We are conducting a environmental scan on fall prevention programs in the Windsor Essex Area, Onterio, Canada.
This is Masters level course, at a Canadian University!
There are various approaches as to why and how to conduct an environmental scan. Although approaches could include creating and utilizing a survey, leading focus groups, or conducting interviews, they do not necessarily fit within the time from of a weekly assignment.
Implemented as part of their environmental scan strategy, Diouf et al. (2016) conducted a structured search on Google and social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Although engaging people on social media platforms would be interesting, it may require more detailed research and ethics board clearance. Therefore, this assignment will focus on Google (or you may suggest an alternative search engine; have it approved in advance). Note: the steps below are very similar to ones you may see for a systematic review – for example – Cornell University Library
A Guide to Evidence Synthesis: Steps in a Systematic Review
, link:
Step One:
You will need to decide (as a group) on what you specifically wish to conduct an environmental scan. For example, do you intend to complete a scan on fall prevention programs in general, or do you want to look at something more specific. It is suggested that you approve your scan topic with the instructor, but this is not mandatory.
We are conducting a environmental scan on fall prevention programs in the Windsor Essex Area, Onterio, Canada.This is Masters level course, at a Canadian University!
Step Two:
Develop your key search terms. Your search strategy may be informed by a list of key terms you would use for your chosen topic, but it may also be informed by asking a group of other individuals (independently) what they would enter into a Google search to gather corresponding information.
For your search strategy, you will also have to determine your search location. For example, if you are searching within Windsor-Essex, you may repeat each of your search terms for Windsor, Belle River, Tecumseh, La Salle, and Essex. Please note, you do not need to stay specifically within Windsor-Essex for this assignment, you may choose, for example, to search for resources in the area of Eindhoven, Holland.
When developing search terms, it is advantageous to first think of the key terms such as falls and assessments. Then you want to think of alternative terms that you could use in a search just as: falling, faller, test, examination, etc. You want to develop a list of different key words and combinations that you can use for your search. In other words, you would not complete just a one-step search of “fall prevention in Windsor, Ontario” – you will want to run multiple searches with a variety of key search terms. It will be important to record the different searches you attempt and include this in your write up. (note, there are ways to search utilizing parameters – or you may want to explore the advanced search options through Google – but the assignment is also to help you experience what an older adult or loved one might experience as they attempt to search and navigate the online world to find community resources).
Step Three:
Conduct the search(es). Personally, I like to record for each search the number of results in the amount of time (typically in the top left corner area of the google search). I then like to have either an excel of word document where I can copy and paste the links of websites yielded from the search. You will need to independently review each website for continued inclusion in the study. It is recommended that you create a flowchart that indicates the number of searches initially found by the Google search (check out the PRISMA Flow Diagram as a potential example – see It is important to determine the eligibility criteria that will be required for a website to be included in a full review. For example, resources may need to involve the older adult (senior) population, fall prevention program, and be within the geographical location. But maybe an exclusion criteria is an individual in a wheelchair (which you would probably want to justify).
Step Four:
Once the website/resource is retrieved, you will need to extract the data. It may be beneficial to develop a Microsoft word table, or excel spreadsheet, to assist with the data extraction. For example, you may develop a data extraction form that includes listing each of the following: website url, name of organization, contact information (phone number, address, office hours), programs offered, target audience, referral, equipment and partner organization, costs, and transportation options. What is the relevant information you want to pull from the website in order to learn about the community resources related to your environmental scan that you decided in step one.
How do you know when you have enough data? The term we use is saturation (discussed during live lecture).
Step Five:
Determine how you think it would be best to display the data/information gathered as part of this environmental scan. If an older adult was to refer to the product of your environmental scan as an information resource, what may be the best format and display? Knowledge Translation to non-academic audiences is an important consideration. How you display your findings as an information resources will become an appendix for your weekly assignment. You may also wish to add screenshots of your Google search, and the excel document as part of your appendices.
Step Six:
For the purpose of this weekly assignment, write a two-page brief in the form of a manuscript. This means, your paper should have a title, introduction, methods, results, discussion, recommendations, and conclusion, references (but the references should follow the format of the module and should be extra to the two pages). No abstract is needed, but a title is advisable. As noted above, the results of the scan should be displayed in an appendix, thus, your results section in the briefing may only be a few sentences. As for the recommendations – please consider the strengths and gaps found as a result of your environmental scan.
Note: a title page for the individual weekly assignment is not necessary.
Text/Format Specifics: Single spaced typed, Calibri 12-point font, 1 inch margins, page numbers as the bottom centred.
References within text should be numerical in order of appearance, with square [1] brackets. Formatting for references:
[1] Ronholm, E., Pittman, R., Suboni, P., Otte, G., & Coene, W. (2024). Title of article. Journal Name, Vol (issue): Pg-Pg.
[2] Wrigley, T., & Fenway, R. (2024: Pg-Pg). Chapter Title. Book Title. Editors. Location
[3] Heart & Stroke Canada:
Last visited on: Jan. 8th, 2024
There are various approaches as to why and how to conduct an environmental scan.
Although approaches could include creating and utilizing a survey, leading focus
groups, or conducting interviews, they do not necessarily fit within the time from of
a weekly assignment.
Implemented as part of their environmental scan strategy, Diouf et al. (2016)
conducted a structured search on Google and social media platforms such as
Facebook and Twitter. Although engaging people on social media platforms would be
interesting, it may require more detailed research and ethics board clearance.
Therefore, this assignment will focus on Google (or you may suggest an alternative
search engine; have it approved in advance). Note: the steps below are very similar
to ones you may see for a systematic review – for example – Cornell University
Library A Guide to Evidence Synthesis: Steps in a Systematic Review, link:
Step One:
You will need to decide (as a group) on what you specifically wish to conduct an
environmental scan. For example, do you intend to complete a scan on fall
prevention programs in general, or do you want to look at something more specific.
It is suggested that you approve your scan topic with the instructor, but this is not
Step Two:
Develop your key search terms. Your search strategy may be informed by a list of key
terms you would use for your chosen topic, but it may also be informed by asking a
group of other individuals (independently) what they would enter into a Google
search to gather corresponding information.
For your search strategy, you will also have to determine your search location. For
example, if you are searching within Windsor-Essex, you may repeat each of your
search terms for Windsor, Belle River, Tecumseh, La Salle, and Essex. Please note,
you do not need to stay specifically within Windsor-Essex for this assignment, you
may choose, for example, to search for resources in the area of Eindhoven, Holland.
When developing search terms, it is advantageous to first think of the key terms
such as falls and assessments. Then you want to think of alternative terms that you
could use in a search just as: falling, faller, test, examination, etc. You want to
develop a list of different key words and combinations that you can use for your
search. In other words, you would not complete just a one-step search of “fall
prevention in Windsor, Ontario” – you will want to run multiple searches with a
variety of key search terms. It will be important to record the different searches you
attempt and include this in your write up. (note, there are ways to search utilizing
parameters – or you may want to explore the advanced search options through
Google – but the assignment is also to help you experience what an older adult or
loved one might experience as they attempt to search and navigate the online world
to find community resources).
Step Three:
Conduct the search(es). Personally, I like to record for each search the number of
results in the amount of time (typically in the top left corner area of the google
search). I then like to have either an excel of word document where I can copy and
paste the links of websites yielded from the search. You will need to independently
review each website for continued inclusion in the study. It is recommended that you
create a flowchart that indicates the number of searches initially found by the
Google search (check out the PRISMA Flow Diagram as a potential example – see It is important to determine the eligibility criteria that
will be required for a website to be included in a full review. For example, resources
may need to involve the older adult (senior) population, fall prevention program, and
be within the geographical location. But maybe an exclusion criteria is an individual
in a wheelchair (which you would probably want to justify).
Step Four:
Once the website/resource is retrieved, you will need to extract the data. It may be
beneficial to develop a Microsoft word table, or excel spreadsheet, to assist with the
data extraction. For example, you may develop a data extraction form that includes
listing each of the following: website url, name of organization, contact information
(phone number, address, office hours), programs offered, target audience, referral,
equipment and partner organization, costs, and transportation options. What is the
relevant information you want to pull from the website in order to learn about the
community resources related to your environmental scan that you decided in step
How do you know when you have enough data? The term we use is saturation
(discussed during live lecture).
Step Five:
Determine how you think it would be best to display the data/information gathered
as part of this environmental scan. If an older adult was to refer to the product of
your environmental scan as an information resource, what may be the best format
and display? Knowledge Translation to non-academic audiences is an important
consideration. How you display your findings as an information resources will
become an appendix for your weekly assignment. You may also wish to add
screenshots of your Google search, and the excel document as part of your
Step Six:
For the purpose of this weekly assignment, write a two-page brief in the form of a
manuscript. This means, your paper should have a title, introduction, methods,
results, discussion, recommendations, and conclusion, references (but the references
should follow the format of the module and should be extra to the two pages). No
abstract is needed, but a title is advisable. As noted above, the results of the scan
should be displayed in an appendix, thus, your results section in the briefing may
only be a few sentences. As for the recommendations – please consider the
strengths and gaps found as a result of your environmental scan.
Note: a title page for the individual weekly assignment is not necessary.
Text/Format Specifics: Single spaced typed, Calibri 12-point font, 1 inch
margins, page numbers as the bottom centred.
References within text should be numerical in order of appearance, with square
[1] brackets. Formatting for references:
[1] Ronholm, E., Pittman, R., Suboni, P., Otte, G., & Coene, W. (2024). Title
of article. Journal Name, Vol (issue): Pg-Pg.
[2] Wrigley, T., & Fenway, R. (2024: Pg-Pg). Chapter Title. Book Title.
Editors. Location
[3] Heart & Stroke Canada: Last visited on: Jan.
8th, 2024
Note: you are not permitted to reference the class lectures or
asynchronous materials
Note: references should not be older than 10 years (i.e., 2014) when