Discussion Post Week OnePost the following:
Provide a brief summary of your three most important morals and values.
Discuss the ethical principle discussed in the faculty videos that may be most
difficult to uphold.
Apply the ethical decision-making process presented in the faculty videos to
identify actions you will take to minimize imposing your morals and values
while upholding the ethical principal you identified above.
Discussion Post Week 7
To Prepare:
Visit your state clinical or school counseling board website and locate the
record of disciplined licensees (there is typically a link on the website to the
public record of counselors who have been disciplined due to ethical and legal
If your state does not publicly share this information, consider reviewing the
website of a different state board that aligns with the ACA Code of Ethics and
personally interests you.
Post the following:
A summary of the ethical complaint demonstrating a boundary violation (e.g.,
what boundary violation the licensee was accused of and why) evidence,
findings, decision, and disciplinary action taken/sanctions (e.g., license
revoked, license suspended, license surrendered, consent agreement,
supervision designation revoked, mandated supervision, mandated continuing
education). Note: This information is often contained in the consent agreement
made between the state counseling board and the licensee.
Then identify the ethical codes and laws that were violated and offer an
explanation to support selection of these codes/laws.
Lastly, put yourself in the situation of the counselor in the ethical complaint
you selected, and discuss how you would have avoided this boundary
violation if you were in a similar situation.
Discussion Post Week 8 (Builds on Week 7’s discussion)
Last week, you discussed a state record of a boundary violation from the perspective of a
counselor. For this Discussion, reflect on the boundary discussion you engaged in last week, this
time from the perspective of the supervisor of the counselor that committed the boundary
violation. Refer to the ethical complaint and consent agreement you selected for that Discussion
and consider the potential course of action an ethical supervisor should take to address the
boundary violation.
Post a description of how the supervisor should address the supervisee’s
knowledge and/or skill deficit (i.e., what should the supervisee have known or
been able to do that he or she did not do that resulted in a boundary violation,
and how can the supervisor help the supervisee acquire the deficient
knowledge or skill?).
Then explain the evaluation and gatekeeping practices the supervisor should
use and implement.
Lastly, identify and describe a self-care strategy that could be used to
minimize burnout and impairment, two issues often correlated with ethical
Discussion Post Week 9
This Discussion has two parts.
Part 1: Create a 7-slide presentation using Sway or PowerPoint.
Part 2: Add audio and present the Sway or PowerPoint presentation using
Kaltura, Zoom, Media Player, integrate audio into PowerPoint, or integrate
audio into Sway.
Each content slide should have 3–4 bullet points highlighting the key facts,
ideas, themes, arguments, etc., for that slide (e.g., slide 2 should have 3–4
points related to the main character and their situation).
Slide 1 – Title slide.
Slide 2 – Provide an overview of the main character and their situation from
the media you watched (select a media source of your choice – a television
series, movie, book, etc., but the media must include a character from a
vulnerable population.)
Slide 3 – Identify the vulnerable population the main character is from and
offer a brief explanation of why that population is considered vulnerable.
Slide 4 – Discuss your personal beliefs regarding this population that were
challenged (or that you explored) after watching the movie or television show.
Part 1:
Slide 5 – Identify an ethical dilemma(s) you might consider when working with
this population (cite appropriate ethical codes and state laws that apply).
Slide 6 – Discuss ways to advocate for the vulnerable population.
Slide 7 – References.
Part 2:
Add audio to the PowerPoint or Sway to make a 4- to 5-minute video (one
minute for each slide). The presentation should not exceed five minutes. Limit
spoken words to the key elements/points of each slide but do not read the
slides. It is important to summarize and explain each concept
Note: Although there are two parts to this assignment you are combining them and are only
submitting ONE presentation that has both the presentation slides combined with your audio
(see the exemplary discussion example in the learning resources this week). The assignment that
you post in the discussion forum will be your presentation with audio.
Respond to two colleagues and validate the course of action that
your colleague discussed for working with a supervisee who
engaged in unethical behavior. Alternatively, you may provide an
alternate course of action that your colleague did not discuss for
working with an unethical supervisee.
Discussion One
In the case of Ms. Minde, it appears that she is the supervisor that has been reported by
another member of the counseling community. However, if there was a supervisor to
address Ms. Tracie Minde’s knowledge or skill deficit to have prevented her ethical
violations of:
1) Hiring a client as an employee while continuing to see the client for therapy
2) Developing a personal relationship/friendship with a client while continuing to see the
client for therapy
The supervisor should have had in place a signed informed consent that
contained the supervisor’s purposes, the logistic of the supervision, supervisor
information; expectations, roles, and responsibilities, evaluation procedures in detail, and
ethical and legal practices (Remley, 2020).
Counselor supervisors may play multiple roles. They are often teachers,
counselors, peers, and or consultants. They can help the supervisee acquire deficient
knowledge and or skills by assisting the supervisee secure remedial assistance,
continuous education, and supervisory training.
Evaluation and gate-keeping practices
As evaluators, supervisors need to provide ongoing feedback, periodic
evaluations, and opportunities for deficiency corrections. Evaluators should give both
oral and written feedback (Remley, 2020, p. 363). The job of gatekeeping is to ensure
compliance with accreditations, competencies, and ethical standards (Remley, 2020,
p.349). As gatekeeper, the supervisor must address and not endorse the supervisees
when they are incompetent.
Self-care strategies used to minimize burnout and impairment
My favorite and often used self-care strategies to minimize burn-out and
impairment are attending to my yard (1.9 acres) and creating new recipes. In attending
the yard, I plant flowers, pull weeds, treat ant mounds, and clip the small trees. My
Creation of new recipes primarily in tells trying new seasonings and different methods of
cooking an older familiar dish. For instance, instead of frying or baking a chicken, I grill
outside or smoke Cornish hens.
Two issues often correlated with ethical violations
Study shows that the two issues that most often correlate to ethical violations are:
inappropriate relationships and misrepresentation of competencies or practicing without
a license. “The Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014, F.3.b) states that sexual intimacies between
supervisors and supervisees are unethical and (ACA, 2014 F.6.c,) states that supervisors
do not provide counseling services to supervisees”(Remley, 2020, p. 369 – 370). ACA,
2014, states that counselors should claim credentials and licenses that are current and in
good standing (ACA 2014, C.4.b.)
Discussion Two
Carl Fusha owned a private practice in which he claimed to be a licensed family and
marriage counselor. However, for this assignment I will be looking at this from a different
angle. For this assignment, Carl Fusha worked at a family and marriage counseling
center. Carl was guilty of two things, letting his license lapse for eight months, and
embellishing his credentials.
From the perspective of Carl’s supervisor a few things needed to happen. First, the
supervisor needs to maintain records of their supervisees licensure to ensure that it does
not expire while they are practicing. Clinicians need to give accurate representation
(C.4.a) which includes representing a license in good standing. If the supervisor had kept
a record, Mr. Fusha would have had a good reminder to renew the license within the
appropriate timeframe. If there was no implementation of license tracking, that is
something that would greatly help and prevent this from happening in the future.
Following that, supervisors need to ensure that their supervisees are not burnt out and
in the right headspace to practice. If Mr. Carl Fusha was becoming burn out, overworked,
and stressed, it would be understandable that the timeline on his license would fall
through the cracks. Mr. Fusha’s supervisor should have been checking in with Carl to
make sure that he was managing his caseload. If there is no practice that checks on a
counselors mental health and impairment, a new policy should be put in place that has
supervisors check on their supervisees weekly to see how they are managing their
caseload and mental health.
Finally, Mr. Carl Fusha was lying about his licensure. Upon hiring all employees, their
credentials must be checked in the appropriate fashion to ensure no one is embellishing
credentials. If someone is practicing while attending school, they must show proof of
their new license before their new credentials are added to their title. Clinicians must
advertise accurately (C.3.a) to show that they have the credentials that they claim to
have. Mr. Fusha was an LPC claiming to be a LFMT, which could directly harm his clients.
Burnout and impairment lead to ethical violations and they can happen quickly, it is easy
for things to fall through the cracks when a clinician is overwhelmed or overworked. One
proven thing to help with burnout, or even prevent it, is self-care. Clinicians must make
sure that they are making time to care for themselves, taking days off when appropriate,
and doing things that give them joy. Monitoring for signs of burn-out and talking to a
supervisor when noticing the signs is important for the practicing clinician as well as their
clients. One self-care strategy that can be utilized is finding a hobby to do outside of
work like exercising, gym classes, art, music lessons, dance classes, etc.