?Which of the following are sources of job satisfaction found in job content
Hygiene factors
Motivator factors
?Which of the following is a process theory of motivation
Two factors theory
Acquired needs theory
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
Expectancy theory
Which of the following describes a state of inconsistency between an individual’s attitudes
?and/or between attitudes and behavior
Job satisfaction
Cognitive dissonance
Job involvement
Organizational commitment
Which of the following term refers to an individual’s belief about the likelihood of
?successfully completing a specific task
Deep-level diversity
Surface-level diversity
?Which of the following is a comparative of performance assessment
Critical incident diaries
Task identity
Review ˚36
Which of these traits is connected to how much someone feels upset or behaves in ways that
?are not acceptable
Social intelligence traits
Emotional empathy traits
Social empathy traits
Emotional adjustment traits
Which of the following term refers to a systematic attempt to influence how others perceive
Selective perception
Impression management
Halo effect
Behavior management
Which of the following is an attitude reflecting a person’s positive and negative feelings
?toward a job, co-workers
Job satisfaction
Job involvement
Organizational commitment
Cognitive dissonance
?Which of the following is a content theory of motivation
Two-factor theory
Equity theory
Expectancy theory
Management by objectives
Which of the following terms refers to the tendency to underestimate the influence of
situational factors and to overestimate the influence of personal factors when evaluating
?someone else’s behavior
Glass ceiling effect
Self-serving bias
Fundamental attribution error
Impression management
?Which category of managers unintentionally makes unethical decisions
Amoral manager
Moral manager
leader manager
Immoral manager
?Which of the following intends to discourage undesirable behavior
Extrinsic rewards
Self-serving bias
Halo effects
Which of the following links an individual’s salary or wage increase directly to measures of
?performance accomplishment
Performance-contingent pay
Merit pay
Which one of the following traits reflects the way a person appears to others when
?interacting in various community settings
Deep level Traits
Informal Traits
Social Traits
Capital Traits
Which of the following term refers to forces within the individual that account for the level
?and persistence of an effort expended at work
Which of the following term refers to simplified views of reality that attempt to explain real?world phenomena
Open systems
Job satisfaction
.Contingency thinking
?Which of the following seeks ways to meet the needs of different management situations
Open systems
Job satisfaction
.Contingency thinking
Which of the following describes how women are seen as weak in leadership if they conform
?to the feminine stereotype and also weak if they go against it
Leaking pipeline
Leadership double bind
Glass ceiling effect
Job burnout
.Write down the names of any two need-based motivation theories
.Mention the names of four important stages of the perception process