HNU 304 – Dissertation Brief Systematic Literature ReviewFinal Dissertation
Use the framework provided in this assignment brief to produce a systematic literature review with
a fixed word limit of 8000 words.
This review will be based on a research question and systematic searching strategy which you will
develop. You will need between 6 and 10 articles to critique, so please complete a brief literature
search before starting your dissertation to ensure that there are enough suitable research articles
Submission is in CANVAS (Via Turnitin) as a word document. Please see the assignment page on
canvas for the submission date and time.
This piece of work assesses all the Module Learning Outcomes.
By the end of this module successful students will be able to do the following:
1. Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise published literature / studies using an appropriate
systematic framework.
2. A comprehensive understanding and critical appreciation of the research process from the
development of a good research question through to identifying the most appropriate study
design and analytical methods that would best answer the research objectives concerned.
3. capacity to critically explore and challenge their own assumptions that might have informed
their research at any stage in the process and subject these to appropriate scrutiny and defend
them if appropriate under peer questioning and review.
4. The ability to critically articulate the importance and relevance of service user
and carer involvement in the design, delivery and evaluation of research in health care.
5. An appreciation and working knowledge of the common pitfalls of conducting original research
and the knowledge to problems solve and find practical solutions to methodological problems
that may arise.
6. The ability to distinguish between the main research methods and critically appraise the
quality of evidence utilised to deliver high quality, safe and effective person-centred care
Useful things to remember:
This is a nursing degree therefore your results and question should be linked to nursing
Take the time to ensure that your work demonstrates your ability to meet all of the learning
When completing your assignment please check your work against the marking criteria as
these are what your work will be marked against.
Support all your writing with credible literature
Any literature you use should be carefully cited and referenced using the Harvard method.
Use Cite them Right for support: Cite them right online – Home
Remember to paraphrase and use quotation marks when including direct quotes.
Use the complete word allowance.
HNU 304 – Dissertation Brief Systematic Literature Review
The first 2 pages must include the following information as specified in the module guide:
Title Page:
Student Name
Student Number
Module Code/Title
Module Lead
Actual word count (this excludes the reference list)
Second page:
Declaration from you that the submitted assessment is your own work.
An example of this is:
I declare that this is my own original work, and it has not been submitted for another
assignment or published by anyone else.
Please use the following formatting:
1.5-line spacing
font: Arial, Calibri or New Times Roman; size 12
Left alignment of main text
No indentation of paragraphs or of the reference list
Reference list should be formatted with single line spaces.
Please do not add borders or any other decorative elements to your work.
HNU 304 – Dissertation Brief Systematic Literature Review
Your work should include the following:
Abstract – approximately 300 words
Write this once you have completed the rest of the review.
Use subheadings and include:
• Overview of the topic
• what you want to find out, i.e. the research question/aim
• method
• results
• conclusion
Table of Contents – (include the page numbers for each section of your work)
Introduction – approximately 1500 words.
Sets the scene and provides the rationale/presents the problem.
Begin with a brief introduction and background to the topic question
• Justification/rationale for doing the review (i.e. why the topic is important/ why this study is
needed) Include subsections, highlighting the key issues and theoretical issues, surrounding
the topic
• critical debate, with analysis of some of the literature and research to support your work
(this should not include any of the studies selected as part of your systematic search).
• Include statistics and links to higher policy DH. NICE WHO NMC etc.
• Link your work to the evidence which prompted your research question
• Relate to nursing practice
• What are the key issues which stand out for you?
Conclude this section with:
• The aim (only 1) and objectives (maximum of 3). For example, a review of the literature, a
systematic review of the primary research)
• The research question, which should have only one part to it, and how you are going to
answer it i.e. a systematic review of the literature followed by a discussion of the results
(linked to nursing)
Methodology – approximately 1000 words.
What does the literature say about Systematic Reviews and literature reviews?
What are the benefits of a systematic review compared to a literature review?
Why you are doing a systematic literature review rather than a straightforward literature
HNU 304 – Dissertation Brief Systematic Literature Review
(Use literature to support a critical debate here.)
Detail PICO or PEO
State your inclusion and exclusion criteria and discuss why you have chosen them – you can
put into a table.
Explain what type of research you are looking for (primary research such as RCTs,
quantitative and qualitative, mixed methods) and why.
Your literature search strategy –
Which databases have you used?
Which keywords/search terms have you used? How did you combine them? (e.g Boolean
You can put in a table with MEsH headings.
State the number of results you have had and how these have been filtered (using your
inclusion/exclusion criteria).
Explain how many articles you have filtered down to -usually 6-10, and how many patients
total are involved in these studies. You need to state the number of results you have had
after each stage of the filtering process
This must be shown in a PRISMA flow diagram format.
Literature Review and Results – approximately 3000 words.
In this chapter you analyse and review the literature/research selected as part of the systematic
search and discuss the findings and results. A systematic review should not be included as part of
the literature analysed.
Critique of the research studies
• Explain how/why you will critique each article (e.g. by using the CASP tools.)
• Include a table of results to briefly explain each of the 6-10 articles. (Authors and date
/article question/number of patients/method/ results)
• Critique (using a CASP tool or similar), and analyse each of these articles separately, e.g. no.
of participants, sampling, methodology, report of bias, reliability
• Link this to good research practice and include citation
Results and findings
• Reflect on the findings of your analysis of the research and summarise what you have found
so far.
• Make connections, discuss themes, observations, and reflections with the articles and with
the literature review, critically debating your findings supported with literature.
What does all this information tell you?
Are any particular themes emerging? If there are, you can use them to frame your
discussion and analysis
What observations/themes/connections can you make?
How does this fit/relate to some of the material in the literature review?
HNU 304 – Dissertation Brief Systematic Literature Review
Are there any elements which are missing in the research that you have reviewed so far?
What are your overall thoughts about the body of evidence? What does this mean?
How does it fit in with the main subject matter?
Has your original question been answered?
Recommendations, and Implications for Nursing – approximately 1000 words
Summarise the findings relating to your research question
What are your key findings?
Do you have an answer to your question? – if not, why not?
What are the implications for nursing practice?
Highlight your recommendations – for nursing/research/practice etc.
Include links to higher policy DH. NICE WHO NMC etc.
What do you think needs to happen next in terms of research in this area? Does more
research need to be done? If so, what areas and what type of research?
Limitations – approximately 300 words
What would you do differently in you had to carry this research out again? Why?
Are there any limitations in doing this type of review?
Consider researcher bias /time/ accessibility of articles etc.
Conclusion – approximately 900 words
Briefly summarise your findings relating to your research question
Do you have an answer- if not, why not?
Highlight your recommendations – for nursing/research/practice etc.
Was there anything in particular which influenced the process of this research?
What do you think needs to happen next in terms of research in this area?
Reference list
Does not count in your word count
A reference should be included for all in-text citations, a reference list should be included at
the end in Harvard referencing style
Use single line spacing and begin on a new page
Use Cite them Rite and contact library for support
This is where to include additional tables and information if you choose to use them. They are not
included in your word count or included in your mark.