Write a two page essay about this hypothesis and i will provide the links to use for the essay. Can only be from these sources. My hypothesis is:
“Some patients that undergo cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulation exhibit symptoms associated with gallbladder dysfunction. This research investigates the prevalence of symptoms experienced by patients when using CCK stimulation medication during hepatobiliary scanning as indicative of lower gallbladder ejection fraction results.” Basically patients that experience pain when given the medication CCK does that result in a lower ejection fraction. Give me information about Pain from cck and find stuff about my hypothesis.
Bryan K. Richmond, John DiBaise, Harvey Ziessman, Utilization of Cholecystokinin Cholescintigraphy in Clinical Practice, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Volume 217, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 317-323, ISSN 1072-7515,
This journal article compares a variety of diagnostic imaging modalities in reference to identifying biliary disease. The article serves as an emphasis on CCK-Cholescintigraphy being the common practice in identifying biliary dyskinesia. This will add to our research strength by combating alternative imaging methodology.
Edwards, M. A., Mullenbach, B., & Chamberlain, S. M. (2014). Pain provocation and low gallbladder ejection fraction with CCK cholescintigraphy are not predictive of chronic acalculous gallbladder disease symptom relief after cholecystectomy. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 59(11), 2773–2778.
This journal article investigates a low GBEF result or pain during cholescintigraphy with administration of CCK as a pre indicator of surgical intervention and outcomes. This adds to our research by identifying symptoms from CCK as potential precursors to identifiable outcomes.
Gayed, I., Joseph, U., Dawood, L., Desai, B., & Wan, D. (2018). Improving hepatobiliary imaging as A physiologic test with superior clinical outcomes. The Journal of Nuclear Medicine (1978), 59, 1584.
This journal article evaluates the effectiveness of CCK administration in conjunction with administration of half-and-half milk and the GBEF results in patients. This adds to our research by demonstrating the variability of abnormal GBEF results in patients during hepatobiliary imaging.
Morris-Stiff, G., Falk, G., Kraynak, L. et al. The Cholecystokinin Provocation HIDA Test: Recreation of Symptoms is Superior to Ejection Fraction in Predicting Medium-Term Outcomes. J Gastrointest Surg 15, 345–349 (2011).
This article is a review of the gastrointestinal system, it talks about how Gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) is naturally produced by the body. It goes in depth about how CCK is secreted and how CCK regulated gallbladder contractions.
R.V. Dave, S. Pathak, A.J. Cockbain, J.P. Lodge, A.M. Smith, F.U. Chowdhury, G.J. Toogood. (2015). Management of gallbladder dyskinesia patient outcomes following positive 99mtechnetium (Tc)-labelled hepatic iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scintigraphy with cholecystokinin (CCK) provocation and laparoscopic cholecystectomy
The goal of this journal is to assess clinical results in patients with biliary pain, normal ultrasonic findings, and positive 99mtechnetium (Tc)-labelled hepatic iminodiacetic acid analogue (HIDA) scintigraphy with cholecystokinin (CCK) provocation.