HAP 396Week 3 – Assignment 3 (Policy)
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Week 3 – HAP 396
This is a mishmash of the basics of tactics and strategy and a lowdown on healthcare Policy and
Environmental Influences.
Again the assignment consists of an 800 to 1000 word paper and a corresponding narrated
Please read Chapter 2 & 3 from the text or find the relevant information somewhere else. I prefer video
Here is the online book link: https://ebookcentral-proquestcom.mutex.gmu.edu/lib/gmu/detail.action?docID=5517312
Watch: What is Strategy: https://youtu.be/o7Ik1OB4TaE
Find and read Michael Porter’s Article: What is Strategy? , Harvard Business Review (November, 1996)
The assignment is to create an overview and critical thinking paper using what you have learned this
week. Yes, it was a lot and as I said previously it is a mishmash of strategy, policy and environmental
influences. Well environmental influences typically have an impact on Policy and strategy is largely
dictated by Policy. There are very few markets where Policy is not an issue, definitely not Healthcare,
which is regulated to the nth degree in this country and typically even more so in other countries.
For this assignment include the following: note, this is just a recommendation. As long as you put
together a good paper and presentation, you will receive a good grade.
• Overview of current Healthcare Policy in the US
o What are the macros? Who are the players/regulators (don’t forget to mention major
court cases, e.g. Wyeth vs. Levine
o What are the limitations, e.g. being on drug formularies, certificates of NEED, FDA
• What would be a good strategy for a healthcare practice or hospital going into 2023, where CMS
is pulling money out, the population is getting older and sicker, there are more people accessing
healthcare that are not on private plans.
o Here’s a hint/anecdote: healthcare practices are putting caps on the types of insured
patients they will see, e.g. no more than 10% Medicaid.
o Be sure to back-up your assertions on monopolies, ie. Check the financial statement of a
hospital to see if it is profitable. Often hospitals in areas without sufficient private
insurance operate at a loss and depend on federal or state assistance programs.
o How do envision the policy makers will react or will they do anything?
Week 4 – Assignment 4 (Acute Patient Flow)
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HAP_396_Assignment4_instructions.docx HAP_396_Assignment4_instructions.docx – Alternative
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Patient Flow Through The System (Acute):
I checked the textbook and there’s nothing in there. I believe it would be good for all of you to have a
good grounding in the types of healthcare services that are delivered. This week we are going to talk
about Acute Care. Next week we will do an overview of chronic care.
Here are some videos that would be good to review. I personally watched and selected them for you.
Best practice in an acute care OSCE
Common mistakes in the acute care OSCE
What to Expect from Post-Acute Care
Acute Care Surgery: What Does That Even Mean? (this is a more in-depth presentation on emergency
surgery (it will give a good overview of what’s involved w/ facts and figures, good to skim through)
An Overview of IHI’s Achieving Hospital-wide Patient Flow
The keys to improving hospital flow
Your assignment is to write a paper (800-1000 words) and make a presentation (