be specific to your assigned diagnosis
8. General goals
a. These are general goals for the diagnosis – they are not specific to your
9. List OT, PT and other medical interventions typically used to treat this
B. Part II Client Specific Information: (Maximum 45 points)
DUE: Monday 5/15/2023
1. Identify your clients primary and comorbid diagnosis
2. Identify all precautions and contraindications (including safety precautions)
List all OT precautions and contraindications
List all medical precautions and contraindications
3. Research and list the protocol(s) for this diagnosis.
A protocol is a detailed plan of treatment or procedure. A set of
rules that govern your treatment. It states what to should be done, how
it will be done, when it will be done and why it is being done.
Must be evidenced based and cite sources
4. Identify the client’s prior level of function (PLOF) and the current level of
function (CLOF)
Includes all client’s strengths
Includes all OT related deficits (weakness).
OTH 2420 Case Study/Treatment Plan Instructions
NRCM 8.2018
OTH 2420 OT for Physically Disabled
Ms. Chang-Mason
5. Prioritize the items in item #4 above into a working OT problem list. Be sure
to list in order of priority and justify why.
(For example, you may decide to address a BADL skill before an IADL skill
because a person needs/wants to be I in toileting before checkbook writing.
Another example may be that a person needs to have the Performance
Motor Skill of mobility in joint AROM before you may begin strengthening
ex’s or even a BADL skill that requires a certain amount of AROM.)
6. Write Long Term goals and Short-Term goals based on the patient’s
deficits/client factors and their priorities.
a. Goals must be written using COAST format
i. Long Term goals should address occupations
ii. Short Term goals should address client factors
7. Client specific treatment plan/therapeutic method
a. List the therapeutic methods/ interventions you will use to reach
the goals: (i.e. ADL retraining, functional mobility retraining, etc.…
C. Part III Intervention/Treatment Plan: (Maximum 42 points)
DUE: Monday 5/22/2023
In this section, you will list your treatment plan in the OT continuum. There must be a
well-developed and relevant therapeutic intervention in each category – Occupations,
Activities (Purposeful), Interventions to Support Occupations (Preparatory/Enabling Methods &
Preparatory tasks), Education & Training, Advocacy, Group & Virtual Interventions.
1. Identify the treatment setting and Frame of Reference (FORs)
a. List what FOR you are using to guide your treatment session and
provide a well-developed yet concise explanation
b. Example: Rehabilitative Approach, Biomechanical, etc.
2. CPT Code/Time and Units
a. List the appropriate CPT codes for your interventions
b. Identify the amount of time (minutes) that you plan to provide this
c. Identify the number of units that will be generated
3. List the intervention/treatment plan you will use to reach the goals :
a. Plan treatment sessions under each category of the OT Continuum –
you will be expounding on the therapeutic methods listed in Part II/#7
b. Use sound rationale to develop comprehensive list of the treatment
c. In this area you will be very specific. Tell me exactly what you will do
with the client.
(Don’t say Therapeutic Exercise for 10 minutes- not specific enough!)
d. Address the performance skills and client factors
4. Grading and Rationale
a. Identify how you will grade the activity
OTH 2420 Case Study/Treatment Plan Instructions
NRCM 8.2018
OTH 2420 OT for Physically Disabled
Ms. Chang-Mason
i. Must list ways to make the activity more challenging
ii. Must list ways to make the activity less challenging
b. What is the rationale / justification behind your chosen methods?
c. Describe why you think your chosen methods will work to increase
function and decrease deficits.
5. Education, Compensatory Strategies and Discharge needs
a. Based on your treatment plan, what education is necessary for this
i. Consider their diagnosis, precautions, and treatment protocol
ii. Education should also aid in client increasing independence
and/or improving functional deficits.
b. Compensatory strategies should address any adaptations that the
client need to use in order to perform ADL’s more independently
c. Discharge needs include Home Practice Program, Equipment needs
(AT, DME, AE), continuation of services beyond your setting, etc.
D. Part IV: (Maximum 5 points) DUE: Friday 5/26/2023
a. Pre/Post Test
b. Prepare 5 questions related to diagnosis and treatment methods
(Meaning, what do you want the patient to know by the end of the
treatment session).
E. Part V: Treatment Presentation (Maximum 20 points)
DUE: Tuesday-Thursday 5/30/23 – 6/1/2023
1. 45-minute Presentation – no-more than 50 minutes. This includes the
initial case study information and the actual treatment
2. Present the client/dx/impairments, etc. using the power point template provided.
3. Talk about the diagnosis, case study, goals, methods/ rationale and conduct a
treatment session. Emphasis should be on the treatment session and goals for that
Administer the pretest to the class prior to presentation and the post-test after
presentation to assess efficiency of your presentation.
Conduct your treatment session (should not exceed 30 minutes). Gather ALL equipment,
materials, supplies BEFORE starting the session.
NOTE: APA format.
**Use at least five (5) scholarly sources. Must use at least two (2)
journal/research articles that provide OT evidence-based practice for each
treatment interventions identified.
**Include a copy of case study and copies of your articles with your paper**Include RUBRICS with paper!
**Must have Librarian and/or Writing Studio Coordinators’ initials on your rubric
See attached presentation rubric for guidance.
OTH 2420 Case Study/Treatment Plan Instructions
NRCM 8.2018