Written Assignment
INFO 6058 Health Systems Environment
Independent Analysis and Written Assignment
Weighted Evaluation
The purpose of this written lab is to assess your ability to critically examine and understand key information that
was outlined as key themes for week 1 to week 4 inclusive PPT lectures and FOL reading materials. Specifically,
to determine whether you have understood the information in the Professor’s PPT lecture, lesson plan and FOL
readings. Key questions are used to examine your critical thinking, analysis and writing skills.
Materials Required:
Fictitious experiential case outlined on pages 2-3
Week 1, 2, 3, 4 Professor PPT slide decks
FOL Readings within W1, W2, W3, W4
To assist you, within the “additional lab resources” tab, you will use the format to assist you to structure the
independent written lab.
A rubric is provided as an assessment to your learning and to improve your inquiry, analysis and writing
skills. The rubric is meant to guide you (like a check list) to ensure you have maximized your full potential
and used to assess (grade) your written assessment.
Format and Length:
This assignment must be completed in WORD and involves answering key questions (under key subheadings)
in less than 1500 words (3 pages) single space. Please always write with complete sentences (no bullets).
A guide for this format is provided on FOL. Please also include a separate cover page with: your full name
and student number, course information description, title of assignment, and date.
Format: Use Text: 12 fonts, Style: Times New Roman
Instructional steps to follow:
Step 1: Attend class and review the professor’s PPT slides from week 1-4 inclusive and FOL readings very
carefully and take notes.
Step 2: Read the fictious case outlined on page 2 and 3 and ensure to answer each question thoroughly.
Step 3: Using the format structure of the lab beginning with an introduction and ending with a conclusion, ensure
to complete answering the questions on page 2 of this assignment.
Step 4: Ensure to use the professor’s information and the readings in your reflection of chapter 14 and chapter 10
to answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. You are to follow APA, 7th edition documentation.
Reminders – All Assignments must meet the due date in drop box and not accepted via email.
In addition, the following are the four (4) minimum standards for all written assignments:
1. Integrity: Ensure your assignment contains no plagiarized segments. If it does, it will be considered
an academic offence. Note: Quotations and paraphrasing of any source without proper in-text
citations and attached reference list is considered plagiarism.
2. Purpose: Ensure that your assignment achieves the primary purpose at least in a minimal way.
3. Readability: Ensure that your assignment is edited to account for the majority of grammar,
punctuation, and spelling errors. If it contains too many errors that create confusion of meaning and
severely limits communication, then it will not meet the minimum standards.
4. References: You must reference ALL sources from which you obtained information, and provide a
citation for any information using APA 7th edition format (see A136 Academic Integrity).
Created and Written by Dr. S. MacLean
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Preamble to the assignment:
Over the past four weeks, you were provided a comprehensive explanation of Canada’s healthcare
landscape. Specifically, in week 1 you learned of the critical essential skills as a health information
profession. In week 2, the critical trends and current issues in our rapidly changing healthcare climate. In
week 3, you learned about the variety of pressures as it relates to people, process, and structures in various
environmental settings. Lastly in week 4, you learned about the importance of accreditation and quality
assurance as part of the legal aspects of a health information management professional.
This is a fictious case which you will examine in addition to the Professor’s PPT and readings to in weeks
1, 2, 3 and 4 as part of an experiential learning exercise.
Simulated Fictious Case (Experiential):
This is a fictious hospital where several millennials (also known as Generation Y; born between 19801995) have arrived in the workplace, and they have been bringing new ways to communicate. Surveys
report that cell phones (particularly smartphones) have become the medium of choice among millennials.
Almost all (97 percent) of millennials in Canada with cell phones send text messages, 84 percent access
the Internet, and 73 percent send or receive email using their cell phones. In contrast, among cell phone
owners over 50 years old, less than two-thirds send text messages, only about one-third access the Internet,
and only about one-third send or receive emails using their phones.
Millennial communication also relies much more on social media. Almost 90 percent of millennials
regularly visit Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social networking sites, whereas only about half of Canadians
over 50 visit these sites. Thirty percent of millennials use Twitter, compared to less than 10 percent of
people over 50. These statistics send a clear message: Millennials prefer different communication channels
(cell phones, social media) and different communication styles (i.e., short, informal messages) than those
dictated by most organizations. These gaps between corporate and personal communication preferences
not only produce dysfunctional conflict and frustration; they also undermine the healthcare facilities
ability to attract future talent of health information management professionals.
London Health Network is a case in point. Hospital leaders discovered that the younger medical staff were
texting each other with medical orders and patient updates. Texting is one of the preferred communication
methods among these physicians and nurses, and it is much more efficient than the hospital’s formal
practice of phoning and paging people. But texting through public networks lacks security and has many
legislation and accreditation safety concerns (it could be hacked by outsiders) and violates healthcare
regulations. Another hospital would have banned the practice without further thought, but London Health
Network contracted an IT company instead to set up a secure texting system for the hospital.
Although healthcare facilities need to adapt to millennial communication preferences, the reverse is also
true whereby millennials need to spruce up their skills using older technologies and methods of
communication. Other healthcare facilities staff justify blocking communication through these channels
due to security risks. Whether these arguments are valid remains uncertain, but a growing chorus of experts
are advising that healthcare facilities need to adapt to the communication styles of millennials rather than
reject them outright. Furthermore, healthcare facilities need to make better use of the communication skills
that millennials bring to the workplace, allowing millennials more freedom to try out new communication
Created and Written by Dr. S. MacLean
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INFO 6058 Assessment
Without writing out the questions and instead use subheadings as previously outlined, prepare a 1500
word written reflection (3 pages single space). Ensure to use the professor PPTs and FOL readings to back
up your claims in responding to the questions. Please do not use the internet for this assignment as it
is meant to assess your understanding of the four weeks content. Therefore, using the suggested
framework to write the assignment, starting with an introduction and key subheadings followed by a
conclusion, prepare your written assignment and ensure that you reference all your work using APA 7 th
edition documentation.
You will highlight one salient point for each themed week what you learned and and how this would be
relevant to millennials. Using the reading in FOL, describe a humanoid.
Essential Skills:
Highlight the top three (3) most significant essential skills of a health information professional and
compare against the understanding of what you believe how millennials work with humanoids?
Current Issues and Trends:
Outline current issues and trends as it relates to artificial intelligence. What are the strengths and
challenges that a millennial may face to address privacy and confidentiality? What skills will be needed
in the future when AI is replacing jobs? Please explain your rationale.
People, processes and structures:
If you were a health information manager, and considering the people, processes, and structures within
our very rapidly pace healthcare environment, how would you introduce humanoids that replace individual
positions within the healthcare environment? How would you need to share information and knowledge
more effectively with a humanoid that you are responsible to work with?
Accreditation, Patient Safety, Legal Aspects of HIM:
How might the practices of millennials pose as workplace intrusions as it relates to patient safety,
accreditation and or legal concerns in the context of digital health workforce and a humanoid?
In the conclusion, you will provide six to seven sentences that summarizes your written assignment as it
relates to the context of millennials in the healthcare workforce. The next four sentences sentence is the
main take away (key learning) from what you learned from the week 1 – 4 PPT lectures (MacLean, 2022)
and Week 1- 4 FOL readings. The last two sentences, should explain how you will use this new learning
and knowledge to adapt to work as a health information manager.
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INFO 6058 Assessment
Remember for this assignment, please only use Canadian context. US context is not relevant or
consistent with Canadian healthcare system. All the best! Professor Silvie MacLean
Created and Written by Dr. S. MacLean
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