Prepare a PowerPoint presentation about the thesis:Slide arrangement:1- Title2- Outline (title and subtitle)3- Introduction (details of the research question, what is the research trying to answer. Start with problem statement and some information about the topic)4- Literature review5- Mention the value of answering the research question, what will it add to the healthcare field, the significance of the research, and how does it relate to my current field (blood bank technology)6- Aim and objectives of the research (if model is used please mention)7- Methods (study design, analysis, quantitative or qualitative, inclusion and exclusion criteria, protocol used)8- Evaluation, what was done in the evaluation section, what was the starting number of articles, and how were they narrowed down, how many articles found, how did u evaluate these articles? (software? table?)9- Results of the study, what were the results and what’s the significance of those results, and the most important finding (better to use a graph for ease of presenting data)10- Discussion, mention how the results found are supporting the introduction, mention if the findings agree with literature review or not, did you discover something new or is it consistent with previous studies?11- Conclusion, add limitations and suggestion for future studies12- Thank you13- References