Live Session
Module 9
Healthcare System of Saudi Arabia
Healthcare Systems
Instructor Name
Module 9 Learning Outcomes
1. Determine the impact of privately-owned
healthcare facilities on the equitable distribution
of health services in Saudi Arabia.
2. Investigate the evolution of the current health
system in Saudi Arabia in terms of quality, cost,
access, and innovation.
3. Evaluate the political and economic factors that
affect the Saudi Arabian healthcare system.
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
Saudi Arabia Healthcare
•Ministry of
founded in 1954
•MOH financially
responsible for 60%
of healthcare
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
Ministry of Health: Healthcare Services
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
Elements of Primary Healthcare(PHC) Centers
• Population education in
disease prevention and
• Safe water supply and
basic sanitation needs
• Proper food and diet
• Maternal and child
• Communicable disease
Prevention and control
of pervasive diseases
• Appropriate treatment
of diseases and injuries
• The provision of
Course Code and Title
Move Towards Privatization
•Advantages include increase local decisionmaking
•Reduce reliance on government decisionmaking process
•Disadvantages include potential increase in
access disparities
•Rural and poor communities may be at
CHCM500 Healthcare Systems
Private Healthcare Market: Major Providers
• Al Mouwasat Medical
• Elai Group
• Dallah Healthcare
Holding Company
• National Medical Care
• The Dr. Sulaiman Al
Habib Medical Group
CHCM500 Healthcare Systems
Council of Cooperative Health Insurance
CHCM500 Healthcare Systems
Vision 2030
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
National Transformation Program
• Objective 1: Ease Access to Health Services
• Objective 2: Improve Quality and Efficiency of
Healthcare Services
• Objective 3: Promote Prevention Against Health
Course Code and Title
Health-Insurance in Saudi Arabia
•1999 Cooperative Health Insurance Act
•Council of Cooperative Health
Insurance (CCHI)
•2008 Revision includes Saudi Nationals
working in private sector
CHCM500 Healthcare Systems
Health-Insurance in Saudi Arabia
• December of 2015 -international health insurance
mandated for visitors on temporary visa
• April of 2017-mandatory health insurance required
for all Saudi private sector employees and their
CoHCM500 Healthcare
• Alharbi, M. F. (2018). An analysis of the Saudi health-care system’s readiness to change in
the context of the Saudi National Health-care Plan in Vision 2030. International Journal of
Health Sciences, 12(3), 83-87.
• Arab News. (2016, June 23). Report: Vision 2030 to boost health services. Retrieved from
• (2018). Healthcare resource guide: Saudi Arabia. Retrieved from
• Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (2018). National transformation program: Delivery plan 20182020. Retrieved from
• Memish, Z. A., Jaber, S., Mokdad, A. H., AlMazroa, M. A., Murray, C. J. L., Al Rabeeah, A. A.,
& the Saudi Burden of Disease Collaborators. (2014). Burden of disease, injuries, and risk
factors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1990-2010. Retrieved from
• Saudi Gazette. (2017, April 12). Now Saudi health insurance covers all private sector
employees. Retrieved from
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
Module 9 Assignment Requirements
• Critical Thinking Assignment
o Evolution of healthcare in Saudi Arabia
HCM500 Healthcare Systems
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HCM500 Healthcare Systems
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HCM500 Healthcare Systems
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