Note: Plagiarism Check
Chapter 4 Check Your Understanding
Availability Start Date:
Sep 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM
Begin your attempt.
Your Status:
Chapter 4 Go on the Record
To build on your understanding of the topics in this chapter, complete the
following short-answer activities
1. Compare the registration processes in acute care versus ambulatory
care settings.
2. Describe the different types of ambulatory care settings.
3. Explain the differences between the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data
Set (UHDDS) and the Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS).
4. Review the image of Vance Donaldson’s Cobalt Care insurance card.
Identify the different parts of the insurance card.
Discuss how a patient is identified as either a new patient or an
established patient.
Chapter 4 Navigate the Field
To gain practice in handling challenging situations in the workplace, consider
the following real-world scenarios and identify how you would respond to
You are part of the team from Lincoln County Hospital working with
the EHR Savvy company on the design of the master patient index
(MPI). What elements are required for the MPI? Create a table with
the elements that must be included in the MPI. You are the EHR
training specialist with Lincoln County Hospital.
You are meeting with the registration staff to review the appropriate
procedures for searching for patients. What steps should those
procedures contain? Create a checklist for the registrars to follow
when determining whether a patient is new or established.
Chapter 4 Think Critically
Continue to think critically about challenging concepts and complete the
following activities
8. A new patient calls the admissions desk at Northstar Medical Center
to preregister for a surgery. Prepare a list of steps that you would
take to add the new patient to the EHR system.
9. Identify common errors made in the registration process. How could
these errors be avoided or minimized? What is the impact of these
errors on patient care?
Chapter 4 Explore the Technology
Complete the EHR Navigator practice assessments that align to each tutorial
and the assessments that accompany Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 Check Your Understanding
Availability Start Date:
Sep 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM
Begin your attempt.
Your Status:
Chapter 4 Go on the Record
To build on your understanding of the topics in this chapter, complete the
following short-answer activities
1. Compare the registration processes in acute care versus ambulatory
care settings.
2. Describe the different types of ambulatory care settings.
3. Explain the differences between the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data
Set (UHDDS) and the Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS).
4. Review the image of Vance Donaldson’s Cobalt Care insurance card.
Identify the different parts of the insurance card.
Discuss how a patient is identified as either a new patient or an
established patient.
Chapter 4 Navigate the Field
To gain practice in handling challenging situations in the workplace, consider
the following real-world scenarios and identify how you would respond to
You are part of the team from Lincoln County Hospital working with
the EHR Savvy company on the design of the master patient index
(MPI). What elements are required for the MPI? Create a table with
the elements that must be included in the MPI. You are the EHR
training specialist with Lincoln County Hospital.
You are meeting with the registration staff to review the appropriate
procedures for searching for patients. What steps should those
procedures contain? Create a checklist for the registrars to follow
when determining whether a patient is new or established.
Chapter 4 Think Critically
Continue to think critically about challenging concepts and complete the
following activities
8. A new patient calls the admissions desk at Northstar Medical Center
to preregister for a surgery. Prepare a list of steps that you would
take to add the new patient to the EHR system.
9. Identify common errors made in the registration process. How could
these errors be avoided or minimized? What is the impact of these
errors on patient care?
Chapter 4 Explore the Technology
Complete the EHR Navigator practice assessments that align to each tutorial
and the assessments that accompany Chapter 4.
Chapter 4 Check Your Understanding
Availability Start Date:
Sep 15, 2022 @ 11:00 AM
Begin your attempt.
Your Status:
Chapter 4 Go on the Record
To build on your understanding of the topics in this chapter, complete the
following short-answer activities
1. Compare the registration processes in acute care versus ambulatory
care settings.
2. Describe the different types of ambulatory care settings.
3. Explain the differences between the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data
Set (UHDDS) and the Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS).
4. Review the image of Vance Donaldson’s Cobalt Care insurance card.
Identify the different parts of the insurance card.
Discuss how a patient is identified as either a new patient or an
established patient.
Chapter 4 Navigate the Field
To gain practice in handling challenging situations in the workplace, consider
the following real-world scenarios and identify how you would respond to
You are part of the team from Lincoln County Hospital working with
the EHR Savvy company on the design of the master patient index
(MPI). What elements are required for the MPI? Create a table with
the elements that must be included in the MPI. You are the EHR
training specialist with Lincoln County Hospital.
You are meeting with the registration staff to review the appropriate
procedures for searching for patients. What steps should those
procedures contain? Create a checklist for the registrars to follow
when determining whether a patient is new or established.
Chapter 4 Think Critically
Continue to think critically about challenging concepts and complete the
following activities
8. A new patient calls the admissions desk at Northstar Medical Center
to preregister for a surgery. Prepare a list of steps that you would
take to add the new patient to the EHR system.
9. Identify common errors made in the registration process. How could
these errors be avoided or minimized? What is the impact of these
errors on patient care?
Chapter 4 Explore the Technology
Complete the EHR Navigator practice assessments that align to each tutorial
and the assessments that accompany Chapter 4.