The character I would like to use is Better Call Saul’s Chuck McGill. Also, you need to cite Psychopathology: An Integrative Approach to Mental Disorders (9th edition) by David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, and Stefan G. Hoffman so let me know if there will be problems with you accessing it.
Essay prompt: DSM-5 Diagnosis of Fictional Characters. Please read the following carefully!
Select a fictional character from television, movies or English literature and come up with a tentative DSM-5 diagnosis (and using all relevant DSM-5 specifiers). First describe the individual and give a brief history of the presenting problem, then present your diagnostic impressions. Be sure to provide evidence to justify your judgments that the necessary criteria have been met. Avoid real-life personalities. A differential diagnosis (rule outs) with three (3) appropriate DSM-5 disorders and thorough rationale as to why they can be ruled out must also be included. You must include relevant DSM-5 criteria to support your diagnosis and why this individual meets criteria. You will include various forms of social-environmental stressors/problems, medical conditions, and functional impairments in the individual’s life that could impact the development/course/severity of the mental illness(es).
You are required to find one peer reviewed article to support your argument (of the particular diagnosis) and cite using APA style in your paper. This can be done through searching psychology database (PsycInfo) on the library’s website (
). Ask your instructor if you need additional help. You must also include your textbook as a reference AND cite appropriate DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for the disorder you are diagnosing and those that you are ruling out.
Edited to add information regarding citing a series or film in APA style:
Since you are using a fictional character from a film or other media, it would be appropriate to cite that media source in-text and in your reference section of your paper. Here is a link from the Purdue Owl website on how to cite media in APA style:
Here is a link that demonstrates how to cite motion pictures or a television series in APA style:
I hope that is helpful as you prepare your essays.