Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a care plan to address those health risks, planned to implement one intervention in a small group from the aggregate, and considered the effectiveness of the intervention on the health of the small group. It is time now for you to present your final submission of this Capstone project.
In a document, you will describe the evaluation process of the intervention(s) you implemented.
Include the following in your paper:
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention:
Did I implement the intervention as planned? If not, what were the reasons?
Interview/measure outcomes for two or three members of your group to determine/measure the effectiveness of the intervention(s).
Include transcripts of the interviews with the participants from the group in the appendix of your paper.
Finally, compare the projected effectiveness of your plan before implementation with the actual effectiveness after implementation.
Are there visible signs of success (for example, reduced health issues)? If yes, describe. If no, describe what signs you would anticipate and rationale for no change.
You may want to use the responses to the above two criteria to measure the actual effectiveness of the intervention.
Mental Health Intervention Project for Small
Coastal Community
Characteristics of the Small Coastal Community
➢ Demographics: small population, coastal area, low income
➢ Strengths: community health programs, accessible public
➢ Weaknesses: lack of affordable housing, limited access to healthy
food options
Potential Risks in the Small Coastal Community
➢ Natural disasters: storms, tsunamis, wildfires
➢ Chronic disasters: diabetes, heart disease, obesity
➢ Mental Health Issues: stress, anxiety, depression
➢ Substance Abuse: drug and abuse
Diagnoses Based on the Risk Assessment
Nursing Diagnoses for the Small Coastal
•Ineffective Coping with Stress related to
living in poverty and poor nutrition
•Physical Inactivity related to lack of access
to recreational facilities and healthy food
Care Plan for the Small Coastal Community
Primary Goals of the Care Plan
➢ Ensure safety during natural disasters
➢ Improve access to healthcare and healthy food
➢ Address mental health and substance abuse
➢ Promote physical activity and stress
Care Plan Strategies
Specific Strategies for Addressing Nursing
❑ Educating patients on better stress management
❑ Addressing underlying issues related to poverty and
❑ Encouraging physical activity through community
❑ Assessing stress levels and providing appropriate
Disaster Management Strategies
Disaster Management Strategies for
the Small Coastal Community
➢ Evacuation plans specific to each type
of natural disaster
➢ Disaster supply kits for each
➢ Emergency medical care and
transportation services
Resources for implementing the Care Plan
Funding and Resources for the Care
▪ Grants and gifts from government and
non-governmental organizations
▪ Working with local government and
community organizations
▪ Volunteer services for implementing
the plan
Challenges and Risks
Challenges and Risks in Implementing
the Care Plan
➢ Injuries during evacuation and
emergency medical care
➢ Health issues caused by climate
➢ Limited funding and resources
Intervention Implemented
Implementation of Yoga and Meditation
❖ Intervention for stress management and
mental health issues
❖ Pre and post-questionnaires to analyse
❖ Positive outcomes observed in reduced
stress levels and improved mental health
Esther Marc
Developing a Care Plan
South University
NSG4076 RN to BSN Capstone Synthesis
Professor Diana Turner
Two (2) priority-nursing diagnoses
There are two priority nursing diagnoses that are associated with the above population.
One of the major nursing diagnoses is ineffective coping with stress related to living in poverty.
It is vital to note that the above nursing diagnosis is supported by health risks that have been
identified. The health risks include substance abuse, mental health disorders, and chronic
ailments such as diabetes. Negative emotions depicted in people, such as depression, have been
associated with coronary heart diseases. (Sanjuan et al., 2016). Ineffective coping with stress is
directly linked with poverty. It is vital to note that a variety of stressors end up being created
through poverty. Some of the major stressors include financial and food insecurity, difficulties in
having access to quality healthcare, and also incidences of social discrimination. There is a lot of
social stigma which is directed at individuals living in poverty. Due to the social stigma,
individuals might find it wise to isolate themselves from the rest of the population.
An individual might feel uncomfortable when a lot of pressure is put on them. Family and
responsibilities at work are depicted as the major leading sources of stress in an individual.
Anybody can be a victim of stress. However, what matters is how an individual is able to cope
with stressful situations. It is essential for people to take up healthy ways when they are under
stressful conditions. It is vital for a nurse to collaborate with a particular patient so that they can
develop effective strategies that can be employed to deal with stress. Conducting an assessment
is vital so that a nurse can identify the primary cause of ineffective coping.
The following measures will be implemented to address ineffective coping when faced
with stress. One of the measures is educating patients on better stress management. Essentially,
some of the best stress management strategies that a given patient can employ include meditation
and mindfulness practices. Additionally, exercise can also be used. The research by Köpsén &
Sjöström (2020) has the experience of patients with stress management programs. The other
strategy is addressing underlying issues. Covid 19 was one of the factors that had predisposed
many people to stress (Søvold et al., 2021). Some of these conditions include financial
difficulties, which may alleviate stress for a prolonged period. Physical activity should be
encouraged so that the aggregate population can be able to deal with stress better. The other
strategy is assessing a given patient’s stress levels. After this has been conducted, ineffective
coping mechanisms being employed by a given patient are identified.
The second nursing diagnosis in the aggregate population is poor nutrition and physical
inactivity. In the community, there are numerous cases whereby individuals suffer from various
chronic ailments. It is vital to note that this diagnosis has been based on the high number of
diabetes and other chronic ailment cases been recorded in the community. Poor nutrition is
associated with a weak immune system. With a weak immune system, an individual has a high
probability of suffering from infectious ailments. There is an association between poor mental
health and poor nutrition. Some of these mental health issues include depression, anxiety, and,
finally, stress.
Poor nutrition will predispose the community to decreased energy levels, and in the end,
an individual might not be able to perform their daily tasks effectively. An individual who does
not exercise or eat healthily will end up recording Poor overall health outcomes. On the other
hand, the aggregate population might end up recording poor bone health in the end. They will
have a high probability of suffering from fractures and osteoporosis. Poor nutrition and physical
inactivity is one of the factors that predispose individuals in society to poor quality sleep. When
an individual lacks adequate sleep, their health conditions end up worsening. It is vital to note
that they might end up recording poor cognitive function. In the end, an individual will be
predisposed to a poor quality of life.
There are a number of strategies that can be implemented, with the primary objective
being to deal with Poor nutrition and the lack of physical inactivity. One of the ways is through
promoting healthy eating among the aggregate population. Additionally, physical activities
should be promoted. Physical activities tend to predispose an individual to chronic conditions
such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (Newtonraj, 2017). To achieve all of this,
community-based programs need to be implemented. The aggregate population should also be
educated on the health benefits that are realized through proper nutrition and also through
participation in physical activities. The other strategy is increasing healthy food options for the
aggregate population.
On the other hand, there should be collaborations with organizations. The primary
objective of such collaboration is to address barriers to healthy food. Some of these barriers
include the presence of a poor transport system and also limited resources. Community-based
interventions have showed to be effective in addressing a given problem that is being recorded in
a particular community. Community garden programs can also be implemented to effectively
deal with this problem. Essentially, physical activity will be promoted while, at the same time,
the aggregate community will be able to access healthy fruit and vegetables. The other strategy is
having mobile grocery stores; through such a move, the community will have access to more
healthy food options.
Disaster Management Plan
The aggregate community, in this case, is located in a coastal area. It is essential to be
prepared on disasters at any time since there a high stake involves when a disaster strikes. The
following are potential disaster risks.
1) Storms and Hurricanes
2) Tsunami
3) Tornado
4) Earth Quakes
5) Wildfires
Strategies for handling a particular disaster
Hurricane and tropical storms: Hurricanes affect millions of individuals who live in coastal areas.
It is vital to note that individuals who live in some regions of the Southwest United States are
affected by hurricanes (SAMHSA, 2023). To address this problem, when it occurs, the aggregate
population will be evacuated and taken to a safe location. An emergency communication plan
will also be implemented.
Earth Quakes: essentially, well-designated safe zones will be available in case of an earthquake,
the affected individuals will be relocated to these areas. Additionally, emergency medical
supplies will be availed. On the other hand, emergency medical personnel will also be available.
It is vital to note that when an earthquake occurs, many injuries tend to occur; therefore,
emergency medical personnel need to be there so that those who have been injured might receive
the necessary care. In the end, numerous lives will be saved.
Recommendations for a Disaster Supplies Kit
Each member of the aggregate population will have their own disaster supplies kit. The
kits will have a number of items that will play a huge role in their survival during a particular
disaster. One of them is water is essential for an individual’s survival. The other item that needs
will be in the disaster kit is non-perishable food items. It is vital to note that these food items can
be prepared even when there is no electricity. When a disaster occurs, the electricity supply tends
to be cut short. However, through this kit, the aggregate community will have enough food
supply for a few days. The other essential supplies that will be part of the disaster supply kit are
flashlights and battery supplies. The other item is a portable power bank and a charger. The other
items that will be in the disaster masks and gloves. Essentially, these items are essential during
an earthquake.
Supply/Preparedness plans for Hurricanes
In the case of hurricanes, it is essential to have an evacuation plan. There should be a
well-known evacuation route and destination. Additionally, there should be access to vehicles or
a reliable transportation service. The second thing is preparing an emergency kit. The kit should
have a number of things, such as enough food and water for three or so days, flashlights, a
portable radio, batteries, and a cell phone. The third thing is securing one’s home, made possible
by bringing out the outdoor furniture and removing debris or items damaged by strong winds.
One should stay informed. Following updates from local radio and television stations is essential.
Finally, planning for a power outage is vital, and this is made possible by having a backup
generator or other sources. Appliances should also be unplugged to prevent a power surge when
restoration happens.
Supply/Preparedness plans for Earth Quake
One thing that needs to be done is to identify safe places at home or work. Some of the
safe spots include under a sturdy table or desk. On the other hand, one can practice holding on
during an earthquake. The other step is securing one’s belongings. Breakable items should be
placed on lower shelves or cabinets that are secure. The other step is having a communication
plan that should allow one to communicate with family members, friends, or co-workers in case
of an emergency. Staying informed is vital, whereby one will follow regular updates. Preparing
for aftershocks is essential. The aftershocks tend to occur hours or even days after a given
earthquake has been recorded. Safety guidelines should be adhered to all the time. Finally,
preparing an emergency kit is vital, with a number of items such as enough food and water for
three or so days, flashlights, a portable radio, batteries, and a cell phone.
Köpsén, S., & Sjöström, R. (2020). Patients’ experiences of a stress-management programme
in primary Care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 207216. https://doi.org/10.2147/jmdh.s235930
Newtonraj, A. (2017). Factors associated with physical inactivity among adult urban population
of Puducherry, India: A population based cross-sectional study. JOURNAL OF
RESEARCH. https://doi.org/10.7860/jcdr/2017/24028.9853
SAMHSA. (2023). Hurricanes and Tropical Storms. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/disasterdistress-helpline/disaster-types/hurricanes-tropical-storms
Sanjuan, P., Magallares, A., Avila, M., & Arranz, H. (2016). Effective and Ineffective Coping
Strategies: Psychometric Properties of a Reduced Version of Brief-COPE For Heart
Patients. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308031290_Effective_and_Ineffective
Søvold, L. E., Naslund, J. A., Kousoulis, A. A., Saxena, S., Qoronfleh, M. W., Grobler, C., &
Münter, L. (2021). Prioritizing the mental health and well-being of healthcare workers: An
urgent global public health priority. Frontiers in Public
Health, 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.679397
Esther Marc
Implementation of the Care Plan
South University
NSG4076 RN to BSN Capstone Synthesis
Professor Diana Turner
Implementation of the Care Plan for Disaster Management
The focus group for implementing the care plan is a small aggregate community located
in the coastal area. The selection of this group is based on the fact that the coastal areas
experience an increased risk of natural disasters such as storms, tornadoes, tsunamis,
earthquakes, and wildlife fires. For instance, more than half of the United States population in
2010 lived in coastal watershed counties, making the country susceptible to coastal dangers.
There are 66 million employments dependent on the U.S. coasts, which generate $8.3 trillion
annually (The Geological Society of America, 2022). As a result of variations in geology,
tectonic setting, terrain, climate, and oceanic conditions, coastal geologic hazards range in both
nature and severity
A disaster management care plan is the appropriate intervention strategy that will be used
to mitigate these risks in the selected population. In the event of a disaster, this plan will call for
the evacuation plan of people to safer places, the deployment of emergency medical teams, and
the assembly of disaster supply kits. The implementation of these interventions would be
associated with numerous risks. For instance, evacuating members from regions attacked by the
disaster could lead to multiple injuries. Also, relocating from one place to another could lead to
health issues caused by climate change. This issue is a significant setback to the implementation
of the care plan. In cases where the implementation plan is not effectively implemented, the
disaster can cause many deaths to the population involved.
The Safety of the affected people is the primary expected outcome of implementing the
care plan interventions. Disaster often causes a lot of physical and health damage. Therefore,
implementing appropriate interventions serves the critical goal of guaranteed Safety among the
communities in the coastal regions. The most appropriate strategy that would be employed in
implementing the care plan is by implementing functional emergency response protocols. This
includes having adequate plans for responding to disasters, such as evacuation, medical care
services, and a plan for restoring power and essential services.
The implementation process will require a significant number of resources to be
efficiently implemented. The resources required to implement this intervention will comprise
personnel, emergency medical supplies, transportation services, and disaster supply kits, among
other things. The group will need to be mobilized to start the implementation process, and
volunteers will have to be sought out. In addition, the group should be made aware of the plan
for everyone is on the same page regarding what actions to take in an emergency. The strategy
can be carried out once all the necessary resources have been assembled.
The extent of the catastrophe will determine how long it will take for this intervention to
produce visible outcomes; the amount of time will rely on the severity of the problem. The plan’s
results should be seen within a few days in a relatively minor catastrophe. On the other hand, it
can be some time before the repercussions become apparent in the event of a catastrophe. During
an emergency, the plan as a whole must offer the appropriate levels of protection and solace to
the people included in the aggregate populace.
Regarding resources, the plan requires human resources, emergency medical supplies,
transportation services, and disaster supply kits. Also, the strategy involves disaster supply kits.
These resources may be obtained through applying for grants, receiving gifts, or working with
the local government. In addition to that, volunteers will be required to assist in the
implementation of the plan.
Finally, resource mobilization will involve talking to the small group and recruiting
volunteers. Also, cooperation from the local government and other stakeholders would be
required. This will entail interacting with them and gaining their support. Eventually, once the
resources are in place, the plan will be implemented. This will entail holding seminars, handing
out brochures, and other means of information dissemination. In addition, disaster supplies and
emergency kits will be manufactured and distributed to the general public. The evacuation and
communication plans will also be put into action. Personnel will be ready to assist with
evacuation and communication arrangements.
The Geological Society of America. (2022). GSA Position Statement.