In PSY-452: Experimental Psychology in Topic 8 you completed the Research Report assignment. In this course you will revise components from the PSY-452 assignment and use those revised components to create a research proposal at the end of this course. You should treat this assignment as a potential portfolio piece or writing sample for future grad school applications or job interview.
Revise the literature review from the PSY-452 Research Report. Using the peer-reviewed journal articles included on your Title and Reference Page assignment submitted in Topic 2, add additional information to the literature review section. Keep in mind the purpose of this literature review is to provide background information and research that is related to the topic being proposed to study. Within the sections being added/revised, make sure to include the following:
Using information from the Identifying Themes in Literature assignment in Topic 2, create headings and subheadings to organize the research in the literature review section. Avoid using direct quotes. Remember you are not writing article summaries.
Brianna Hampton
Grand Canyon University
January 21, 2023
My report focuses on generalized anxiety. Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by
chronic and persistent worry. This worry, which is multifocal (e.g., about finances,
family, health, and the future), excessive, and difficult to control, is typically accompanied by
other nonspecific psychological and physical symptoms. (Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2015)).
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone feels
anxious at some point in their life. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health
condition characterized by excessive, unrealistic worry and tension about everyday events and
activities. People with GAD find it difficult to control their worry and often experience
symptoms such as muscle tension, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. GAD is
typically treated with a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Individuals
can find ways to help with coping strategies such as going to cognitive-behavioral therapy for
GAD, this can help change negative patterns and be put on the right medications. Other ways
that may work are listening to positive YouTube videos, doing yoga, practicing wellness, and
healing your inner wounds. (Fricchione, G. (2004).
Stein, M. B., & Sareen, J. (2015). Generalized anxiety disorder. New England Journal of
Medicine, 373(21), 2059-2068.
Fricchione, G. (2004). Generalized anxiety disorder. New England Journal of Medicine, 351(7),