The use of the incident command system is mostly commonly used in daily, small scale incidents and events by single agency/single resource type events. Larger scale events or incidents can cross jurisdictional lines and/or involve a number of agencies that each have some responsibility for a successful outcome. In many cases however, these different agencies/entities have conflicting interests. For example, in the airport crash we examined previously, a number of agencies responded to the crash and each had their own primary responsibilities. Some of the many agencies who responded include:
Fire Departments – extinguish fire, rescue victims and contain hazardous materials.
Police Departments – scene & evidence security, criminal investigation, crowd control
How are each of these representative agencies “needs” satisfied?
ICS: Not Just for Large-Scale Incidents
ICS is flexible and can be used for incidents of any type, scope, and complexity. ICS allows its
users to adopt an integrated organizational structure to match the complexities and demands of
single or multiple incidents. Using ICS on all incidents helps hone and maintain skills needed
for the large-scale incidents.
Management Characteristics
ICS is based on 14 proven management characteristics that contribute to the strength and
efficiency of the overall system.
Common Terminology
Modular Organization
Management by Objectives
Incident Action Planning
Manageable Span of Control
Incident Facilities and Locations
Comprehensive Resource Management
Integrated Communications
Establishment and Transfer of Command
Chain of Command and Unity of Command
Unified Command
Information and Intelligence Management
Common Terminology
ICS establishes common terminology that allows diverse incident management and support
organizations to work together across a wide variety of incident management functions and
hazard scenarios. This common terminology covers the following:
Organizational Functions: Major functions and functional units with incident
management responsibilities are named and defined. Terminology for the organizational
elements is standard and consistent.
Resource Descriptions: Major resources—including personnel, facilities, and major
equipment and supply items—that support incident management activities are given
common names and are “typed” with respect to their capabilities, to help avoid confusion
and to enhance interoperability.
Incident Facilities: Common terminology is used to designate the facilities in the
vicinity of the incident area that will be used during the course of the incident.
Incident response communications (during exercises and actual incidents) should feature plain
language commands so they will be able to function in a multijurisdiction environment. Field
manuals and training should be revised to reflect the plain language standard.
Modular Organization
The ICS organizational structure develops in a modular fashion based on the size and complexity
of the incident, as well as the specifics of the hazard environment created by the incident. When
needed, separate functional elements can be established, each of which may be further
subdivided to enhance internal organizational management and external coordination.
Responsibility for the establishment and expansion of the ICS modular organization ultimately
rests with Incident Command, which bases the ICS organization on the requirements of the
situation. As incident complexity increases, the organization expands from the top down as
functional responsibilities are delegated. Concurrently with structural expansion, the number of
management and supervisory positions expands to address the requirements of the incident
Management by Objectives
Management by objectives is communicated throughout the entire ICS organization and
Establishing overarching incident objectives.
Developing strategies based on overarching incident objectives.
Developing and issuing assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols.
Establishing specific, measurable tactics or tasks for various incident management
functional activities, and directing efforts to accomplish them, in support of defined
Documenting results to measure performance and facilitate corrective actions.
Incident Action Planning
Centralized, coordinated incident action planning should guide all response activities. An
Incident Action Plan (IAP) provides a concise, coherent means of capturing and communicating
the overall incident priorities, objectives, and strategies in the contexts of both operational and
support activities. Every incident must have an action plan. However, not all incidents require
written plans. The need for written plans and attachments is based on the requirements of the
incident and the decision of the Incident Commander or Unified Command. Most initial response
operations are not captured with a formal IAP. However, if an incident is likely to extend beyond
one operational period, become more complex, or involve multiple jurisdictions and/or agencies,
preparing a written IAP will become increasingly important to maintain effective, efficient, and
safe operations.
Manageable Span of Control
Span of control is key to effective and efficient incident management. Supervisors must be able
to adequately supervise and control their subordinates, as well as communicate with and manage
all resources under their supervision. In ICS, the span of control of any individual with incident
management supervisory responsibility should range from 3 to 7 subordinates, with 5 being
optimal. During a large-scale law enforcement operation, 8 to 10 subordinates may be optimal.
The type of incident, nature of the task, hazards and safety factors, and distances between
personnel and resources all influence span-of-control considerations.
Incident Facilities and Locations
Various types of operational support facilities are established in the vicinity of an incident,
depending on its size and complexity, to accomplish a variety of purposes. The Incident
Command will direct the identification and location of facilities based on the requirements of the
situation. Typical designated facilities include Incident Command Posts, Bases, Camps, Staging
Areas, mass casualty triage areas, point-of-distribution sites, and others as required.
Comprehensive Resource Management
Maintaining an accurate and up-to-date picture of resource utilization is a critical component of
incident management and emergency response. Resources to be identified in this way include
personnel, teams, equipment, supplies, and facilities available or potentially available for
assignment or allocation. Resource management is described in detail in Component III.
Integrated Communications
Incident communications are facilitated through the development and use of a common
communications plan and interoperable communications processes and architectures. The ICS
205 form is available to assist in developing a common communications plan. This integrated
approach links the operational and support units of the various agencies involved and is
necessary to maintain communications connectivity and discipline and to enable common
situational awareness and interaction. Preparedness planning should address the equipment,
systems, and protocols necessary to achieve integrated voice and data communications.
Establishment and Transfer of Command
The command function must be clearly established from the beginning of incident operations.
The agency with primary jurisdictional authority over the incident designates the individual at
the scene responsible for establishing command. When command is transferred, the process must
include a briefing that captures all essential information for continuing safe and effective
Chain of Command and Unity of Command
Chain of Command: Chain of command refers to the orderly line of authority within the
ranks of the incident management organization.
Unity of Command: Unity of command means that all individuals have a designated
supervisor to whom they report at the scene of the incident.
These principles clarify reporting relationships and eliminate the confusion caused by multiple,
conflicting directives. Incident managers at all levels must be able to direct the actions of all
personnel under their supervision.
Unified Command
In incidents involving multiple jurisdictions, a single jurisdiction with multiagency involvement,
or multiple jurisdictions with multiagency involvement, Unified Command allows agencies with
different legal, geographic, and functional authorities and responsibilities to work together
effectively without affecting individual agency authority, responsibility, or accountability.
Effective accountability of resources at all jurisdictional levels and within individual functional
areas during incident operations is essential. Adherence to the following ICS principles and
processes helps to ensure accountability:
Resource Check-In/Check-Out Procedures
Incident Action Planning
Unity of Command
Personal Responsibility
Span of Control
Resource Tracking
Resources should respond only when requested or when dispatched by an appropriate authority
through established resource management systems. Resources not requested must refrain from
spontaneous deployment to avoid overburdening the recipient and compounding accountability
Information and Intelligence Management
The incident management organization must establish a process for gathering, analyzing,
assessing, sharing, and managing incident-related information and intelligence.
Incident Commander
When an incident occurs within a single jurisdiction and there is no jurisdictional or functional
agency overlap, a single Incident Commander is designated with overall incident management
responsibility by the appropriate jurisdictional authority.
The designated Incident Commander develops the incident objectives that direct all subsequent
incident action planning. The Incident Commander approves the Incident Action Plan and the
resources to be ordered or released.
Incident Commander Responsibilities
The Incident Commander is the individual responsible for all incident activities, including the
development of strategies and tactics and the ordering and the release of resources. The Incident
Commander has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident operations and is
responsible for the management of all incident operations at the incident site.
The Incident Commander must:
Have clear authority and know agency policy.
Ensure incident safety.
Establish the Incident Command Post.
Set priorities, and determine incident objectives and strategies to be followed.
Establish the Incident Command System organization needed to manage the incident.
Approve the Incident Action Plan.
Coordinate Command and General Staff activities.
Approve resource requests and use of volunteers and auxiliary personnel.
Order demobilization as needed.
Ensure after-action reports are completed.
Authorize information released to the media.
Unified Command
As an incident expands in complexity, Unified Command may be established. In a Unified
Command, individuals designated by their jurisdictional or organizational authorities (or by
departments within a single jurisdiction) work together to:
Determine objectives, strategies, plans, resource allocations, and priorities.
Execute integrated incident operations and maximize the use of assigned resources.
Advantages of Using Unified Command
In multijurisdictional or multiagency incident management, Unified Command offers the
following advantages:
A single set of objectives is developed for the entire incident.
A collective “team” approach is used to develop strategies to achieve incident objectives.
Information flow and coordination are improved between all jurisdictions and agencies
involved in the incident.
All agencies with responsibility for the incident have an understanding of joint priorities
and restrictions.
No agency’s legal authorities are compromised or neglected.
The combined efforts of all agencies are optimized as they perform their respective
assignments under a single Incident Action Plan.
Area Command
Area Command is an organization to oversee the management of multiple incidents handled
individually by separate ICS organizations.
An Area Command is activated only if necessary, depending on the complexity of the incident
and incident management span-of-control considerations.
Area Commands are particularly beneficial to incidents that are typically not site specific, are not
immediately identifiable, are geographically dispersed, and evolve over longer periods of time
(e.g., public health emergencies, earthquakes, tornadoes, civil disturbances). Incidents such as
these, as well as acts of biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear terrorism, require a
coordinated intergovernmental, nongovernmental, and private-sector response, with large-scale
coordination typically conducted at a higher jurisdictional level. Area Command is also used
when a number of incidents of the same type in the same area are competing for the same
resources, such as multiple hazardous material spills or fires.
For incidents under its authority, an Area Command has the following responsibilities:
Develop broad objectives for the impacted area(s).
Coordinate the development of individual incident objectives and strategies.
Allocate/reallocate resources as the established priorities change.
Ensure that incidents are properly managed.
Ensure effective communications.
Ensure that incident management objectives are met and do not conflict with each other
or with agency policies.
Identify critical resource needs and report them to the established EOC/MAC Groups.
Ensure that short-term “emergency” recovery is coordinated to assist in the transition to
full recovery operations.
Incident Command Post
The incident Command and Management organization is located at the Incident Command Post
(ICP). Incident Command directs operations from the ICP, which is generally located at or in the
immediate vicinity of the incident site. Typically, one ICP is established for each incident.
As emergency management/response personnel deploy, they must, regardless of agency
affiliation, report to and check in at the designated location and receive an assignment in
accordance with the established procedures.
Command Staff
In an Incident Command organization, the
Command Staff typically includes the following
The Public Information Officer is
responsible for interfacing with the
public and media and/or with other
agencies with incident-related
information requirements.
The Safety Officer monitors incident
operations and advises the Incident
Commander/Unified Command on all
matters relating to operational safety,
including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel.
The Liaison Officer is the point of contact for representatives of other governmental
agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector.
Additional Command Staff positions may be added depending upon incident needs and
The Public Information Officer is responsible for interfacing with the
public and media and/or with other agencies with incident-related
information requirements. The Public Information Officer gathers,
verifies, coordinates, and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely
information on the incident’s cause, size, and current situation; resources
committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and
external audiences. The Public Information Officer may also perform a
key public information-monitoring role. Whether the command structure
is single or unified, only one Public Information Officer should be
designated per incident. Assistants may be assigned from other involved
agencies, departments, or organizations. The Incident
Commander/Unified Command must approve the release of all incidentrelated information. In large-scale incidents or where multiple command
posts are established, the Public Information Officer should participate in
or lead the Joint Information Center in order to ensure consistency in the
provision of information to the public.
Safety Officer The Safety Officer monitors incident operations and advises the Incident
Commander/Unified Command on all matters relating to operational
safety, including the health and safety of emergency responder personnel.
The ultimate responsibility for the safe conduct of incident management
operations rests with the Incident Commander/Unified Command and
supervisors at all levels of incident management. The Safety Officer is, in
turn, responsible to the Incident Commander/Unified Command for the
systems and procedures necessary to ensure ongoing assessment of
hazardous environments, including the incident Safety Plan, coordination
of multiagency safety efforts, and implementation of measures to promote
emergency responder safety, as well as the general safety of incident
operations. The Safety Officer has immediate authority to stop and/or
prevent unsafe acts during incident operations. It is important to note that
the agencies, organizations, or jurisdictions that contribute to joint safety
management efforts do not lose their individual identities or
responsibility for their own programs, policies, and personnel. Rather,
each contributes to the overall effort to protect all responder personnel
involved in incident operations.
The Liaison Officer is Incident Command’s point of contact for
representatives of other governmental agencies, nongovernmental
organizations, and the private sector (with no jurisdiction or legal
authority) to provide input on their agency’s policies, resource
availability, and other incident-related matters. Under either a single
Incident Commander or a Unified Command structure, representatives
from assisting or cooperating agencies and organizations coordinate
through the Liaison Officer. Agency and organizational representatives
assigned to an incident must have the authority to speak for their parent
agencies or organizations on all matters, following appropriate
consultations with their agency leadership. Assistants and personnel from
other agencies or organizations (public or private) involved in incident
management activities may be assigned to the Liaison Officer to facilitate
Technical specialists can be used to fill other or additional Command
Staff positions required based on the nature and location(s) of the incident
or specific requirements established by Incident Command. For example,
a legal counsel might be assigned to the Planning Section as a technical
specialist or directly to the Command Staff to advise Incident Command
on legal matters, such as emergency proclamations, the legality of
evacuation orders, and legal rights and restrictions pertaining to media
access. Similarly, a medical advisor—an agency operational medical
director or assigned physician—might be designated to provide advice
and recommendations to Incident Command about medical and mental
health services, mass casualty, acute care, vector control, epidemiology,
or mass prophylaxis considerations, particularly in the response to a
bioterrorism incident. In addition, a Disability Integration Advisor might
be designated to provide expertise regarding communication,
transportation, supervision, and essential services for diverse populations
in the affected area.
General Staff (Section Chiefs)
The General Staff includes a group of incident management personnel organized according to
function and reporting to the Incident Commander. Typically, the General Staff consists of the
Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and
Finance/Administration Section Chief.
Operations Section
The Operations Section is responsible for all tactical activities focused on reducing the
immediate hazard, saving lives and property, establishing situational control, and restoring
normal operations. Lifesaving and responder safety will always be the highest priorities and the
first objectives in the Incident Action Plan.
The chart on the right depicts the organizational template for an
Operations Section.
Expansions of this basic structure may vary according to numerous
considerations and operational factors. In some cases, a strictly functional
approach may be used. In other cases, the organizational structure will be
determined by geographical/jurisdictional boundaries. In still others, a
mix of functional and geographical considerations may be appropriate.
The ICS offers flexibility in determining the right structural approach for
the specific circumstances of the incident at hand.
Operations Section Chief: The Section Chief is responsible to Incident
Command for the direct management of all incident-related tactical
activities. The Operations Section Chief will establish tactics for the assigned operational period.
An Operations Section Chief should be designated for each operational period, and
responsibilities include direct involvement in development of the Incident Action Plan.
Branches: Branches may serve several purposes and may be functional, geographic, or both,
depending on the circumstances of the incident. In general, Branches are established when the
number of Divisions or Groups exceeds the recommended span of control. Branches are
identified by the use of Roman numerals or by functional area.
Divisions and Groups: Divisions and/or Groups are established when the number of resources
exceeds the manageable span of control of Incident Command and the Operations Section Chief.
Divisions are established to divide an incident into physical or geographical areas of operation.
Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operation. For certain types
of incidents, for example, Incident Command may assign evacuation or mass care
responsibilities to a functional group in the Operations Section. Additional levels of supervision
may also exist below the Division or Group level.
Resources: Resources may be organized and managed in three different ways, depending on the
requirements of the incident:
Single Resources: These are individual personnel, supplies, or equipment and any
associated operators.
Task Forces: These are any combination of resources assembled in support of a specific
mission or operational need. All resource elements within a Task Force must have
common communications and a designated leader.
Strike Teams: These are a set number of resources of the same kind and type that have
an established minimum number of personnel. All resource elements within a Strike
Team must have common communications and a designated leader.
The use of Task Forces and Strike Teams is encouraged wherever possible to optimize the use of
resources, reduce the span of control over a large number of single resources, and reduce the
complexity of incident management coordination and communications.
Planning Section
The Planning Section collects, evaluates, and disseminates incident situation information and
intelligence for the Incident Commander/Unified Command and incident management personnel.
This Section then prepares status reports, displays situation information, maintains the status of
resources assigned to the incident, and prepares and documents the Incident Action Plan, based
on Operations Section input and guidance from the Incident Commander/Unified Command.
As shown in the chart on the right, the Planning Section is comprised of
four primary units, as well as a number of technical specialists to assist
in evaluating the situation, developing planning options, and forecasting
requirements for additional resources. These primary units that fulfill
functional requirements are:
Resources Unit: Responsible for recording the status of
resources committed to the incident. This unit also evaluates
resources committed currently to the incident, the effects
additional responding resources will have on the incident, and
anticipated resource needs.
Situation Unit: Responsible for the collection, organization, and
analysis of incident status information, and for analysis of the
situation as it progresses.
Demobilization Unit: Responsible for ensuring orderly, safe,
and efficient demobilization of incident resources.
Documentation Unit: Responsible for collecting, recording, and
safeguarding all documents relevant to the incident.
Technical Specialist(s): Personnel with special skills that can be
used anywhere within the ICS organization.
The Planning Section is normally responsible for gathering and disseminating information and
intelligence critical to the incident, unless the Incident Commander/Unified Command places
this function elsewhere. The Planning Section is also responsible for assembling and
documenting the Incident Action Plan.
The Incident Action Plan includes the overall incident objectives and strategies established by
Incident Command. In the case of Unified Command, the Incident Action Plan must adequately
address the mission and policy needs of each jurisdictional agency, as well as interaction
between jurisdictions, functional agencies, and private organizations. The Incident Action Plan
also addresses tactics and support activities required for one operational period, generally 12 to
24 hours.
The Incident Action Plan should incorporate changes in strategies and tactics based on lessons
learned during earlier operational periods. A written Incident Action Plan is especially important
when: resources from multiple agencies and/or jurisdictions are involved; the incident will span
several operational periods; changes in shifts of personnel and/or equipment are required; or
there is a need to document actions and decisions.
Logistics Section
The Logistics Section is responsible for all service support requirements needed to facilitate
effective and efficient incident management, including ordering resources from off-incident
locations. This Section also provides facilities, security (of the Incident Command facilities),
transportation, supplies, equipment maintenance and fuel, food services, communications and
information technology support, and emergency responder medical services, including
inoculations, as required.
The Logistics Section is led by a Section Chief, who may also have one or more deputies.
Having a deputy is encouraged when all designated units are established at an incident site.
When the incident is very large or requires a number of facilities with large numbers of
equipment, the Logistics Section can be divided into two Branches. This helps with span of
control by providing more effective supervision and coordination among the individual units.
Conversely, in smaller incidents or when fewer resources are needed, a Branch configuration
may be used to combine the task assignments of individual units.
As shown in the chart on the right, the
Logistics Section has six primary units that
fulfill the functional requirements:
Supply Unit: Orders, receives,
stores, and processes all incidentrelated resources, personnel, and
Ground Support Unit: Provides all
ground transportation during an
incident. In conjunction with
providing transportation, the unit is
also responsible for maintaining and
supplying vehicles, keeping usage
records, and developing incident
traffic plans.
Facilities Unit: Sets up, maintains,
and demobilizes all facilities used in support of incident operations. The unit also
provides facility maintenance and security services required to support incident
Food Unit: Determines food and water requirements, plans menus, orders food, provides
cooking facilities, cooks, serves, maintains food service areas, and manages food security
and safety concerns.
Communications Unit: Major responsibilities include effective communications
planning as well as acquiring, setting up, maintaining, and accounting for
communications equipment.
Medical Unit: Responsible for the effective and efficient provision of medical services to
incident personnel.
Finance/Administration Section
A Finance/Administration Section is established when the incident management activities require
on-scene or incident-specific finance and other administrative support services. Some of the
functions that fall within the scope of this Section are recording personnel time, maintaining
vendor contracts, compensation and claims, and conducting an overall cost analysis for the
incident. If a separate Finance/Administration Section is established, close coordination with the
Planning Section and Logistics Section is also essential so that operational records can be
reconciled with financial documents.
The Finance/Administration Section is a critical part of ICS in large, complex incidents
involving significant funding originating from multiple sources. In addition to monitoring
multiple sources of funds, the Section Chief must track and report to Incident Command the
accrued cost as the incident progresses. This allows the Incident Commander/Unified Command
to forecast the need for additional funds before operations are negatively affected.
The basic organizational structure for a Finance/Administration Section is shown in the figure on
the right. Within the Finance/Administration Section, four primary units fulfill functional
Compensation/Claims Unit: Responsible
for financial concerns resulting from
property damage, injuries, or fatalities at
the incident.
Cost Unit: Responsible for tracking costs,
analyzing cost data, making estimates, and
recommending cost-saving measures.
Procurement Unit: Responsible for
financial matters concerning vendor
Time Unit: Responsible for recording time for incident personnel and hired equipment.
Incident Management Teams
An Incident Management Team (IMT) is
an incident command organization made
up of the Command and General Staff
members and appropriate functional units
in an ICS organization and can be
deployed or activated, as needed.
National, State, and some local IMTs have
formal certification and qualification,
notification, deployment, and operational
procedures in place. In other cases, IMTs
are formed at an incident or for specific
Multiagency Coordination Systems
The second Command and Management element is Multiagency Coordination Systems.
Multiagency coordination is a process that allows all levels of government and all disciplines to
work together more efficiently and effectively.
The ICS 400 Advanced Incident Command System (ICS) course presents more detailed training
on Multiagency Coordination Systems.
A System . . . Not a Facility
A Multiagency Coordination System is not simply a physical location or facility. Rather, a
Multiagency Coordination System is a process that:
Defines business practices, standard operating procedures, processes, and protocols by
which participating agencies will coordinate their interactions.
Provides support, coordination, and assistance with policy-level decisions to the ICS
structure managing an incident.
Examples of System Elements
Multiagency coordination provides critical resource and information analysis support to the
Incident Command/Unified Command. Coordination does not mean assuming command of the
incident scene. Common coordination elements may include:
Dispatch Center: A Dispatch Center coordinates the acquisition, mobilization, and
movement of resources as ordered by the Incident Command/Unified Command.
Emergency Operations Center (EOC): During an escalating incident, an EOC supports
the on-scene response by relieving the burden of external coordination and securing
additional resources. EOC core functions include coordination; communications;
resource allocation and tracking; and information collection, analysis, and dissemination.
EOCs may be staffed by personnel representing multiple jurisdictions and functional
disciplines and a wide variety of resources.
Department Operations Center (DOC): A DOC coordinates an internal agency
incident management and response. A DOC is linked to and, in most cases, physically
represented in the EOC by authorized agent(s) for the department or agency.
Multiagency Coordination (MAC) Group: A MAC Group is comprised of
administrators/executives, or their designees, who are authorized to represent or commit
agency resources and funds. MAC Groups may also be known as multiagency
committees or emergency management committees. A MAC Group does not have any
direct incident involvement and will often be located some distance from the incident
site(s) or may even function virtually. A MAC Group may require a support organization
for its own logistics and documentation needs; to manage incident-related decision
support information such as tracking critical resources, situation status, and intelligence
or investigative information; and to provide public information to the news media and
public. The number and skills of its personnel will vary by incident complexity, activity
levels, needs of the MAC Group, and other factors identified through agreements or by
preparedness organizations. A MAC Group may be established at any level (e.g.,
national, State, or local) or within any discipline (e.g., emergency management, public
health, critical infrastructure, or private sector).
On-Scene and Off-Scene Multiagency Coordination
Initially the Incident Command/Unified Command and the Liaison Officer may be able to
provide all needed multiagency coordination at the scene. However, as the incident grows in size
and complexity, off-site support and coordination may be required.
Public Information
The final Command and Management element is Public Information.
Public Information consists of the processes, procedures, and systems to communicate timely,
accurate, and accessible information on the incident’s cause, size, and current situation to the
public, responders, and additional stakeholders (both directly affected and indirectly affected).
Public Information must be coordinated and integrated across jurisdictions, agencies, and
organizations; among Federal, State, tribal, and local governments; and with nongovernmental
organizations and the private sector.
Public Information
Public information, education strategies, and communications plans help ensure that numerous
audiences receive timely, consistent messages about:
Lifesaving measures.
Evacuation routes.
Threat and alert system notices.
Other public safety information.
Public Information Officer
The Public Information Officer supports the incident command structure as a member of the
Command Staff. Public Information Officers are able to create coordinated and consistent
messages by collaborating to:
Identify key information that needs to be communicated to the public.
Craft messages conveying key information that are clear and easily understood by all,
including those with access and functional needs.
Prioritize messages to ensure timely delivery of information without overwhelming the
Verify accuracy of information through appropriate channels.
Disseminate messages using the most effective means available.
Joint Information System
The Joint Information System (JIS):
Provides the mechanism to organize, integrate, and coordinate information to ensure
timely, accurate, accessible, and consistent messaging across multiple jurisdictions and/or
disciplines with nongovernmental organizations and the private sector.
Includes the plans, protocols, procedures, and structures used to provide public
Federal, State, tribal, territorial, regional, or local Public Information Officers and established
Joint Information Centers (JICs) are critical supporting elements of the JIS.
Joint Information Center
The Joint Information Center (JIC) is:
A central location that facilitates operation of the Joint Information System.
A location where personnel with public information responsibilities perform critical
emergency information functions, crisis communications, and public affairs functions.
JICs may be established at various levels of government or at incident sites, or can be
components of Multiagency Coordination Systems (e.g., MAC Groups or EOCs). A single JIC
location is preferable, but the system is flexible and adaptable enough to accommodate virtual or
multiple JIC locations, as required.
Effectively handling large-scale catastrophes poses several additional
obstacles beyond more minor occurrences. Significant disasters’ sheer
complexity and magnitude may overwhelm even the most prepared
companies when numerous agencies and workers collide with varying
rules and hierarchies. Communication becomes strained, compounded by
a need for earlier chances for interagency collaboration and training.
Furthermore, resource allocation becomes vital since requests frequently
exceed existing capacity, resulting in logistical bottlenecks and response
To address these problems, Incident Command (IC) personnel might
employ a variety of tactics. To begin, it is critical to create clear lines of
communication and establish routes for information exchange among all
entities concerned. Regular briefings and updates help keep all parties
informed and coordinated. Second, while joint training exercises and
simulations can be challenging to plan, they considerably improve interagency familiarity and efficacy during real-world situations. Furthermore,
pre-established protocols and standardized procedures improve decisionmaking and resource allocation, allowing faster and more efficient
responses. Finally, continued review and debriefing following a crisis
enable continuous development and refining of response techniques,
better-preparing companies for future large-scale disasters.