Review the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973.
The growth of managed care in the United States was spurred by the enactment of the
Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973Links to an external site.
. Currently, managed care is the main mode of delivery of healthcare insurance in the U.S. However, adoption
utilization of managed care is not without existence of both proponents and critics, who are sharply divided on managed care’s overall impact on U.S. health care delivery. Choose one of the requirements in the SSA and elaborate on its effectiveness.
Are you a proponent or opponent (critic) of Managed Care? Why?
Reference: Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973.
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Two posts I need to respond to:
Kenzie Weldon
YesterdayJun 6 at 9:52am
Manage Discussion Entry
Managed care is the most popular type of healthcare in the United States, composed of different types of plans and requirements. One of the requirements of managed care is quality control. This requirement is very important because without it, people could be receiving less than adequate care. Of course, because of this, timing of care is affected as well. Lots of things can affect quality of care like how many patients a doctor is seeing, or how many patients are trying to get in to see a specific doctor. Because of network restrictions, many offices can get overwhelmed easily if there are not enough doctors for the amount of patients trying to get in. This does not affect quality of care directly, however, it can make it really difficult for patients to want to schedule simple check-ups or vaccinations. Overall, I am a proponent of managed care because it can keep costs at bay, however, there are some issues that I have with it. Mostly, I do not understand why dental, vision, and mental health care are not included as a basic health service. It is very frustrating that 3 important things a majority of the population struggles with are often not covered. I know multiple people who have not been to the dentist since they were a child. I know multiple people who use their disposable contacts more than they should because it is cheaper. I know a ton people who can not afford therapy so they continue to struggle with their mental health every day of their lives. It seems like with one of the requirements of managed care being quality control, legislators might look at how much these services are needed for everyones quality of life and adjust the programs.
Kenzie Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973.
Courtney Wilkerson
MondayJun 5 at 10:22pm
Manage Discussion Entry
Good Evening Everyone!
After reviewing the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1963 and also the course readings that talk about Managed Care, I believe that I am a proponent of this type of care. According to Harrington “The purpose of managed care is to provide quality and affordable health care to the plan beneficiaries.” (Harrington & Harrington, 2023). I am a proponent of Managed Care because it works and has worked for a long time. It works by partnering with physicians, hospitals and different practices to provide patients with the healthcare that they need and also benefiting the plan beneficiaries such as the employers. It is the most cost-effective health plan that works best and keeps cost at bay by providing patients with great care and plenty of options to help with any kind of medical need.
-Courtney Wilkerson
Harrington, M. K., & Harrington, M. K. (2023b). Chapter 6. In Health Care Finance and the mechanics of Insurance and Reimbursement (pp. 103–116). essay, Jones & Bartlett Learning.