Discussion Questions:
Provide an example of a public health agency partnering with a healthcare organization or provider to solve a community health issue.
In what way did they partner?
Was the partnership successful and if so, what caused the success?
Module Two Discussion Board Response 1. S. Jones
Provide an example of a public health agency partnering
with a healthcare organization or provider to solve a
community health issue.
1. In what way did they partner?They partner with
educators, mental health providers, and medical
providers. The partners engaged will include leaders
from the for-profit, nonprofit, philanthropic, and
government organizations working across diverse issue
areas, sectors organizations are widely reported in the
health promotion literature. Healthcare providers,
public health agencies, and community-based
organizations must effectively coordinate their efforts.
2. Was the partnership successful, and if so, what caused
the success?Effective partnerships are essential
for community-based solutions for
advancing health equity by making it a shared vision
and value, increasing the community’s capacity to shape
outcomes, and fostering multi-sector collaboration.
These include organizations with a health mission, such
as public health agencies, hospitals, or federally
qualified health centers. In some communities, these
traditional partners are joined by the public- and
private-sector partners, including community-based
organizations, faith-based organizations, and
businesses; Partners are able to deploy unique skills
and access resources to serve a variety of roles in
community-based solutions for health equity. A partner,
such as a public health agency or a congregation, may
serve as the convener of coalitions as a source of data
and analysis.
Module Two Discussion Board Response 2. A. Schlossor
1. In what way did they partner?
A new partnership puts physicians and dentists under the same
roof. Right now, so many patients go to the ER for a dental
issue. Little do they know most insurance will not cover dental
issues because we have dental insurance. The ER provider then
has to refer the patient to a dentist. This helps with the
community issue of having both under one roof. They will be
able to work together and treat the patients sooner because they
don’t have to wait to be seen by a dentist. MemorialCare and
Pacific Dental Services have made this partnership happen. “It
allows oral health and physical health to be combined where
clinical evidence has suggested it needs to be” (New
Partnership Puts Physicians and Dentists under One Roof,
2022). A partnership like this will ensure the patient gets the
best care. The provider can help a patient who has diabetes, and
the dentist can help ensure the patient is getting the dental care
they need to prevent periodontal disease.
2. Was the partnership successful, and if so, what caused the
Yes, the partnership is so successful they plan to open 25 more
locations like this one throughout the year. They saw a need in
the community and did the research to make sure the need was
there. “We can reduce costs for the patients, we can increase
access to care for the patients and connect folks who have a
primary care doctor that don’t have a dentist with a dentist, and
visa-versa” (New Partnership Puts Physicians and Dentists
under One Roof, 2022). This is a new game changer for the
healthcare world. What cause their success to work was working
together and listening to what each other needed to make this
process work. What is next for the healthcare world? Will we
see a dentist in a hospital treating patients for dental issues?
New partnership puts physicians and dentists under one roof.
(2022, December 14). Orange County
Register. https://www.ocregister.com/2022/12/13/newpartnership-puts-doctors-and-dentists-under-one-roof/