Find a scientific journal article on specifically your topic, make sure it is recent (past five
years) and it is a full text.
Complete these sentences. You can add more lines and details if you want.
In the research study by the CDC (2020) it was found that the statistics are as follows:
Among 3, 242,649 patients aged above 18 years old, a total of 50.8% had obesity. The
findings suggest that adults with COVID-19 and obesity were treated for acute care in
hospitals. This means that those who were obese had a higher chance of contracting the
COVID-19 virus. There was also a positive association found between overweight and with
patients who had higher BMI. Understanding that a higher BMI can lead to COVID-19 is
important, as it can be treated and therefore lower risk to getting the virus.
These statistics were collected from 3,242,649 patients across PHDR-SR, which is a large,
hospital based database. These statistics were taken from approximately 200
geographically dispersed U.S. hospitals that reported both inpatient and ED data to the
database. Therefore, this study was not conducted in one single city or state, rather across
the nation. This gives researchers a better understanding of the correlation between both
diseases (COVID-19 and obesity).
These statistics were collected because researchers believe that there is a link or
correlation between obesity and COVID-19. The further research there is about this
association, the better understanding and clarity there is available to the public, or average
American. The reality of this research was that there really was an association between
body mass index (BMI) and severe COVID-19 associated illness among adults aged over 18
(Kompaniyets, et. al, 2020). The study also included patients’ race/ethnicity, age, BMI, and even
hospital census region. The southern part of the U.S. had the greatest amount of hospitalizations
and mortality rate, when compared to other U.S. regions.
The statistics do show that there is a problem because if one is obese, they have a greater
chance of being hospitalized, and even dying from COVID-19. There is a clear association
and correlation between the two diseases. If one manages and treats obesity, they will be
able to decrease their risk of not only contracting this virus, but also dying from it. BMI is
continuously discussed when visiting a primary care physician. If a physician recommends
strategies to improve health, one can lessen the risk of being a statistic.
These statistics are more significant in the Southern region of the U.S. because the numbers
show that from the total number of people in the cohort, 61.3% were from the south.
Furthermore, the study showed that 57.6%, or 4,812 patients died while hospitalized.
These results highlight the importance of promoting and supporting a healthy weight and
BMI. The results can especially be affected by those who live in populations that have a
higher prevalence of obesity and are more likely to have a positive COVID-19 test.
What these statistics show is that we have a significant problem because America already
has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. Continued strategies are needed to
make sure there is progress in managing obesity across this nation. Prevention from
obesity should be educated to all Americans, no matter their age. Vaccines against the virus
may also help slow down or lower the risk of contracting the virus, whether one is obese or
Mathematical and Scientific Introduction
(Find a REVIEW scholarly article for this activity or reliable websites)
Paragraph one:
1. State your topic and tell why it is important (avoid the use of “I” or “Me” in APA). It may be
rising rapidly, state how fast it’s growing and cite with a reliable website. Write a paragraph
on the importance of this topic.
Paragraph two:
2. What background does a reader need in order to understand all scholarly articles on this
topic? For example, if you’re covering a vaccine, you’ll need to explain how immunity works
in response to viruses and then how this particular vaccine works. If you’re covering
telehealth, you’ll need to explain what telehealth is as you would to a patient and cite reliable
websites and write at least one paragraph on this.
Paragraph three:
3. How many people are effected by this and how far-reaching is it? For example, if you’re
covering Autism, how many people are diagnosed and is it rising? If you’re covering sex
education, how many schools are including in their curriculum and how is it affecting
teenagers? Again, cite each paragraph with reliable websites.
Paragraph four:
4. What is changing with this topic? Have there been any breakthroughs or a marked increase
and what are other countries doing differently? Which country is doing this most successfully
and what can we learn from them?
5. What will your two scholarly articles cover (as laid out in the templates) describe each one in
one or two paragraphs here and cite them (Author, year) as a way of introducing them and
restate your problem here.
MATHEMATICAL INQUIRY TEMPLATE (Put this into succinct paragraphs for first paper)
You may need multiple resources to fill in this template, you may need a journal article AND a
reliable website.
The topic __________(fill in your exact topic) is important to analyze because it has affected (state and cite how many people in percentages form) _______ in the United states over
the past (year, decade, century) and ___________(state and cite how many people in percentages) in the World, over the past (year, decade, century).
It is predicted to affect _______(state and cite how many people in percentages) over
the next (ten, twenty, etc.) years (cite, year) if ________ doesn’t ___________.
In a study by ________(author, year) titled, (state title) it was shown that
__________(topic) affects primarily (people in which region, demographic, etc.) and this is because ____________________(explain clearly why these people are most affected).
In order to understand some obstacles in resolving ________(your topic) one must examine the costs involved. These include the costs of (diagnosing, preventing, treating, vaccinating, educating, implementing, etc.) __________ and these are projected to be (how much for
each relevant aspect) __________? This is a serious problem because only (what percentage)
________ of affected people are receiving care for this (cite).
Another study by ________(author, year) titled, _________(state title) has shown that
(topic) _____ has provided a possible (solution, query into the scope of the problem, model) by
___________________________________________ (this may be a review).
Scientific Inquiry section of paper
Do more than one article if it is short, but do the second OUTSIDE of class time ☺
Find a scientific journal article on specifically your topic, make sure it is recent (past five
years) and it is a full text.
Complete these sentences. You can add more lines and details if you want.
In the research study by AUTHOR NAME(S), (YEAR) it was found
The study was done because the researchers believe that:
For example, when testing/examining/questioning/experimenting/studying (choose one)
then briefly describe the research (who, what, when, where. Do this in paragraph
To summarize the study (now summarize the study in an overall fashion),
The results of this study showed that the researcher were right/wrong (choose one) and
also showed (state the overall meaning of the
This study is effective / not effective because ( you opinion for the conclusory paragraph,
but also do you have more studies that show the same
Mathematical Inquiry section of paper
Find a scientific journal article on specifically your topic, make sure it is recent (past five
years) and it is a full text.
Complete these sentences. You can add more lines and details if you want.
In the research study by the CDC (2020) it was found that the statistics are as follows:
Among 3, 242,649 patients aged above 18 years old, a total of 50.8% had obesity. The
findings suggest that adults with COVID-19 and obesity were treated for acute care in
hospitals. This means that those who were obese had a higher chance of contracting the
COVID-19 virus. There was also a positive association found between overweight and with
patients who had higher BMI. Understanding that a higher BMI can lead to COVID-19 is
important, as it can be treated and therefore lower risk to getting the virus.
These statistics were collected from 3,242,649 patients across PHDR-SR, which is a large,
hospital based database. These statistics were taken from approximately 200
geographically dispersed U.S. hospitals that reported both inpatient and ED data to the
database. Therefore, this study was not conducted in one single city or state, rather across
the nation. This gives researchers a better understanding of the correlation between both
diseases (COVID-19 and obesity).
These statistics were collected because researchers believe that there is a link or
correlation between obesity and COVID-19. The further research there is about this
association, the better understanding and clarity there is available to the public, or average
American. The reality of this research was that there really was an association between
body mass index (BMI) and severe COVID-19 associated illness among adults aged over 18
(Kompaniyets, et. al, 2020). The study also included patients’ race/ethnicity, age, BMI, and even
hospital census region. The southern part of the U.S. had the greatest amount of hospitalizations
and mortality rate, when compared to other U.S. regions.
The statistics do show that there is a problem because if one is obese, they have a greater
chance of being hospitalized, and even dying from COVID-19. There is a clear association
and correlation between the two diseases. If one manages and treats obesity, they will be
able to decrease their risk of not only contracting this virus, but also dying from it. BMI is
continuously discussed when visiting a primary care physician. If a physician recommends
strategies to improve health, one can lessen the risk of being a statistic.
These statistics are more significant in the Southern region of the U.S. because the numbers
show that from the total number of people in the cohort, 61.3% were from the south.
Furthermore, the study showed that 57.6%, or 4,812 patients died while hospitalized.
These results highlight the importance of promoting and supporting a healthy weight and
BMI. The results can especially be affected by those who live in populations that have a
higher prevalence of obesity and are more likely to have a positive COVID-19 test.
What these statistics show is that we have a significant problem because America already
has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. Continued strategies are needed to
make sure there is progress in managing obesity across this nation. Prevention from
obesity should be educated to all Americans, no matter their age. Vaccines against the virus
may also help slow down or lower the risk of contracting the virus, whether one is obese or
Mathematical and Scientific Introduction
(Find a REVIEW scholarly article for this activity or reliable websites)
Paragraph one:
1. State your topic and tell why it is important (avoid the use of “I” or “Me” in APA). It may be
rising rapidly, state how fast it’s growing and cite with a reliable website. Write a paragraph
on the importance of this topic.
Paragraph two:
2. What background does a reader need in order to understand all scholarly articles on this
topic? For example, if you’re covering a vaccine, you’ll need to explain how immunity works
in response to viruses and then how this particular vaccine works. If you’re covering
telehealth, you’ll need to explain what telehealth is as you would to a patient and cite reliable
websites and write at least one paragraph on this.
Paragraph three:
3. How many people are effected by this and how far-reaching is it? For example, if you’re
covering Autism, how many people are diagnosed and is it rising? If you’re covering sex
education, how many schools are including in their curriculum and how is it affecting
teenagers? Again, cite each paragraph with reliable websites.
Paragraph four:
4. What is changing with this topic? Have there been any breakthroughs or a marked increase
and what are other countries doing differently? Which country is doing this most successfully
and what can we learn from them?
5. What will your two scholarly articles cover (as laid out in the templates) describe each one in
one or two paragraphs here and cite them (Author, year) as a way of introducing them and
restate your problem here.
Mathematical and Scientific Introduction
(Find a REVIEW scholarly article for this activity or reliable websites)
Paragraph one:
1. State your topic and tell why it is important (avoid the use of “I” or “Me” in APA). It may be
rising rapidly, state how fast it’s growing and cite with a reliable website. Write a paragraph
on the importance of this topic.
Paragraph two:
2. What background does a reader need in order to understand all scholarly articles on this
topic? For example, if you’re covering a vaccine, you’ll need to explain how immunity works
in response to viruses and then how this particular vaccine works. If you’re covering
telehealth, you’ll need to explain what telehealth is as you would to a patient and cite reliable
websites and write at least one paragraph on this.
Paragraph three:
3. How many people are effected by this and how far-reaching is it? For example, if you’re
covering Autism, how many people are diagnosed and is it rising? If you’re covering sex
education, how many schools are including in their curriculum and how is it affecting
teenagers? Again, cite each paragraph with reliable websites.
Paragraph four:
4. What is changing with this topic? Have there been any breakthroughs or a marked increase
and what are other countries doing differently? Which country is doing this most successfully
and what can we learn from them?
5. What will your two scholarly articles cover (as laid out in the templates) describe each one in
one or two paragraphs here and cite them (Author, year) as a way of introducing them and
restate your problem here.
MATHEMATICAL INQUIRY TEMPLATE (Put this into succinct paragraphs for first paper)
You may need multiple resources to fill in this template, you may need a journal article AND a
reliable website.
The topic __________(fill in your exact topic) is important to analyze because it has affected (state and cite how many people in percentages form) _______ in the United states over
the past (year, decade, century) and ___________(state and cite how many people in percentages) in the World, over the past (year, decade, century).
It is predicted to affect _______(state and cite how many people in percentages) over
the next (ten, twenty, etc.) years (cite, year) if ________ doesn’t ___________.
In a study by ________(author, year) titled, (state title) it was shown that
__________(topic) affects primarily (people in which region, demographic, etc.) and this is because ____________________(explain clearly why these people are most affected).
In order to understand some obstacles in resolving ________(your topic) one must examine the costs involved. These include the costs of (diagnosing, preventing, treating, vaccinating, educating, implementing, etc.) __________ and these are projected to be (how much for
each relevant aspect) __________? This is a serious problem because only (what percentage)
________ of affected people are receiving care for this (cite).
Another study by ________(author, year) titled, _________(state title) has shown that
(topic) _____ has provided a possible (solution, query into the scope of the problem, model) by
___________________________________________ (this may be a review).
Mathematical Inquiry section of paper
Find a scientific journal article on specifically your topic, make sure it is recent (past five
years) and it is a full text.
Complete these sentences. You can add more lines and details if you want.
In the research study by the CDC (2020) it was found that the statistics are as follows:
Among 3, 242,649 patients aged above 18 years old, a total of 50.8% had obesity. The
findings suggest that adults with COVID-19 and obesity were treated for acute care in
hospitals. This means that those who were obese had a higher chance of contracting the
COVID-19 virus. There was also a positive association found between overweight and with
patients who had higher BMI. Understanding that a higher BMI can lead to COVID-19 is
important, as it can be treated and therefore lower risk to getting the virus.
These statistics were collected from 3,242,649 patients across PHDR-SR, which is a large,
hospital based database. These statistics were taken from approximately 200
geographically dispersed U.S. hospitals that reported both inpatient and ED data to the
database. Therefore, this study was not conducted in one single city or state, rather across
the nation. This gives researchers a better understanding of the correlation between both
diseases (COVID-19 and obesity).
These statistics were collected because researchers believe that there is a link or
correlation between obesity and COVID-19. The further research there is about this
association, the better understanding and clarity there is available to the public, or average
American. The reality of this research was that there really was an association between
body mass index (BMI) and severe COVID-19 associated illness among adults aged over 18
(Kompaniyets, et. al, 2020). The study also included patients’ race/ethnicity, age, BMI, and even
hospital census region. The southern part of the U.S. had the greatest amount of hospitalizations
and mortality rate, when compared to other U.S. regions.
The statistics do show that there is a problem because if one is obese, they have a greater
chance of being hospitalized, and even dying from COVID-19. There is a clear association
and correlation between the two diseases. If one manages and treats obesity, they will be
able to decrease their risk of not only contracting this virus, but also dying from it. BMI is
continuously discussed when visiting a primary care physician. If a physician recommends
strategies to improve health, one can lessen the risk of being a statistic.
These statistics are more significant in the Southern region of the U.S. because the numbers
show that from the total number of people in the cohort, 61.3% were from the south.
Furthermore, the study showed that 57.6%, or 4,812 patients died while hospitalized.
These results highlight the importance of promoting and supporting a healthy weight and
BMI. The results can especially be affected by those who live in populations that have a
higher prevalence of obesity and are more likely to have a positive COVID-19 test.
What these statistics show is that we have a significant problem because America already
has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world. Continued strategies are needed to
make sure there is progress in managing obesity across this nation. Prevention from
obesity should be educated to all Americans, no matter their age. Vaccines against the virus
may also help slow down or lower the risk of contracting the virus, whether one is obese or