please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment.” The connection between the organization and the business plan lies in the strategic alignment and mutual influence they have on each other. The organization’s characteristics, goals, resources, and market position significantly impact the development of the business plan, while the business plan, in turn, influences the organization’s direction and performance.
One crucial aspect of this connection is the organization’s impact on the business plan. The organization’s structure, culture, and capabilities shape the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed business plan. For instance, if an organization has a hierarchical structure with limited decision-making authority at lower levels, the business plan may need to account for centralized decision-making and slower implementation processes. Additionally, the organization’s resources, such as financial capital, technology, and human resources, play a vital role in determining the scope and scale of the business plan’s initiatives (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2021).
Moreover, the organization’s goals and strategic priorities guide the development of the business plan. For example, if the organization aims to expand into new markets, the business plan should outline strategies for market research, product development, and market entry. The organization’s market position and competitive landscape also inform the business plan’s strategies, such as pricing, differentiation, or cost leadership (Porter, 2019).
Conversely, the business plan impacts the organization by providing a roadmap for achieving its objectives and fostering growth. A well-crafted business plan outlines specific goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and timelines, enabling the organization to align its efforts and resources towards the desired outcomes (Eisenmann, 2020). The plan can also influence the allocation of resources, such as budgeting and investment decisions, to support the proposed initiatives (Jain & Rigie, 2019). Additionally, the business plan may introduce new strategies, processes, or technologies, requiring changes in the organization’s structure, workflows, and skill sets (Gadiesh & Gilbert, 2021).
In summary, the connection between the organization and the business plan is a symbiotic relationship. The organization’s characteristics and goals impact the development of the business plan, while the business plan shapes the organization’s direction and performance. This interplay ensures that the business plan aligns with the organization’s context and capabilities, while also driving the organization towards its desired outcomes.
Ursula Perside Derogoh Nway Wellimoum
Organization and Business Plan: Reciprocal Impacts
Hello Class,
Before answering the questions about the connection and their reciprocal impact, some clarifications must be made. I am working for a Community Health Organization, and the business plan I am working on relates to hypertension’s mobile health program implementation. Globally, community health centers or business organizations typically serve the communities where they are established, with various products and services. Among those healthcare services, we can list preventive and primary care services, disease prevention (vaccinations, hypertension, obesity screening programs, etc.), and patient education (counseling, workshop, prevention, etc.). Our business plan is a startup model focusing on the hypertension mobile health program. The first connection here is that often mobile healthcare clinics are extensions of community health organizations, like in our case. According to Yu et al. (2017), “as a link between clinical and community settings, MHCs address both medical and social determinants of health, tackling health issues on a community-wide level.” That is the same for mobile health programs. Another connection is that the organization I am working for and our business plan; both achieve various goals and mandates in alignment with the United States national priorities. They have the potential to break the accessibility and affordability gaps in healthcare service delivery by combating some of the broad healthcare challenges in that line.
Concerning the impact of the organization on the business plan, and the business plan on the organization, both are interconnected because without an established organization there is no possible business plan. In other terms, the organization; based on its vision, mission, and goals creates a business plan to help achieve those goals. The organization as an entity defines a purpose, the global structure, resources, capacities, and the organization’s culture that is carried out through the business plan. (Thompson et al., 2020). It oversees and adjusts the business plan to meet the objectives fixed. An organization is the business brain and authorizes decision-making related to the organization’s directions and manages the resources allocated to achieve its goals. However, the business plan is a strategic tool that helps the organization to attract investors, allows short and long terms goals achievement, and helps the business to remain consistent by aligning its resources with its objectives. Sometimes, a business plan could guide the business and allow it to rethink the organization’s structure and operations.