Student Name:
Buffet Early Childhood Institute
Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years, Sept. 28, 2020
Student Viewing Guide & Worksheet
ECED 2205 – Family & Community Relations
Start the video at 16:20 (then start and stop as needed)
“Early childhood educators always should use their knowledge of child development and
effective practices to carefully and intentionally select and use technology and media if and
when it serves a healthy development, learning, creativity, interactions with others and
1. Slide: Key Words: After listening to the presentation about the keywords, stop the
video at 22:36 and follow his instructions. Think of yourself as a teacher of young
children and what you would do.
Write your answers here in green
Start the video again
2. Fill in the blanks: In the Slide: Guidelines from the position statement, the speaker
says to “put a big circle around the words ________ ________, because Childhood
educators are the ________ ________ in whether, how, what, when and why
technology and media are implemented.
3. Fill in the blanks: Reimagine screen time as beneficial: examples
__________ , not passive or sedentary
__________ , not isolating
__________ , not just consumption
__________ , not displacement
4. Slide: Emerging consensus on what matters most:
After listening to the explanation of each, list the two you think are the most
important and explain why.
Answer #1 in green
Answer #2 in green
[Child development theory & Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP), Whole
child and Social & Emotional Learning (SEL), Relationships, Early Childhood Education
(ECE) Essentials, Creating-making-storytelling, Teacher education and Professional
Development (PD), Family Engagement, Media mentors]
5. Slide: Relationships matter most
Fill in the blanks: Children learn best in the connect of interactions and relationships
with __________, __________, __________ adults.
Promote joint __________
Strengthen __________ with adults and peers
Promote __________ social & emotional development
Encourage __________ behaviors
6. Slide: Teacher education and ongoing professional development matter.
Describe below any training or education you’ve had on using technology with very
young children and families. If none, how do you decide how to use technology with
young children?
7. Slide: What we still need to know
Stop at 40:10:
Which of these questions on the slide do you think is one of the most important for
you to have answers to when working in the field of Early Childhood Education? Why?
SKIP ahead to start at 45:30: Part 2 –
8. Slide: Goals for Media Mentors
Slide: Time is finite so there are tradeoffs
Think of your role as a “media mentor” in work with very young children and families.
Which of the roles listed on the slides do you think would be the most challenging?
9. Slide: Remote learning and screen time concerns
Stop at 53:40
What do you think is a top screen time concern of parents (from the slides or your
own ideas)?
10. Slide: Help parents move from screenworried to screenwise
What are the 3 C’s to consider?
_________ , _________ , and _________
11. Slide: Balanced “Media Diet”
How would you explain the idea of “Media Diet” to a friend?
12. Slide: 14 tips for media mentors to share
At this point in the presentation, and thinking of yourself as a “media mentor,” what
advice would you have for the parent concern you chose in the last question?
Watch until the end
13. How has this presentation added your understanding of media technology in the Early
Childhood years and in education? What is at least one key idea you want to