This is an essay. For full credit, you must have at least 1500 words and it must
be submitted to the assignment as a word document.
I want you to write the essay as if you were teaching someone else the
material. Summarize in your own words the chapter (or a portion of the chapter)
that you were assigned and what you have learned from it.
Type it out using complete sentences and paragraph formatting. Pictures are ok,
but they do not count towards word count and they must be referenced and cited
Don’t forget references and citations (see below). Lack of references will result in
a zero for the assignment.
References and Citations
In-Text Citations – At minimum, every paragraph should have at least one in-text
citation. The in-text citation should be associated with the main idea of the
paragraph, not just at the end of the paragraph. If you only have one reference
at the end of the essay and one in-text citation in your paper assuming that I will
know you did the whole paper from that one reference and citation, it will be
Quotes – I am interested in your words and how you understand the
material. While it is ok to include quoted material, it is never the best option
when writing about science. We are interested in the ideas behind the
words. That is what I want you to write about. The ideas and your
understanding of them. If you use a quote, it should be because someone used
the most perfect words to describe something (this rarely happens in a text or
science publication). If you do use a quote, every single quote needs to have an
in-text citation.
Number of References – You can use as many references as you feel are
required unless the assignment specifically calls for a minimum. All References
need to be formatted correctly for the type of reference that they are.
You are to base this assignment on Chapter 12. You can focus on the whole of
Chapter 12 or a small section of it. This is up to you. This assignment is meant to
help you engage the Chapter in a different way and by doing so, learn the material
even better. (If I were you, I would pick a section of the chapter that you are most
unsure of. This way, you force yourself to learn the material while you work through
the assignment).
Chapter 12
Book: Biology: biology: how life works 3rd edition