EDPR 3302 Final Presentation Guidelines- 100 PointsTopic – Adolescence Due by April 10
The purpose of the culminating final project is for you to convey specific concepts in childhood
and adolescent development that you learned in class. For this project you will create a written
case study and recommendations based on two separate observations. The recommendations may
be in the form of activities and/or tasks specifically aimed at facilitating or aiding in the physical,
cognitive, and social-emotional development of a child and an adolescent.
Each student will complete two separate 30–45-minute observations/interactions. You will
observe your participants based on the date you signed up for in Canvas. For example: If you
signed up for Early Childhood, you will observe two children that are in the early childhood
stage. After the formal observation (or interaction), each student will be required to write up a
full case study on the observed child and adolescent assessing them within the three
developmental domains (physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development). Following the
case study description, each student will be required to propose three recommendations for the
child’s parent/guardian and teacher for aiding in their healthy development. The final project will
need to include both case studies and all recommendations (with rationales) in one PowerPoint or
another presentation format. The presentation must be presented at the university of Memphis on
No late projects will be accepted!
A completed final draft of the presentation including the following slides:
1) An APA-style title slide
2) Case Study 1
a) A full description of the child
i) Give the child a pseudonym, approximate age
ii) Describe everything about the child’s development that can be observed
(Be sure to include physical, cognitive, and social-emotional descriptors)
b) A full description of the setting, which should include:
i) Where are you located observing/interacting with the child?
ii) Why did you choose the location?
iii) Things that you noticed the child doing while engaged in this setting.
c) A list of three recommendations for this child based on what you observed to aid
in their healthy physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development
i) Recommendations should be targeted toward the child’s parents/guardians
and/or teachers
ii) Recommendations may be tasks/activities that you feel are
developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant, and engaging for the
child based on areas of strengths or weaknesses in one or more of their
developmental domains (physical, cognitive, social-emotional)
iii) Recommendations must be fully described in detail and must include a
rationale for each recommendation- the recommendations can be
presented in a bulleted list and may include images where relevant
3) Case study 2
a) A full description of the adolescent
i) Give the adolescent a pseudonym, approximate age
ii) Describe everything about the adolescent’s development that can be
observed (Be sure to include physical, cognitive, and social-emotional
b) A full description of the setting, which should include:
i) Where are you located observing/interacting with the child?
ii) Why did you choose the location?
iii) Things that you noticed the child doing while engaged in this setting.
c) A list of three recommendations for this adolescent based on what you observed
to aid in their healthy physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development
i) Recommendations should be targeted toward the adolescent’s
parents/guardians and/or teachers
ii) Recommendations may be tasks/activities that you feel are
developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant, and engaging for the
child based on areas of strengths or weaknesses in one or more of their
developmental domains (physical, cognitive, social-emotional)
iii) Recommendations must be fully described in detail and must include a
rationale for each recommendation- the recommendations can be
presented in a bulleted list and may include images where relevant
4) An APA-style reference slide- the course textbook is required (with relevant page
Grading Rubric
Content and Completion
Conceptual Application
Full and thorough description 25 points
of each observed child/
adolescent based on their
three developmental domains
and a full description of the
List of recommendations (3
25 points
for each case) with rationale
(it must be clear that you
understand the developmental
topic/concept described and
that you used your course text
Creative Application
and/or peer-reviewed sources
to select these
Complete originality and
25 points
creative practicality of the
proposed recommendations
with rationale (It must be
clear that you understand the
appropriateness and relevance
to the child in relation to the
chosen task/activity- you
must support your
recommendations and
rationales with evidence from
our course or outside sources)
Presentation, writing,
25 points
grammar, punctuation, and
APA usage (including
organization of content, title
pages, and references page)