5/30/23, 12:00 PM
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
5/30/23, 12:00 PM
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
HCM 700 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric
The final project for this course is the creation of a comprehensive program proposal.
Over the course of the term, you will immerse yourself in integrating what you have learned in your coursework and practice to create an
healthcare administrator by developing a program proposal to address an identified healthcare issue. This artifact will serve as evidence o
knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions you can bring to a potential employer.
Evaluation of Capstone
This capstone will be assessed somewhat differently than other courses you have taken online at SNHU. Your final artifact will be evaluate
proficiency in the outcomes listed below. Your instructor will guide you through this process, keeping a running narrative of your strength
progress through the class.
The project is divided into six milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure
submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. The final comprehensive program proposal will be submitted in Module Nine
work you complete for each milestone assignment.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
Demonstrate interpersonal skills, effective collaborative practices, and cultural competence through meaningful verbal and written
Assimilate management principles and functions to foster organizational development, promote effective use of human resources, e
through application of market analysis
Integrate knowledge of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles to monitor, analyze, and interpret healthcare finan
strategic planning
Appraise the effectiveness, utilization, and integration of information-management systems within the organization’s microsystems
Translate the knowledge of the U.S. healthcare delivery system, healthcare reimbursement, health policy, governance, and ethical co
strategic planning at the organizational level
Propose strategies that foster a dynamic organizational culture that clearly defines its strategic vision, identifies opportunities, and
epidemiologic and statistical principals to support strategic planning, operations management, and continuous quality improvement
You will develop a comprehensive, professional proposal that addresses an identified healthcare issue by interpreting the existing literatu
uses evidence-based resources throughout.
Program Proposal
For your capstone proposal, you should first conduct a preliminary search of literature to help you define a healthcare problem that health
evidence-based sources only. Select a specific issue or problem confronting a health-service organization that you can effectively address
might include financial challenges, implementation/operationalization of new legislation (such as the No Surprises Act), patient safety and
improving the organizational culture. You will identify a target audience or governing body, such as the CEO or board of directors, who wo
proposal. You will also identify who will be affected by implementation.
You must include, but are not limited to including, the following sections in your program proposal. If certain elements of your program are
include them in your proposal.
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Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction
should include a brief statementDownload
of the issue/problem, purpose ofPrint
program, and its impact. Identify the issue to be
in ePortfolio
overview of the issue, including a discussion of the effect of your identified issue on your health-service organization and any affecte
implications, cultural implications, etc. In general, include all information necessary to establish a comprehensive
with docReader
chosen issue and proposed program. This section should also describe the target audience to whom you would present your proposa
administrators, and board of directors) in relation to this proposal and explain why your proposal would be relevant for this audience
administrators make effective and ethical decisions surrounding patient safety and quality, culture, finance, etc.?
II. Proposal Needs Assessment Develop a statement of need that allows the reader to learn more about your selected issue, presents e
Activity Details
demonstrates that your organization understands the need and can address the issue. If the issue involves a specific affected popula
identify that population’s specific needs. Refer to the Module Two resources to discuss specific management theories that will be us
You have viewed this topic
III. Resource Allocation Provide an in-depth description of the resources required to implement your program, such as qualified staff, in
and equipment, and financial resources, among others. Also describe your plan for accessing and assigning available resources in the
In other
will you
Last future
PMschedule activities and acquire the resources required for those activities while considerin
IV. Planning Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (i.e., measurable improvements in behavior, performanc
program); ethical and legal considerations, including a review of the four ethical principles, ensuring appropriate legal and social resp
and their anticipated effect on internal policy and operations; anticipated issue- related outcomes and your plan to address them; an
V. Implementation Provide a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving the objectives identified, including your rational
reasoning behind why these methods may work.
VI. Evaluation Methodologies
Provide a comprehensive description of how your organization (and potential funders) will know the program is successful. Items to
will be performing the evaluation, which two methods will be used (you must include one type of financial evaluation). You should als
identification of the sources from where the data will be acquired (CMS, quality data, leapfrog, turnover rates, etc.), analyzing data, u
producing any specific evaluation reports.
Your program proposal should be submitted in a professional format. The final product is suggested to be in the range of 15 to 20 pages; h
are more important than page count because in the real world, there are usually not any page-length requirements. Therefore, the 15- to 2
your best professional judgment regarding the length of your proposal.
Milestones One: Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit a draft of your introduction (Section I). Milestone One will encompass the introduction. You should first co
define a healthcare problem health-service organizations face. Select a specific issue or problem confronting a health-service organization
capstone program proposal. Examples might include financial challenges, implementation/operationalization of new legislation (such as th
improving internal cybersecurity, or improving the organizational culture. You will identify a target audience or a governing body, such as t
approve implementation of your proposal, and you will also identify who will be affected by implementation. This milestone will be graded
Milestone Two: Needs Assessment
In Module Three, you will submit a draft of your proposal needs assessment (Section II). You should include a statement of need that allow
presents evidence that supports the need for your program, and demonstrates that your organization understands the need and can addr
population, be sure to identify that population’s specific needs. Using what you learned about management theories in Module Two, discus
identification of the issue. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: Resource Allocation
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Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
In Module Four, you will submit a draft of your resource allocation (Section III). Provide an in-depth description of the resources required t
information-management systems, other technology and equipment, and financial resources. Also explain your plan for accessing and assi
to achieve your program’s future goals. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.
Milestone Four: Planning
In Module Five, you will submit a draft of your planning (Section IV). Provide a comprehensive program plan that includes its objectives (i.e
performance, process, or a tangible item that will result from your program); ethical and legal considerations, including a review of the fou
social responsibility of your proposal; financial considerations and their anticipated effect on internal policy and operations; anticipated is
and a timeline for meeting program objectives. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.
Milestone Five: Implementation
In Module Six, you will submit a draft of your implementation (Section V). Give a detailed description of the activities leading to achieving t
selection, their sequence, and your reasoning behind why these methods may work. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Five
Milestone Six: Evaluation Methodologies
In Module Seven, you will submit a draft of your evaluation methodologies (Section VI). Provide a comprehensive description of how your
program is successful. Items to consider include methods for measuring success, who will perform the evaluation, and how the methods w
gathering data, using test instruments, analyzing data, using evaluation for program improvements, and any specific evaluation reports tha
with the Milestone Six Rubric.
Capstone Final Submission: Comprehensive Program Proposal
In Module Nine, you will submit your comprehensive program proposal. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the criti
incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded using the Final Project Rubric.
This rubric will be applied to all components as a whole, and no component will be assessed on its own. The “Possible Indicators of Success
of concepts for demonstrating proficiency. They are neither exhaustive nor proscriptive and should be used as guides for illustrating how y
are weighted equally.
You may include illustrations, photographs, graphs and charts, and other nontextual materials, as needed, to support the underpinning the
appendices if used).
What to Submit
Your comprehensive program proposal should be 12 to 15 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and written in APA format. U
and one-inch margins.
Final Project Rubric
Course Outcome
Demonstrate interpersonal skills, effective collaborative practices, and cultural competence through
meaningful verbal and written communication in individual and group interactions
Proficient (100%)
Assimilate principles and functions of management to foster organizational development, promote
effective use of human resources, enhance operations, and position the organization through
Proficient (100%)
application of market analysis
Integrate knowledge of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles to monitor, analyze,
and interpret healthcare financial and economic data for decision making and strategic planning
Proficient (100%)
Appraise the effectiveness, utilization, and integration of information-management systems within
the microsystems and mesosystems of the organization
Proficient (100%)
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Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
Translate the knowledge of U.S. healthcare delivery system, healthcare reimbursement, health
Proficient (100%)
policy, governance, and ethical considerations to promote population health and strategic planning
at the organizational level
Propose strategies that foster a dynamic organizational culture that clearly defines its strategic
Proficient (100%)
vision, identifies opportunities, and methodically engages in data analysis using epidemiologic and
statistical principals to support strategic planning, operations management, and continuous quality
Possible Indicators of Success
I. Demonstrate interpersonal skills, effective collaborative practices, and cultural competence through meaningful verbal and written
Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess the needs, benefits, and barriers encountered in diverse populations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and meaningfully with the target audience?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use evidenced-based strategies for the purpose of successfully completing projec
administration issue being investigated?
Does the student demonstrate a professional identity through reflective, concise, and accurate responses in the professional r
II. Assimilate principles and functions of management to foster organizational development, promote effective use of human resource
through application of market analysis
Does the student demonstrate the ability to harness the appropriate management theories in identifying a need or issue? Doe
design program proposals that address healthcare administration issues or needs that, at the same time, are adaptable to the e
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply management methods, models, and technologies in innovative and unique m
Does the student demonstrate the ability to implement management tools and techniques that deliver long-term benefits des
Does the student demonstrate the ability to leverage applicable marketing theories and techniques that may enable communit
systems? Does the capstone demonstrate the student’s ability to use marketing concepts and theories in proposing solutions r
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use the appropriate metrics, theories, and models that enable organizations to ma
student demonstrate the ability to design appropriate interventions that address identified needs and issues while reflecting s
or community stakeholders?
III. Integrate knowledge of microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles to monitor, analyze, and interpret healthcare finan
strategic planning
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply microeconomic, macroeconomic, and financial principles in exposing new ar
relative to the issue or need that has been identified? Does the student demonstrate the ability to research and analyze releva
and supports the analysis?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze data within macroeconomic, microeconomic, and financial contexts and u
administration? Does the student demonstrate the ability to align results of data analyses with appropriate organizational stra
Does the student demonstrate the ability to align recommended interventions with the existing mission, vision, core values, an
demonstrate the ability to effectively articulate recommended interventions according to microeconomic, macroeconomic, an
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply the strategic planning process that reflects the healthcare financial and eco
the ability to establish evaluation procedures that would inform decision making and guide strategic planning?
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Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
the ability to establish evaluation procedures that would inform decision making and guide strategic planning?
IV. Appraise the effectiveness, utilization, and integration of information-management systems within the microsystems and mesosyste
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply current information-management systems for making recommendations pe
Does the student demonstrate the ability to integrate information-management systems that may potentially facilitate the att
Does the student demonstrate the ability to recommend and integrate an information system that is aligned with the existing s
demonstrate the ability of the student to understand the purpose, value, and advantages and disadvantages of specific types o
Does the student demonstrate the ability to plan for possible future information system needs of organizations?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to assess possible barriers to implementation of information systems and how these
V. Translate the knowledge of U.S. healthcare delivery system, healthcare reimbursement, health policy, governance, and ethical consid
planning at the organizational level
Does the student demonstrate the ability to analyze and apply data using statistical methods for addressing population health
critically analyze strengths and weaknesses in existing policies relevant to the issue being investigated?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to apply effective governance models that will enhance strategic planning and popul
theability to improve healthcare reimbursement and its processes and challenges?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to develop strategic plans pertinent to healthcare reimbursement, health policy, and
ethical manner? Does the student demonstrate understanding of ethicalissues that may arise in relation to healthcare reimbur
Does the student demonstrate the ability to use theoretical frameworks for practical applications of healthcare reimbursemen
promote population health and strategic planning at the organizational level? Does the student demonstrate the ability to app
conceptual framework that is relevant to effective strategic planning at the organizational level?
VI. Propose strategies that foster a dynamic organizational culture that clearly defines its strategic vision, identifies opportunities, and
epidemiologic and statistical principals to support strategic planning, operations management, and continuous quality improvement
Does the student demonstrate the ability to discern shared values and beliefs of organizations that may contribute to underst
demonstrate the ability to connect organizational culture with strategic planning?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to provide recommendations pertaining to improvements of organizational culture t
continuous quality improvement?
Does the student demonstrate the ability to determine the measurability of success in programs? Does the student demonstra
methodologies that will lead to the determination of successful resolutions for identified issues?
Does the student demonstrate understanding of relevant epidemiologic and statistical principles that facilitate data analysis?
data from primary and secondary sources?
5/30/23, 12:00 PM
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
5/30/23, 12:00 PM
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
5/30/23, 12:00 PM
Final Project Guidelines and Rubric – HCM-700-Q4438 Healthcare Admin Capstone 23TW4
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
Comprehensive Program Proposal
By Shana Burris
June 5, 2023
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
Problem Statement
The nursing field is very dynamic, and recently there has been a trend of nurses’ shortage,
which has its roots in a series of aspects that are likely to have a greater impact in the future.
Most healthcare institutions in the United States continue to experience acute nursing shortages
due to various reasons that require different approaches (Spurlock, 2020). The institution in focus
has a critical nursing shortage primarily caused by age disparity, where the nurse workforce
comprises older and retiring nurses, while the new nurses’ employment rate is low. The
implication is a significant staffing issue directly affecting human resources and rising healthcare
demand, especially given the aging population. There is also a general increase in older adult
populations in the US who require various care approaches, forcing hospitals and long-term care
facilities to share the available nurses to meet their needs (Spurlock, 2020). Nursing shortage
negatively impacts patient safety and care quality, leading to nurses’ burnout, medical errors, and
high mortality and morbidity rates, thus significantly affecting patient outcomes and increasing
healthcare costs.
Overview of Issue
The nursing shortage is a major contributor to medical errors in most facilities, as nurses
are at the frontline and in more contact with patients than other medical professionals. The
nursing shortage problem causes other challenges like burnout and fatigue due to the excessive
workload on the available nurses. As such, medical errors are highly likely, implying a threat to
patient security and reduced chances of accessing quality care by patients. Patients will always
make health-seeking decisions based on various factors, with quality and safety being the most
common determinants, other than costs. Compounded factors contribute to the deficit, raising
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
serious issues like the potential for morbidity, increased mortality, and medical errors (Drennan
& Ross, 2019). With a declining capacity to guarantee patient safety and security, the facility is
currently experiencing declining patient numbers because the facility is not a top choice.
Consequently, the organization is experiencing a declining financial performance since most of
its revenues originate from treatment and other care initiatives.
Notably, when there is a shortage of caregivers, caregiver ratios must be increased to
meet the demand, a decision solely dependent on management and hospital administrations. As
identified by this proposal, the most appropriate approach to addressing the problem is a
transitional nursing program that will entail educating new nurses to transition into employment
at the organization. The goal is to identify potential nursing students from varied cultural
backgrounds, offer them scholarship opportunities, and give them agreement terms to serve the
institution for an agreed period before they are free to join other forms of employment. The goal
is to benefit the potential employees as they will not have to pay for their education and will have
guaranteed employment opportunities immediately after their education, as they also help the
organization with their valuable services. The institution will benefit from having a guaranteed
staff inventory to cap the rapidly growing and diversifying demand.
Target Audience
The notable stakeholders will be the hospital directors, senior managers, and other leaders
critical of making major decisions on behalf of the institution. The primary target is the board of
directors, who are responsible for critical decisions at the institution, mainly because the
intervention involves a significant financial investment. The management comes second as they
are in touch with the daily activities at the facility and have a first-hand experience with the
shortage, particularly the human resources department, which is responsible for scheduling staff
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
based on needs. Nurse managers and nurse leaders will give critical insights into the situation
due to the shift scheduling challenges they experience and the service quality their departments
deliver based on their challenges. Nurse representatives should also be present to give their
accounts and share their thoughts on the proposed solution and its potential impacts on their job.
Finally, representatives from nursing schools should be invited to affirm the viability of the
approach and share expert opinions on how to implement the proposed program better.
One of the most challenging human resource issues facing nursing today is the shortage
of nurses in the US and worldwide. It is an undeniable fact, even though the primary causes of
the severe shortage are not entirely clear. Numerous studies have been conducted to identify the
reasons behind the scarcity and solutions to the problem. Unfortunately, it does not seem like
there is a specific solution to the problem. The results do, however, highlight some challenges,
including changes in nursing trends, such as customized services like home-based care, which
forced nurses outside of their typical work settings (Scheidt et al., 2021). In addition to other care
facilities like nursing homes and hospices, this type of care includes caring for patients like older
adults and those with chronic illnesses in their homes. The human resources department should
consider increasing nurse pay and introducing other incentives that might help nurse retention
The nursing workforce shortage is a significant concern in healthcare in the US and globally
(Haddad et al., 2022). Nurses are a very pivotal ingredient in the delivery of care; thus, it is
pertinent that adequate measures and strategies are put in place to address the health concern.
Notably, nurse shortage increases medication errors and high morbidity and mortality rates in the
healthcare sector. Other factors associated with nurse shortage include increased fatigue and
burnout among the nursing staff, job dissatisfaction, and a high patient-nurse ratio. Technological
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
advancement in the healthcare sector and other fields, majorly in artificial intelligence, machine
learning, telehealth, and automated systems, has shown promising results in addressing
workforce shortages, increasing efficiency in care delivery, and reducing cost, thus its
consideration in the current project. The current project aims to address the issue of nurse
shortage in the healthcare sector by employing technological tools to reduce the workload on the
existing nursing staff and perform some nursing functions.
Resource Allocation
To address the nursing shortage in the US, the current project proposes using a multicomponent technology approach to counter the nursing shortage menace. The proposed
technological component that the project targets to implement are telehealth and the utilization of
automated systems to carry out specified nursing functions to reduce the workload on the
available nursing staff. The implementation of telehealth and automated systems will be
implemented simultaneously in the targeted US healthcare facilities to increase distal healthcare
provision and perform specified nursing functions to relieve the available nursing staff of some
duties and reduce the need to move from one place to another during the care delivery process.
Telehealth, also called telemedicine, entails providing care, managing patients, and other
healthcare services utilizing digital information communication tools (Crouch et al., 2023). The
technological aspect is a concept that has been progressively improved and embraced in the
healthcare sector as it has gradually been improved and embraced to offer remote healthcare
services. Telehealth uses resources like mobile phones, computers, and tablets to extend remote
care to patients. The technology effectively provides remote care to surging geriatric patients and
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
patients in rural areas or areas with limited healthcare coverage. A notable instance when the
technology proved effective in delivering remote care and dealing with a shortage of healthcare
practitioners, is during the COVID-19 pandemic, when healthcare delivery greatly depended on
The current project will utilize multi-component telehealth, including remote patient
monitoring, store and forward, video conferencing tools, and mobile health applications
(Chapman, 2021). These tools will be deployed to targeted patients and healthcare facilities, and
the nurses and patients will be trained to utilize them. The essence of the tools will be reducing
the need for nurses’ and patients’ movement and enhancing timely care delivery to a larger
population, thus reducing the impacts of nursing staff shortage. Since acquiring additional
nursing staff is the core problem in the US healthcare sector, telehealth will function to reduce
the workload on the available staff and extension of care to a larger population.
Automated Systems
The other aspect of the multi-component solution to the nurse shortage in the US is the
utilization of automated systems to perform specified nursing functions (Kangasniemi et al.,
2019). Automation in nursing is part of general nurse informatics and the automation tools aid in
performing supervised and unsupervised monotonous nursing and other healthcare functions.
Clinical automation tools reduce the nursing staff’s workload and enhance the quality of care.
The advancement in technology and embrace of artificial intelligence in healthcare will be the
basis for using automated tools to carry out assigned nursing functions in clinical and nonclinical settings. The tools will relieve the existing nurse staff of some of their duties and cut
down the impact of the nurse staff shortage in the targeted healthcare facilities.
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
The proposed clinical automation tools for the current project will include external
defibrillators (AED), electronic health records management systems, and robotics. These tools
will diagnose cardiac-related health conditions and automatically record and retrieve patients’
health records (Edelman et al., 2020). The robotics will be utilized in carrying out repetitive
medical examinations and picking up and delivering supplies in the care set-up. It is pertinent to
note that manual systems in the healthcare sector worsen the nurse shortage issue and calls for
extra human input and time to deliver care. Concerning this concept, the automated clinical tools
and systems will reduce the workload on the available nursing staff and cut down the need for
extra nursing staff.
Plan for Resource Use
A critical factor for successfully utilizing telehealth and automated systems to address the
nurse shortage in the US is having a concise, workable, and comprehensive plan. The plan will
ensure the resources are deployed and utilized effectively to avoid wastages and unnecessary
costs while deriving maximal benefit. A notable factor in ensuring that the telehealth and
automated systems resources are accessed and assigned most economically will have a multidisciplinary team comprising of healthcare practitioners, information technology experts, and
economists to deliberate on the health, technological, and economic viability of the two
components in addressing nurse shortage in the US. This team will directly source and deploy
the two tools to the targeted healthcare facilities. Their multi-disciplinary contributions will be
pivotal in informed decision-making and mistake minimization.
The other core component to ensure that resources are accessed and assigned most
economically is sourcing the telehealth and automated systems from the most reliable and
affordable vendors (Krick et al., 2019). The vendors shall be vetted based on the quality of their
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
products, the cost of the supplies, and the availability of support systems and routine upgrades.
Another factor of consideration to ensure that the resources are assigned the most economical
way is training the targeted healthcare practitioners on how to effectively utilize the tools to
minimize wastages, errors, and the fallback to manual systems.
In recent years, there has been an increasing worry over the nurse shortage in the United
States, which has an impact on the quality of care provided to patients as well as the entire
functionality of healthcare systems (Nursing Journal, 2023). As a result, the development and
execution of an all-encompassing program plan is absolutely necessary in order to solve the
nursing shortage in the United States (Jean, 2023). This plan must to contain a schedule for
accomplishing program goals, quantifiable targets, ethical and legal concerns, budgetary factors,
and expected issue-related results.
This program’s major purpose is to increase the quality of patient care while also addressing
the nurse shortage that currently exists in the United States. The following SMART objectives
contribute to the accomplishment of this purpose:
1. Over the next two years, we should aim to achieve a 20% increase in the number of
nursing students enrolled in nursing programs.
2. Over the following three years, bring the rate of nurse turnover down by ten percent.
3. Over the next five years, there should be a 15% increase in the number of registered
nurses working in rural regions.
4. Over the following five years, there should be a 10% increase in the number of nurses
who are members of a minority.
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
5. Within the next five years, there should be a 10% increase in the number of nurse
leaders working in healthcare companies.
Ethical and Legal Considerations
When developing and putting this program plan into action, it is essential to give careful
attention to ethical and legal factors. Throughout the whole of the planning process for the
program, it is necessary to keep in mind the four ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence,
beneficence, and justice.
Respecting a patient’s right to autonomy requires nurses to take into account the decisions
and preferences of their patients with relation to the treatment they receive. As a result, the input
of nurses must to be taken into consideration while building the program.
Non-maleficence is a philosophy in nursing that mandates nurses refrain from inflicting
patients any kind of pain or injury. As a result, the program has to be established with the intention
of enhancing the standard of care provided to patients.
Under this concept, registered nurses are obligated to do tasks that are in their patients’ best
interests. As a result, the program has to be designed in order to address the nurse shortage and
enhance the overall quality of care provided to patients.
In accordance with this guiding concept, nursing staff are obligated to treat all patients in
an equitable manner. As a result, the program has to be established to address the nurse shortage
in all locations, including urban and rural areas as well as people of all ethnicities.
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
Financial Considerations
It is necessary to do an analysis of the program’s financial considerations in order to
ascertain the possible monetary effect that the program might have on the organization. The
following financial factors are ones that need to be taken into consideration:
1. The expense of recruiting and educating new nursing staff.
2. the price of providing bonuses and other forms of ongoing education as motivation for
nurses to remain in their positions.
3. the expense associated with providing debt forgiveness programs for nursing students.
4. The potential rise in income that would result from improved health care quality and
enhanced patient satisfaction.
Predicted Issues-Related Outcomes & a Strategy to Deal with Them
During the process of putting the program into action, there is a possibility that many
problems may appear. It is projected that the following challenges may arise, along with their
corresponding strategies for resolving them:
1. Resistance to Change: There is a possibility of resistance to change occurring within
healthcare organizations and among nurses. Offering education and training on the significance of
tackling the nurse shortage and enhancing the quality of patient care is part of the approach to
solve this problem.
2. Restrictions: Due to Financial Circumstances, healthcare organizations could not have
the funding required to put the initiative into action (Renato, 2018). The solution to this problem
is going to include looking for outside financing sources, such as grants from the government or
contributions from private individuals.
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
3. Obstacles in the Process of Recruitment: The process of recruiting nursing students
may be difficult, particularly in more remote locations. In order to find a solution to this problem,
the plan calls for the establishment of programs that provide financial assistance in the form of
grants and scholarships to nursing students who are interested in working in rural regions (Stanley,
The Timetable for Achieving the Program Objectives
The schedule for achieving the program goals is as follows:
1. Over the next two years, we should aim to achieve a 20% increase in the number of
nursing students enrolled in nursing programs. In the first year, an outreach campaign to high
school students should be developed and put into action to promote nursing as a career option. In
the second year, formulate and carry out a plan to provide nursing students with mentoring
2. Over the following three years, bring the rate of nurse turnover down by ten percent. In
the first year, it is recommended that a survey be carried out to investigate the causes for nurse
turnover. In the second year, devise and put into action measures for retaining employees, such as
providing financial incentives for further education and career advancement. In the third year,
assess how successful the retention techniques have been and make any required revisions.
3. Over the next five years, there should be a 15% increase in the number of registered
nurses working in rural regions. In the first year, carry out a requirements analysis to evaluate the
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
extent of the nurse shortage in rural regions. In the second year, design and carry out an outreach
program with the goal of increasing the number of nursing students studying in rural regions.
Assess the efficiency of the outreach program throughout the course of years 3 through 5 and make
any required modifications.
4. Over the following five years, there should be a 10% increase in the number of nurses
who are members of a minority. In the first year, an outreach campaign to minority populations to
promote nursing as a profession should be developed and put into action. Assess the efficiency of
the outreach program throughout the course of years 2 through 5 and make any required
5. Within the next five years, there should be a 10% increase in the number of nurse leaders
working in healthcare companies. In the first year, there will be a focus on the creation and
execution of a leadership development program for nurses. Assess the efficiency of the leadership
development program throughout the course of years 2 through 5 and make any required
The acute nurse shortage in the US calls for effective measures and strategies to address it owing
to its negative implication on healthcare delivery (Haddad et al., 2022). The current project
proposes using a multi-component approach to address the nursing shortage and enhance the
quality of care delivery. The interventions prescribed in the plan include increasing the number
of enrolments in nursing schools, reducing the nurse turnover rate and increasing the number of
nurses working among the minority and rural regions. A critical phase in the proposed project is
the actual implementation of the plan to enable the realization of the set objectives. This paper
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
details the set of activities that will lead to the attainment of the set objectives, the rationale of
the activities and their sequence.
Activities Leading to the Attainment of the Objectives
“Implementing the multi-component project to address the nursing shortage in the US
will follow a series of steps to ensure that the project’s objectives and goals are fully and
effectively achieved” (Beitz, 2019). These activities include the creation of awareness of the
project’s objectives, partnering with targeted agencies and institutions, gathering necessary
resources and funding for the project, the actual implementation of the project and evaluation
and assessment of the outcomes. The activities will follow each other sequentially as the
actualization of one depends on the other. The table below summarizes the sequence of the
activities, the individual activities and their estimated timelines.
Table 1: Activities in the Implementation Plan
Creation of awareness of the project’s objectives
Three months
Partnership with relevant agencies and institutions
Six months
Gathering resources and funding
Six months
Actual implementation
Six months
Assessment and evaluation of objectives
Three months
1. Creating Awareness of the Project’s Objectives
The first step in the project implementation will be creating awareness of the health issue,
its implication, proposed interventions and the core objectives of the plan to the relevant
agencies, individuals and institutions. Notably, the project proposes the utilization of increased
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
enrollment in nursing schools, cutting down organizational nursing staff turnover rates and
increasing the number of nurses working in rural and minority regions (Marc et al., 2019). To
attain the project’s objectives, it is pertinent to communicate the project’s objectives and
proposed strategies to relevant parties such as nursing education institutions, governmental and
non-governmental agencies, healthcare providers and other parties with a vested interest in
addressing the nursing shortage.
A core rationale for this activity is to serve as a wake-up call to relevant stakeholders and
call for their participation and contribution to the proposed interventions. Additionally, creating
awareness of the project’s strategies and objectives will enable gathering crucial feedback and
determining the stakeholders’ perspective regarding the proposed interventions, thus making it
possible to determine the project’s feasibility and subsequent required improvements.
2. Partnership with Relevant Agencies and Institutions
The second step in the project’s implementation will be establishing and building
partnerships with relevant agencies and institutions. Addressing the nursing shortage in the US
takes a collaborative effort between healthcare organizations, government agencies, nursing
education institutions and individual healthcare organizations (Beitz, 2019). About this concept,
the project team will establish functional collaboration and partnership with such agencies as
nursing education institutions, financiers, government and private organizations, healthcare
organizations and other relevant agencies. The partnerships and collaboration shall be pivotal to
increasing enrolment in nursing schools, implementing strategies to reduce nursing staff turnover
rates and project financing.
The core rationale for this activity in the project implementation is that addressing the
nursing shortage in the US is not a single agency action or institution effort, thus calling for
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
collaboration and partnership with other agencies to foster the attainment of the project’s
objectives. The partnership and collaboration will also be pivotal in offering critical information,
data, resources and inputs relevant to the project’s effective implementation.
3. Gathering Resources and Funding
Implementing the project to address the nursing shortage in the US by utilizing increased
enrolment in nursing schools and cutting down nursing staff turnover rates calls for sufficient
resources and findings (Haddad et al., 2022). In this phase of the implementation stage, the
project team will contact both government and non-governmental to gather the required
resources and funding to reduce the nursing shortage. The team shall prepare and present
provisional budgets, identify all the resources required to implement the plan and seek funds
from governmental and non-governmental agencies and institutions. The core justification and
rationale for this action is that the project can only be implemented with the resources and
funding, thus the need to solicit, manage and organize the relevant resources and funding.
4. Actual Implementation
The next activity in the plan implementation is the actual deployment of resources and
implementation of the plan. In this phase of the program’s implementation, the core activities
will include working with the nursing education institutions to provide bonuses and incentives to
encourage ongoing students, waiving educational debts and loans for nursing students and
encouraging more enrolment in nursing programs (Marc et al., 2019). Additionally, the project
team shall work with healthcare organizations to deploy and implement strategies to cut down
nursing staff turnover rates, including enhancing working conditions for nurses, providing
incentives, and listening to nurses’ concerns. The final activity in this implementation phase is
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
working with nursing bodies and government agencies to enhance the equitable distribution of
nursing staff to cover the void in rural and minority regions.
The justification for carrying out the above activity is that the set objectives will be
achieved by deploying resources and the proposed interventions and strategies. Reduce the
nursing staff shortage through utilizing increased nursing school enrolment and cutting down on
the nursing staff turnover rates requires a multi-component approach encompassing such
activities such as encouraging enrolment in nursing programs and bettering the working
conditions for nurses to cut down the rate at which they leave organizations or the entire nursing
5. Evaluation and Assessment of Outcome
The next critical activity in the plan’s implementation is evaluating and assessment of the
project’s outcome. In this step, an evaluation of the project’s targeted objectives is conducted
against the actual outcomes of the project (Marc et al., 2019). Summarily, the project’s team will
counter-check the project’s actual outcomes against the objectives and targets formulated in the
project’s inception. Evaluation and assessment will primarily be based on the impact of the plan
and interventions on nursing staff turnover rates and the number of students enrolling on nursing
programs and, subsequently, its impact on addressing the nursing shortage in the US.
The nursing shortage in the United States poses a significant challenge to the healthcare
system, requiring effective programs to address this issue. To evaluate the success of our
organization’s program aimed at alleviating the nursing shortage, we have developed
comprehensive evaluation methodologies. This section will provide a detailed description of the
evaluation methods employed, the evaluators responsible for conducting the assessment, the plan
for data collection, test instruments, data analysis, utilizing evaluation for program improvements,
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
and specific evaluation reports. The information presented is based on authoritative sources,
including Chamolou (2022), Mehdaova (2017), President et al. (2022), and Udod (2023).
Methods for Measuring Success
To ascertain the success of our program in alleviating the nursing shortage, we will utilize
two types of program evaluation methods: outcome evaluation and financial evaluation. Outcome
evaluation, as recommended by Chamolou (2022) and Mehdaova (2017), focuses on measuring
the program’s impact on the intended outcomes.
In terms of outcome evaluation, we will assess various key indicators, such as nurse
retention rates, job satisfaction levels, patient satisfaction scores, and improved healthcare
outcomes. By analyzing these indicators, we can determine the extent to which the program has
achieved its goals and evaluate its effectiveness in addressing the nursing shortage.
Financial evaluation, as highlighted by President et al. (2022), will be used to assess the
program’s financial impact and efficiency. This evaluation method involves analyzing financial
indicators, including cost savings, return on investment (ROI), and cost-benefit ratios. By
examining the financial aspects of the program, we can demonstrate its cost-effectiveness and
financial sustainability.
Evaluators and their Roles
The evaluation of our nursing shortage alleviation program will be conducted by a diverse
team of evaluators. The internal evaluation team will consist of program managers, coordinators,
and staff members who possess in-depth knowledge and understanding of the program’s objectives,
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
activities, and context. Their involvement in the evaluation process ensures a comprehensive
assessment of the program’s success from an internal perspective.
Additionally, we will engage external evaluators who are independent professionals or
consulting agencies with expertise in program evaluation and nursing research. These external
evaluators will provide an impartial perspective and enhance the objectivity and validity of the
evaluation findings.
Data Collection and Sources
To gather robust and relevant data for the evaluation, we will employ a multifaceted data
collection approach. First, we will collect quantitative data from various sources, including internal
program records and external databases. Internal program records will provide valuable
information such as participant demographics, retention rates, and financial data. We will also
utilize national nursing databases and surveys to obtain industry-wide statistics related to nurse
turnover rates, job satisfaction, patient outcomes, and other relevant metrics (Udod, 2023).
In addition to quantitative data, we will collect qualitative data through surveys, interviews,
and focus groups. These methods will enable us to capture the subjective experiences, perceptions,
and suggestions of program participants, nurses, and other stakeholders. By integrating
quantitative and qualitative data, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the program’s
impact and identify areas for improvement.
Test Instruments
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data, we will utilize standardized test
instruments. For quantitative data collection, we will employ validated surveys and questionnaires
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
that have been widely used in nursing research and program evaluations. These instruments will
enable us to gather consistent and comparable data on variables such as job satisfaction, work
environment, program effectiveness, and patient outcomes.
For qualitative data collection, we will develop interview and focus group guides based on
existing literature and best practices in nursing research. These guides will ensure that the data
collected is relevant to the evaluation objectives and will provide rich insights into participants’
experiences, perceptions, and suggestions for program improvement.
Data Analysis and Program Improvement
The collected data will undergo a rigorous analysis process to derive meaningful insights
and inform program improvements. Quantitative data analysis will involve both descriptive and
inferential statistical techniques. Descriptive analysis will be used to summarize and present the
quantitative data, allowing us to identify patterns, trends, and relationships. Inferential analysis,
such as regression analysis, will help us examine the impact of the program on desired outcomes
and explore potential factors contributing to program success.
Qualitative data analysis will involve a systematic process of coding and thematic analysis.
Transcripts from interviews and focus groups will be analyzed to identify recurring themes,
emerging patterns, and key insights related to program effectiveness and areas for improvement.
The qualitative analysis will provide valuable context and depth to complement the quantitative
findings, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the program’s impact.
The evaluation findings will be utilized for program improvement purposes. By analyzing
the data and identifying areas of strength and weakness, we will be able to make informed
decisions on program modifications and enhancements. The evaluation results will guide us in
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
refining strategies, adjusting interventions, and allocating resources effectively to maximize the
program’s impact on alleviating the nursing shortage.
Evaluation Reports
To effectively communicate the success and impact of our nursing shortage alleviation
program, we will develop specific evaluation reports. These reports will serve as valuable
resources for internal stakeholders and potential funders. The following types of evaluation reports
will be generated:
Process Evaluation Report: This report will provide a detailed analysis of the
program’s implementation process, including the strategies, activities, and resources utilized. It
will assess whether the program was implemented as planned and identify any challenges or
barriers encountered during implementation. The process evaluation report will offer insights into
the program’s fidelity and adherence to the intended design, providing a foundation for program
Outcome Evaluation Report: The outcome evaluation report will present the
findings related to the program’s impact on desired outcomes. It will include an analysis of
quantitative data, such as nurse retention rates, patient satisfaction scores, and healthcare outcome
indicators. The report will demonstrate the extent to which the program has achieved its intended
outcomes, highlighting any significant improvements or areas for further enhancement.
Formative Evaluation Report: The formative evaluation report will focus on
providing feedback and recommendations for program improvement. It will synthesize the
qualitative data collected from surveys, interviews, and focus groups to identify strengths,
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
weaknesses, and opportunities for refinement. This report will assist in refining program strategies
and activities based on participant feedback and stakeholder input.
Summative Evaluation Report: The summative evaluation report will serve as a
comprehensive summary of the program’s overall effectiveness and impact. It will integrate the
findings from the process, outcome, and formative evaluations to provide a holistic assessment of
the program’s success. The summative evaluation report will also highlight the program’s
contributions to addressing the nursing shortage in the United States and its potential for scalability
and replication.
Cost-Benefit Evaluation Report: The cost-benefit evaluation report will focus on
analyzing the financial aspects of the program. It will assess the program’s return on investment,
cost-effectiveness, and long-term sustainability. This report will provide valuable information to
potential funders, demonstrating the program’s economic viability and its potential for generating
positive financial outcomes.
Nursing Shortage Across the United States
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