Assignment Content1.
For this assignment, you will continue to develop your problem, purpose, and research question.
These 3 factors are central to the alignment of your study. Be sure to review the feedback from
your URM in Teams to continue to develop your alignment for in-class submission to your Chair
this week.
Review the following components of the “Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis” section of the CDS
Dissertation Guide on CDS Central:
o Problem Statement
o Purpose of the Study
o Research Questions/Hypotheses
Develop your Problem Statement, Purpose of the Study, and Research Questions/Hypotheses
Adhere to the template found in “Doctoral Phase 2 – Precis” of the CDS Dissertation Guide.
Combined, these sections should be 3-4 pages long. You may use previous coursework and/or
the following worksheets when developing your dissertation phase deliverables.
o Problem Statement Worksheet
o Purpose Statement Worksheet
Be sure to support all aspects with peer-reviewed literature and include APA formatted
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Problem Statement Worksheet
The problem in a doctoral dissertation is the most critical component of the study. The problem explains
the rationale and validates the importance of the study. Below are the steps for writing a problem
Step 1: Provide background information.
Step 2: State the problem.
Step 3: Provide scholarly support for the problem.
Step 4: Indicate the potential benefit of addressing the problem.
At the end of this guide, you will create your own problem statement.
Sample Problem Statement
Breast cancer and the harsh treatment for the disease affects not only patients but their caretakers. While
caring for a breast cancer patient, caregivers face physical and mental challenges while continuing to
assume significant caretaking responsibilities. Caregiving often becomes a full-time responsibility that can
last for many years. In the instance of a person with breast cancer, their partner is often the primary
caregiver. A majority of caregivers report that caregiving is a burden physically, psychologically,
economically, socially, and personally (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015). The problem is caregivers
have a demanding and exhausting caretaking schedule, resulting in failure to practice good selfcare (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015). According to Family Caregiving Alliance (2018) many
caregivers are aware their own good health means providing better care for the patient, but often feel
guilty when choosing themselves first. As a result of failing to take care of themselves, caregivers often
become psychologically and physically ill, reducing the ability to care for their ailing partner (LeSeure &
Chongkham-ang, 2015). Gaining caregivers’ perspectives on barriers preventing good self-care could
lead to the development of interventions and resources for caregivers to begin practicing good self-care.
Breaking It Down Step by Step
Provide Background Information
Briefly introduce the problem to provide context for the reader.
Example: Breast cancer and the harsh treatment for the disease affects not only patients but their
caretakers. While caring for a breast cancer patient, caregivers face physical and mental challenges while
continuing to assume significant caretaking responsibilities. Caregiving often becomes a full-time
responsibility that can last for many years. In the instance of a person with breast cancer, their partner is
often the primary caregiver. A majority of caregivers report caregiving is a burden physically,
psychologically, economically, socially, and personally (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
State the Problem
State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence,
you don’t have a problem; you have a situation.
The problem is [state the problem], resulting in [state the consequence].
Example: The problem is caregivers have a demanding and exhausting caretaking schedule, resulting in
failure to practice good self-care (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
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Problem Statement Worksheet
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Provide Scholarly Support for the Problem
Support the problem with literature illustrating the consequences of the problem.
Example: According to Family Caregiving Alliance (2018), many caregivers are aware their own good
health means providing better care for the patient, but often feel guilty when choosing themselves first. As
a result of failing to take care of themselves, caregivers often become psychologically and physically ill,
reducing the ability to care for their ailing partner (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
Indicate the Potential Benefit of Addressing the Problem
Indicate potential benefits to people, organizations, society, etc. of addressing the problem.
Example: Gaining caregivers’ perspectives on barriers preventing good self-care could lead to the
development of interventions and resources for caregivers to begin practicing good self-care.
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Problem Statement Worksheet
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Problem Statement Worksheet
Now it’s your turn. Create your problem statement!
Provide Background Information
Example: Breast cancer and the harsh treatment for the disease affects not only patients but their
caretakers. While caring for a breast cancer patient, caregivers face physical and mental challenges while
continuing to assume significant caretaking responsibilities. Caregiving often becomes a full-time
responsibility that can last for many years. In the instance of a person with breast cancer, their partner is
often the primary caregiver. A majority of caregivers report caregiving is a burden physically,
psychologically, economically, socially, and personally (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
Briefly provide background to provide context for the reader. Start your answer on a new line.
State the Problem
Example: The problem is caregivers have a demanding and exhausting caretaking schedule resulting in
failure to practice good self-care (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
State the problem, including the consequence(s) of the problem. Remember: Without a consequence,
you don’t have a problem, you have a situation.
The problem is [enter problem here], resulting in [enter consequence here].
Provide Scholarly Support for the Problem
Example: According to Family Caregiving Alliance (2018), many caregivers are aware their own good
health means providing better care for the patient, but often feel guilty when choosing themselves first. As
a result of failing to take care of themselves, caregivers often become psychologically and physically ill,
reducing the ability to care for their ailing partner (LeSeure & Chongkham-ang, 2015).
Support the problem with literature illustrating the consequences of the problem. Start your answer on a
new line.
Indicate the Potential Benefit of Addressing the Problem
Example: Gaining caregivers’ perspectives on barriers preventing good self-care could lead to the
development of interventions and resources for caregivers to begin practicing good self-care.
Indicate potential benefits to people, organizations, society, etc. for addressing the problem. Start your
answer on a new line.
Putting It All Together
Now…write your problem statement in paragraph form. Start your answer on a new line.
Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.