- In 2 pages, (12 pt font, double spaced) Identify a researcher or practitioner in the field of clinical psychology who you identify with (e.g., common interests, shared lived experiences, similar identities).
- Describe the rationale for choosing this scientist/practitioner and the contributions that they have made to the field.
- Students will be graded on content/response to the writing prompt, use of course content to support the prompt, length, and grammar. You should use at least 2 outside sources. All information gathered from these sources needs to be cited in APA format.
- If you cite outside sources, please use APA formatting procedures.
- Inside sources: https://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/ethnicity-he… and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_clinical_psy…
(if you need any background info on myself pls let me know)
Pt. 2 Psychology in the Media
In 2 pages,(12pt font, double spaced) identify a fictional character in a media work (e.g., book, movie, television show) that struggles with mental health difficulties. Briefly describe what mental health diagnosis they likely struggle with, how their symptoms are portrayed correctly, and how their symptoms may be portrayed incorrectly.
- Works can include fiction books (NOT self-help books), movies, TV shows, and so forth
- Works cannot be animated, cartoons, anime, etc. Please choose a human (real-life) character
- Dramatized works about a real person are permitted (e.g., The Aviator, A Beautiful Mind). However, you cannot use documentaries, memoirs, or autobiographies (e.g., Robin Williams: Come Inside My Head).
“Spotlight” Instructions and Rubric
In 2 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font), describe a researcher or practitioner in the field of
clinical psychology who you identify with (e.g., common interests, shared lived experiences,
similar identities). This should be an individual who has a degree in psychology or a related field
(social work, counseling, psychiatry). Describe the rationale for choosing this
scientist/practitioner and the contributions that they have made to the field. You should use at
least 2 outside sources. One of these sources should be about the person’s life. This may be from
the researcher or clinician’s personal website, a website dedicated to the person’s life or work, or
a book/e-book from the library, researcher’s personal website. The second outside source should
be a particular research article that they published (if a researcher) or a treatment manual or
article describing the treatment (if a clinician). You should discuss the article or manual you
chose. All information gathered from these sources need to be cited in APA format.
The following is a list of examples of distinguished researchers and/or clinicians in the field.
This list is by no means exhaustive. You do not have to use an individual on this list but this is a
starting point:
Anne Marie Albano
Joan Asarnow
Marc Atkins
Albert Bandura
Aaron Beck
Judith Beck
David Barlow
Jean Lau Chin
Dante Cicchetti
Kenneth Bancroft Clark
Laurie Chassin
John Curry
Edward Delgado-Romero
Jennifer Eberhardt
Sheila Eyberg
Rex Forehand
Sigmund Freud
Anna Freud
Mary Fristad
John Fryer
Nancy Gonzalez
Michael Hendricks
Stephen Hinshaw
Larke N. Huang
Thomas Joiner
Reginald Jones
Nadine Kaslow
Alan Kazdin
Christopher Keys
Cheryl King
Anna Lau
Annette La Greca
Evelyn Lee
Peter Lewinsohn
Marsha Linehan
Elizabeth Loftus
Yo Jackson
Elizabeth McQuaid
Robin Mermelstein
James Morton, Jr.
William Pelham
Linda Pfiffner
Mitch Prinstein
Inez Beverly Prosser
Michael Roberts
Martin Seligman
Anthony Spirito
Francis Cecil Sumner
Beverly Daniel Tatum
Alberta Banner Turner
John Weiss
Writing Assignment #1 Rubric
1. Select a researcher or clinician in the field of clinical psychology
Points: ___/10
1. Describe researcher’s or clinician’s contributions to the field of clinical psychology
a. Personal history
b. Published work
2. Use 2 outside sources
Points: ___/15
1. Describe at least 2 reasons why you chose the researcher or clinician. Reasons should
relate back to at least one of the following:
a. Clinical interests
b. Personal identities
c. Shared lived experiences
Points: ___/15
1. Proper spelling grammar, subheadings, organization ____
2. Quality writing (academic style/tone, no awkward confusing sentences) ____
3. 12- in font & double spaced (at least 2 pages and no more than 3 pages)____
4. Uses in-text citations accordingly and in correct APA format ____
5. Reference page is included, in correct format ____
Points: ___/10
1. -5 points for each page under 2 pages double-spaced, or over 3 double spaced pages
(papers should be in 12-point font, 1-inch margins)
2. -10 points for each day that it is late, up to 5 days then a score of 0 is automatically
Total= ___/50 points
“Psych in the Media” Instructions and Rubric
In 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font), identify a fictional character in a media work (e.g.,
book, movie, television show) that struggles with mental health difficulties. Briefly describe
what DSM-5 mental health diagnosis they likely struggle with, how their symptoms are
portrayed correctly, and how their symptoms may be portrayed incorrectly.
Works can include fiction books (NOT self-help books), movies, TV shows, and so forth
Works cannot be animated, cartoons, anime, etc. Please choose a human (real-life)
Dramatized works about a real person are permitted (e.g., The Aviator, A Beautiful
Mind). However, you cannot use documentaries, memoirs, or autobiographies (e.g.,
Robin Williams: Come Inside My Head).
You should cite the DSM-5 for the diagnosis. Additionally, if you use the text book, please cite it
appropriately (the reference is in the syllabus). Please use APA formatting procedures.
The DSM-5 can be located online at the UIC library:
Citation: American Psychiatric Association (Ed.). (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of
mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed). American Psychiatric Association.
A list of suggestions for this assignment can be found in a separate file on Blackboard.
1. BRIEFLY describes the character (1 paragraph maximum)
2. Correctly hypothesizes a diagnosis
Points: ___/10
Effectiveness of Portrayal:
1. Discusses the DSM symptoms that are portrayed in the work
2. Discusses how the presentation of symptoms is done so effectively
Points: ___/10
Inaccuracy of Portrayal:
1. Discusses what aspects of individual’s disorder are incorrectly represented
2. Indicates if no aspects were incorrectly represented (this will rarely be the case)
Points: ___/10
Disorder Influencing Life:
1. Discusses impact of individual’s disorder on character’s life (i.e., how the disorder has
led to changes in behaviors, general functioning, and relationships of the individual)
Points: ___/10
1. Proper spelling grammar, subheadings, organization ____
2. Quality writing (academic style/tone, no awkward confusing sentences) ____
3. 12- in font & double spaced ____
4. Uses in-text citations (e.g., DSM-5) accordingly and in correct APA format ____
5. Reference page is included, in correct format ____
Points: ___/10
1. -5 points for each page under 5 pages double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
2. -10 points for each day that it is late, up to 5 days then a score of 0 is automatically
Total Points: ____/50