This portion of the Cultural Immersion Project Assignment includes two interviews focusing
on the identified cultural group. The first interview will be with an employee or representative of
an agency/organization which engages in social justice work with your chosen population. The
second interview will be with an individual or married couple from the selected cultural group in
order to develop an understanding that helped shaped that individual’s or couple’s cultural
identity. These interviews are significant part of the immersion project as you get to hear the
voices and listen to the hearts of those involved with the population.
Please utilize the guidelines noted below in completing this assignment:
This paper should be approximately 2,500 words (around 10 pages). Please note that the
quality of your answer is important, and use the approximate words count noted in each
section as you craft your responses for each section.
Please use current APA style which is the 7th edition of the APA publication manual
which includes information on appropriate formatting for section headings (Chapter 2),
levels of headings (Chapter 2), in-text citations (Chapter 8), and references (Chapters 9
and 10). In addition, review the sample professional paper on page 50 for more
Scholarly sources utilized for research and event portions can be used for this portion as
you address the prompts below. Take note that at least two (2) scholarly sources should
be used for this assignment.
Acceptable sources include journal articles, scholarly websites, one (1) pertinent chapter
from the McGoldrick et al. supplemental e-book.
Possible themes that can be explored (but not limited to) during the interviews include:
• Earliest memories of recognizing membership in a culturally different group
• The role of religion/spirituality
• Immigration experiences
• Similarities/differences between the individual’s or couples’ interactions in the U.S.
to the interactions with others in their own culture
• School experiences as a member of a cultural minority
• Experiences with subtle racism or discrimination
• Experiences with overt racism or discrimination
• Ways the person/couple chose his/her/their career(s) or made career choices
• The experience of being different from the majority culture
Agency/Organization Interview Prompts
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COUC 504
1. What is the purpose/mission statement of the agency/organization? (approximately 100
2. What services are offered to the identified population? (approximately 100 words)
3. How are members of the population made aware of available services? (approximately
150 words)
4. What are the areas of greatest need not only for the agency/organization but also within
the population? (approximately 150 words)
5. What are some of the more significant challenges for this population that is served? What
are some steps that have been taken to address these challenges, if any? (approximately
175 words)
6. What is the importance of social justice within the agency/organization community and
for the cultural group that is served? (approximately 125 words)
NOTE: Information for the above should be from an agency/organization representative or
employee and not from a website. Indicate the individual who was interviewed by using the
personal communication citation, and review the APA manual on how to format this type of
Individual or Couple Interview Prompts
1. Share some of the background of the interviewee(s). What is the story of their
background? (Use some of the prompts noted above to help gather information about the
background of your interviewees.) (approximately 300 words)
2. What are some of the key cultural events for this person/couple? Some examples of key
cultural events include interactions with the majority culture, experiences of
racism/discrimination, positive experiences with the majority and other cultures,
holiday/religious celebrations, or festivals. (approximately 250 words)
3. As the person/couple shared their story, what was your emotional reaction to the story
especially with the key cultural events? Why do you think you responded this way?
(approximately 125 words)
4. Based on the interview experience, what knowledge about this cultural group was added
that you did not learn from the previous parts of this immersion assignment?
(approximately 150 words)
5. From the Gracism readings, remind yourself of the seven (7) sayings discussed in the
book. From your interactions with your chosen cultural group, which of the seven sayings
apply to your population or do you think are applicable? What other Gracism principle(s)
do you think also apply? Based on your experiences from this immersion experience,
what are specific ways that you can engage as a Gracist with this population and how
would go about doing it? (approximately 200 words; cite and reference the Anderson
Summary Section
After completing the interviews, write a summary of your reactions to the interviews to include
the following:
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COUC 504
Compare and contrast what you learned in the interviews to the information learned from
the research and event portions of this immersion project. In other words, what did you
note as the similarities and differences between the research/events and interview
portions of this project. (approximately 200 words)
What are two things that were the most surprising about the information gathered from
the interviews? Elaborate as to why they were surprising for you. (approximately 100
Identify three ways of how you were impacted personally from this experience and how
you have changed. In other words, what has changed for you as a result of having this
immersion experience? (approximately 200 words)
What are three general insights that you learned about interacting with a different
population? In other words, how has your perspective of working with culturally different
individuals changed because of this immersion experience? How will you apply these
insights and new knowledge in your future work with culturally different clients?
(approximately 200 words)
Note: Submit your paper in the course and in Tevera/LiveText:
• If you are a School Counseling student, please submit to LiveText.
• If you are a Clinical Mental Health/Professional Counseling student, please submit to
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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1. What is the purpose/mission statement of the agency/organization?
Our organization’s mission is to meet the needs of the local cultural minorities. No of their
color, nationality, religion, or cultural origin, all members of our community are entitled to
equality and social justice, according to our mission statement (National Council of La Raza,
n.d.). We work to establish a secure and welcoming atmosphere where people and families
from various backgrounds may have access to the tools they require to prosper and reach their
greatest potential.
2. What services are offered to the identified population?
Our organization’s mission is to meet the needs of the local cultural minorities. No of their
color, nationality, religion, or cultural origin, all members of our community are entitled to
equality and social justice, according to our mission statement. We work to establish a secure
and welcoming atmosphere where people and families from various backgrounds may have
access to the tools they require to prosper and reach their greatest potential.
3. How are members of the population made aware of available services?
The agency primarily use community outreach programmes to inform the general public of the
services that are offered. This entails supporting cultural celebrations, going to neighbourhood
activities, and working with other neighbourhood organisations to advertise services. To spread
information about its services and future events, the agency also makes use of social media
websites and regional media outlets. In order to direct the populace to these organisations’
services, the agency has partnered with schools, hospitals, and other service organisations. The
agency provides services in a variety of languages and has bilingual staff on hand to help with
communication because they are aware that many members of the population may experience
language challenges (Banks, 2015). Overall, the agency is committed to reaching out to the
population in various ways to ensure that they are aware of and have access to the services they
4. What are the areas of greatest need not only for the agency/organization but also within
the population?
The agency representative mentioned that access to affordable housing, healthcare, and
education are some of the areas of greatest need for the people they serve throughout the
interview. As a result of prejudice, language hurdles, or a lack of resources, many members of
this ethnic group encounter considerable obstacles while trying to attain these essentials. The
organization also noted a critical need for mental health services, particularly for people and
families who have endured trauma connected to migration or prejudice. The organization is
aware that meeting these requirements necessitates a multifaceted strategy that includes not
just offering direct assistance but also lobbying for legislative reform and community outreach.
Furthermore, within the agency/organization, the areas of greatest need include recruiting and
retaining culturally competent staff who are able to provide services in the languages of the
populations served. The representative also identified the need for more funding to expand
services and meet the growing demand for assistance.
5. What are some of the more significant challenges for this population that is served?
What are some steps that have been taken to address these challenges, if any?
The respondent and the organization claim that discrimination, access issues to school and
career possibilities, language obstacles, and the worry of deportation are just a few of the key
issues this demographic faces. Many people and families in this community struggle to get
around the complicated healthcare, educational, and legal systems and encounter these
difficulties. Social exclusion, poor health outcomes, and restricted economic mobility can all
result from these difficulties.
The organization offers a variety of services, including legal aid, healthcare referrals, help with
education and employment, and community engagement initiatives, to address these issues. To
build an extensive network of assistance for this demographic, the agency also works with other
community groups and service providers.
Additionally, the agency advocates for policies and legislation that support the rights and needs
of immigrants and their families. This includes lobbying for more inclusive and accessible
education and healthcare systems, as well as advocating for a path to citizenship for
undocumented individuals. The agency also works to raise awareness about the experiences of
immigrants and the contributions they make to American society.
6. What is the importance of social justice within the agency/organization community and
for the cultural group that is served?
The respondent and the organization claim that discrimination, access issues to school and
career possibilities, language obstacles, and the worry of deportation are just a few of the key
issues this demographic faces. Many people and families in this community struggle to get
around the complicated healthcare, educational, and legal systems and encounter these
difficulties. Social exclusion, poor health outcomes, and restricted economic mobility can all
result from these difficulties (McGoldrick, Giordano, & Garcia-Preto, 2005).
The organization offers a variety of services, including legal aid, healthcare referrals, help with
education and employment, and community engagement initiatives, to address these issues. To
build an extensive network of assistance for this demographic, the agency also works with other
community groups and service providers. Without a commitment to social justice,
agencies/organizations risk perpetuating inequality and marginalization of the populations they
1. Share some of the background of the interviewee(s). What is the story of their
background? (Use some of the prompts noted above to help gather information about
the background of your interviewees.) (approximately 300 words)
The respondent revealed that they were born in Mexico and that as a young child, they moved
to the United States with their family. They were raised in a small Mexican town where their
family ran a little shop selling things in the neighbourhood market. The family made the
decision to relocate to the United States, nonetheless, as a result of financial difficulties and a
desire for better possibilities.
The respondent discussed the difficulties they encountered when they first came to the US. It
was challenging and even overwhelming for them to learn English while also integrating into
a new culture. They had trouble socialising and making friends, but they found comfort in their
family and neighbourhood. The interviewee emphasized the importance of family in their
culture and how their parents and siblings provided a support system during the difficult
The interviewee also discussed how their cultural upbringing affected their relationships and
way of life. They talked on the value of respect, friendliness, and close family ties in Mexican
culture. They showed a profound admiration for their culture and the ideals that their parents
and community had ingrained in them. Their interactions and connections with people, both
inside and outside of their cultural group, have been impacted by these beliefs.
The interviewee’s history was largely influenced by their experience with immigration and their
close links to family and community. Despite the difficulties they encountered, they have
remained deeply rooted in their culture and values.I sympathised with the respondent as they
described their experiences with prejudice and discrimination. I also felt inspired by their
resilience and the strength of their cultural identity. I think my emotional reaction was
influenced by my own experiences of growing up in a multicultural community and witnessing
the impact of discrimination and racism on individuals and communities.
2. What are some of the key cultural events for this person/couple? Some examples of
key cultural events include interactions with the majority culture, experiences of
racism/discrimination, positive experiences with the majority and other cultures,
holiday/religious celebrations, or festivals. (approximately 250 words)
The respondent discussed various significant cultural moments that have influenced their
identity as a Mexican immigrant residing in the United States during the course of the interview.
The Day of the Dead, a customary Mexican celebration that honours the lives of loved ones
who have passed away, was one of the occasions they cited. They talked about how their family
would get together to build an altar with images of their loved ones, candles, and sacrifices like
food and flowers. They stressed the value of this festival in helping them stay connected to
their Mexican background and pass on cultural customs to next generations.
The encounter with racism and discrimination was another significant cultural event they
recalled. They discussed how they had experienced exclusion and marginalisation at work and
in school due to linguistic and racial hurdles (Perez & Sias, 2018). They also discussed the
strength and resilience they gained as a result of these experiences and the significance of
receiving assistance from their family and community.
The respondent also talked about his or her pleasant interactions with many cultures, including
going to multicultural festivals and activities. They discussed how their travels had given them
the chance to celebrate their own culture while also appreciating and learning about others’.
3. What are some of the key cultural events for this person/couple? Some examples of
key cultural events include interactions with the majority culture, experiences of
racism/discrimination, positive experiences with the majority and other cultures,
holiday/religious celebrations, or festivals. (approximately 250 words)
As the interviewee shared their story, I felt a sense of empathy and understanding towards their
experiences of navigating a new culture and dealing with discrimination. I felt encouraged and
inspired by their tenacity after learning about their constructive interactions with local
organisations and cultural events. Their explanation of the value of their family and cultural
traditions in upholding a sense of identity and belonging truly touched me.
My own experiences with cultural identification and assimilation, as well as my principles of
empathy and social justice, I believe played a role in my emotional response. It also resulted
from my desire to comprehend others’ experiences and discover various cultural viewpoints.
The interview process was, all in all, a potent reminder of the value of cultural diversity and
the strength that can result from accepting and honouring other cultural traditions.
4. Based on the interview experience, what knowledge about this cultural group was added
that you did not learn from the previous parts of this immersion assignment?
(approximately 150 words)
I developed a deeper knowledge of the unique struggles and hardships faced by members of
this cultural group during the interview process, particularly in relation to immigration and
integration in the United States. Additionally, I discovered how crucial community support and
cultural customs are to retaining a strong sense of cultural identity. The considerable impact of
subtle kinds of bias and discrimination on the day-to-day experiences of people from this ethnic
group was one important feature that was contributed to my understanding. The respondent
described the difficulties they ran into at work and at school as a result of cultural prejudices
and misunderstandings. This emphasised how crucial it is to advance cultural education and
awareness in order to counteract such prejudices and promote a more inclusive society.
Additionally, the interview experience helped me appreciate the resilience and determination
of individuals from this cultural group in the face of adversity, as they strive to preserve their
cultural identity and make a better life for themselves and their families in the United States.
5. From the Gracism readings, remind yourself of the seven (7) sayings discussed in the
book. From your interactions with your chosen cultural group, which of the seven
sayings apply to your population or do you think are applicable? What other Gracism
principle(s) do you think also apply? Based on your experiences from this immersion
experience, what are specific ways that you can engage as a Gracist with this population
and how would go about doing it? (approximately 200 words; cite and reference the
Anderson book)
The phrase “I want to learn from you” from the Gracism texts is applicable to my interactions
with this group of people. This proverb highlights the value of appreciating and learning from
different points of view, which is something I believe is especially crucial in a multicultural
society. Building strong relationships across cultural boundaries can aid in promoting
understanding and reducing prejudice, hence I believe the Gracism idea of “engaging in
relationship” is pertinent. As a Gracist, I would continue to look for opportunities to interact
with and learn from members of this ethnic group while also fighting for laws and procedures
that support diversity, equity, and inclusion.
I was able to obtain a greater knowledge of the personal experiences and viewpoints of people
from a different ethnic group through the interview component of this immersion study. I
discovered that the knowledge I gained from the interviews enhanced and added to the
knowledge I gained from the project’s research and event-related activities. The interviews gave
me the opportunity to hear first-person descriptions of how cultural background affects people’s
experiences and offered information on topics that may not have been included in the research
or events.
The strength of people in the face of discrimination and the value of family and community
support in overcoming challenging circumstances were two things that surprised me most.
These aspects were not highlighted as prominently in the research and events, and it was
inspiring to hear about the strength and resourcefulness of individuals in navigating challenges.
In the course of my immersion project, I conducted research, went to a cultural event, and
interviewed people to learn more about the Mexican immigrant community in the United
States. Between the research/events and interview parts of this project, I found a number of
parallels and differences.
The research and event components of this project gave a comprehensive overview of the
Mexican immigrant population and their experiences in the United States, which is similar in
that respect. For instance, the research article by Perez and Sias (2018) included details on the
difficulties that Mexican immigrants encounter, including linguistic obstacles, prejudice, and a
lack of resources. The cultural event I attended also highlighted some of these challenges as
well as the importance of family, community, and traditions to maintain cultural identity.
The project’s interview component gave a more intimate and in-depth look on a Mexican
immigrant couple’s experiences. The interviewee discussed his or her difficulties adjusting to
a new culture, dealing with prejudice, and utilising the healthcare system. Additionally, the
couple emphasised the value of community, religion, and family in their life.
Regarding disparities, the project’s interview component gave a more nuanced and thorough
picture of the struggles and difficulties faced by Mexican immigrants. While the research and
event segments provide a general overview of the population, the interview gave detailed
information about the couple’s lives.
This immersion experience has impacted me personally in several ways. It has increased my
empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals from different cultural
backgrounds. Secondly, it has helped me to recognize my own biases and assumptions and
encouraged me to approach my work with greater cultural humility. Finally, it has emphasized
the importance of creating a safe and welcoming environment for clients of all backgrounds,
and motivated me to continue my learning and growth in this area.
Three general insights I have gained from this experience are the importance of actively
listening and validating clients’ experiences, the need for cultural humility in working with
diverse populations, and the value of building strong relationships with clients. Going forward,
I plan to apply these insights by continuing to seek out opportunities to learn and grow in this
area, actively seeking feedback from clients to improve my practice, and prioritizing building
strong relationships with clients based on mutual trust and respect.
Overall, the research/events and interview portions of this project complemented each other
in providing a comprehensive understanding of the Mexican immigrant population in the
United States. The research and events provided a broad overview, while the interview
provided a personal and in-depth perspective.
Banks, J. (2015). Cultural diversity and education. Routledge.
McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., & Garcia-Preto, N. (Eds.). (2005). Ethnicity and family
therapy. Guilford Press.
McGoldrick, M., Giordano, J., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2019). The genogram as an
assessment tool. In M. McGoldrick, B. Carter, & M. McGoldrick (Eds.), The expanded
family life cycle: Individual, family, and social perspectives (5th ed., pp. 95-127).
Perez, P. A., & Sias, P. M. (2018). Mexican immigrants in the United States: A review
of the literature. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28(3), 309321.
Brinkman, C., & Kumpfer, K. L. (2016). Prevention services for ethnic and cultural
minority youth. In J. L. Maton, F. A. et al. (Eds.), Handbook of the sociology of racial
and ethnic relations (pp. 375-396). Springer.
Internet Article:
National Council of La Raza. (n.d.). About us.