Shared Decision-Making Paper Assignment
The assignment will require you to write a 6-8 page paper formatted using APA 7th edition
(this does not include the title or references page). Be sure to review the grading rubric and
criteria for the assignment carefully and to include all aspects that are required as part of the
assignment grade. It should go without saying that NO two papers should look the same,
meaning that the choice of implementation strategies, selection of SDM , the patient and
population and specific strategies are unique in every paper AND those papers submitted with
numerous similarities will be looked at closely and closely reviewed for any evidence of
academic. Students these and all paper assignments need to be original with your own ideas and
your individual search of sources and literature to support the paper proposal. Remember the
paper must be submitted in a Word formatted APA 7th edition format failure to submit or to
submit as a PDF will be returned ungraded. Pay attention when submitting the assignment to
SafeAssign that the similarity index is not higher or close to 20% per the Syllabus guidelines.
As an APN working as part of a team, you have been asked by your director to adopt a
shared decision-making approach to be used as part of routine practice in your healthcare
organization (you may choose if this is a hospital or a clinic setting). This involves describing
how shared decision making is implemented from an organizational, professional and personal
level to improve the care of patients. What processes are required to implement a successful
shared decision-making approach to the current practice environment? Part of this involves
determining which SDM of care would be best suited to the selected practice environment and
patient population (you are required to describe in-depth at least two different models of SDM
comparing and contrasting the two and linking the choice of which model would be best for your
practice setting; make sure the description of the practice setting and patients in included in the
paper). What is the purpose of SDM, how does it impact patient and provider care? How does
SDM help the APN to make decisions in patient care? How does the adoption of the SDM model
of care meet the standards of practice for APN/NP?
What resources and training needs would be required both by staff and patients to ensure
comprehensive integration of this type of decision making into practice (this needs to be a detailed
discussion about specific patient tools and approaches). Additionally, describe specific and
detailed strategies that would be implemented to build competency among the APN and provider
staff that facilitates adoption of this method. Identify key challenges that you may face in
implementing this into the care setting and key benefits to integrating a SDM into care.
Must contain a minimum of 8-10 references not found in your course readings,
introduction, summary and be APA formatted.
Introduce the overall
concepts that will be
described in the paper (10
7-10 pts
Clear and concise introduction
of the concepts to be presented
in the paper
0-3 pts
Vague, unclear or no
introduction of concepts to be
presented in the paper
A detailed description of
the background and
significance of SDM in
healthcare and ways it
impacts patient and
provider care (APN in
particular but all levels of
care). Description of how
SDM meets APN/NP
practice standards is
described. (21 pts)
15-21 pts
Detailed and specific
background and significance of
SDM in healthcare and how it
impacts patient and provider
clear is thorough and evident.
Clear link and description of
how the SDM meets APN/NP
practice standards is described.
Detailed description of
the processes involved in
implementing a shared
decision making (SDM) at
the organizational,
professional and personal
level as a way to improve
the care of patients. (21
15-21 pts
Detailed and specific
description of how a SDM
approach to practice is
implemented at the
organizational, professional,
and personal level of care to
improve the care of patients is
4-6 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
generic introduction of the
concepts to presented in the
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague background and
significance of SDM in
healthcare provided and how it
impacts patient and provider is
somewhat clear but not
specifically evident. Somewhat
clear description of how the
SDM meets APN/NP practice
standards is somewhat
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague description of how a SDM
approach to practice is
implemented at the
organizational, professional, and
personal level of care to improve
the care of patients is somewhat
Compare and contrast at
least 2 different SDM
models of care with the
identification of the SDM
that would work best in
the current practice
environment. (21 pts)
15-21 pts
Excellent, specific and detailed
comparison and contrast of at
least 2 different SDM models
with details of how it is used in
various practice settings. One
of the two described models is
prioritized for the selected
practice setting and population
that serves to clearly link the
model with the population.
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague comparison and contrast
of at least 2 different SDM
models with details of how it is
used in various practice settings.
One of the two described models
is prioritized for the selected
practice setting and population
that serves to clearly link the
model with the population.
Describe and apply
resources and tools that
will be used to implement
SDM models for the
selected patient and
population. Provide
sufficient link between the
15-21 pts
Excellent, detailed and specific
description of tools and
resources needed to implement
the selected SDM model for the
select patient population.
Strong and clear link is
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague description of tools and
resources needed to implement
the selected SDM model for the
select patient population.
Somewhat strong and mostly
0-7 pts
Vague and unclear comparison
and contrast of 2 or less SDM
models with details of how it is
used in various practice
settings. One of the two
described models may be or is
not prioritized for the selected
practice setting and population
that serves to vaguely or fails to
link the model with the
0-7 pts
Vague and unclear description
of tools and resources needed to
implement the selected SDM
model for the select patient
population. Vague and/or
unclear link is provided
0-7 pts
Vague, unclear, or failure to
provide background and
significance of SDM in
healthcare and how it impacts
patient and provider is not
clearly evident. Vague or
unclear description of how the
SDM meets APN/NP practice
standards is vaguely or not
0-7 pts
Vague and unclear description
of how a SDM approach to
practice is implemented at the
organizational, professional,
and personal level of care to
improve the care of patients is
vague and not clearly evident.
tools and resources, the
SDM model chosen and
the patient population.
What will this process
look like; justify and
provide the rationale for
choice of identified
resources. (21 pts)
provided between the tools &
resources, the SDM model and
the patient population. The
process is well outlined with
excellent rationale for choice of
identified resources.
clear link is provided between
the tools & resources, the SDM
model and the patient
population. The process is
outlined with some rationale for
choice of identified resources.
between the tools & resources,
the SDM model and the patient
population. The process is
either not or vaguely outlined
with little rationale for choice
of identified resources.
Describe strategies that
would be implemented to
build competency among
the APN/providers that
facilitates adoption and
usage SDM method (21
15-21 pts
Describe specific and detailed
strategies that would be
implemented to build
competency among the
APN/providers that facilitates
adoption and usage SDM
method. This section is well
informed and realistic to the
population and care setting.
0-7 pts
Vague and unclear strategies
that would be implemented to
build competency among the
APN/providers that facilitates
adoption and usage SDM
method. This section is
missing, unclear or extremely
vague and not realistic to the
population and care setting.
Identify key challenges
and benefits that might be
encountered when
implementing a SDM into
the practice setting at the
organization, professional
and personal levels of
care. (21 pts)
15-21 pts
Identifies and specifically
outlines the challenges and
benefits that might been
countered when implementing
the selected SDM model in the
practice setting at the
organizational, professional and
personal levels of care.
7-10 pts
Summarizes the key points
made throughout the paper in a
succinct but comprehensive
13-18- pts
Demonstrates clarity,
conciseness and
writing is free of
grammar and spelling
errors. The assignment outline
was followed and guides the
paper content appropriately
13-18- pts
APA formatting is followed
throughout the paper with
correct citations and includes at
least 10 scholarly references
that are correctly APA 7th ed.
8-14 pts
Mostly clear but somewhat
vague strategies that would be
implemented to build
competency among the
APN/providers that facilitates
adoption and usage SDM
method. This section is
somewhat clear but not exactly
realistic to the population and
care setting.
8-14 pts
Identifies and somewhat
specifically outlines the
challenges and benefits that
might be encountered when
implementing the selected SDM
model in the practice setting at
the organizational, professional
and personal levels of care.
4-6 pts
Somewhat summarizes the key
points made throughout the
paper in a mostly clear but not
entirely comprehensive manner
7-12 pts
Somewhat concise and clear
grammar and spelling used.
Guidelines was mostly used to
guide the paper content. Some
spelling and grammar issues
(less than 3-4 errors within
7-12 pts
APA formatting is mostly
followed throughout the paper
with mostly correct citations
with at least 8 to 9 scholarly
references but not required 10
and/or 2-3 incorrect APA 7th ed.
referencing or formatting
0-6 pts
Multiple errors in APA
formatting throughout the paper
identified. Fewer than 8
scholarly references provided in
the paper and/or > 3 to 4 errors
in APA 7th ed referencing and
Summary – summarize
the key points made
throughout the paper is a
comprehensive manner
(10 pts)
Writing Mechanics:
Language and direction of
the paper follows the
assignment outline and is
clear and easy to follow.
(18 pts)
APA formatting (paper is
formatted per APA 7th
edition guidelines
including font, level of
headings, appropriate
number of references, intext and reference list
citations) (18 pts)
Total: 182 pts
0-7 pts
Vague and unclear outlines the
challenges and benefits that
might be encountered when
implementing the selected
SDM model in practice setting
at the organizational,
professional and personal levels
of care.
0-3 pts
Vague and unclear summary of
the key points made throughout
the paper that is not succinct or
0-6 pts
Many deficiencies in
grammar, spelling, or failure to
follow the assignment
guidelines. Writing has
frequent spelling and grammar