Please post initial responses and peer responses to the following discussion questions listed below:
- What is the ICD-10-CM? How does ICD-10-CM differ from ICD-9-CM?
- The ICD-10 includes an instructional notation to provide guidance to coders. One example is the Excludes notes. There are two types of Excludes notes, and each note has a different meaning. What is the difference between Exlcudes1 and Excludes 2 notes?
Module 2, Discussion Question 1
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Emily Landewee posted Aug 28, 2023 7:54 PM
1. What is the ICD-10-CM? How does ICD-10-CM differ
from ICD-9-CM?
ICD-10-CM stands for the International Classification of
Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification. Each country has
its own modification to the ICD-10 and adapts it to fit the
needs of their own individual healthcare system. In the United
States, the National Center for Health Statistics runs the ICD10-CM. The reason the ICD-10 was designed was for the
classification practices of morbidity and mortality information.
This information can be used for statistical purposes and since
countries around the globe use ICD-10, it is easier to compare
these numbers at the international level. Another important
aspect of the ICD-10 is its use in indexing health records by
operations and disease and then having a way to store and
retrieve this information. Being able to take verbal descriptions
or long names of diseases, conditions, procedures, or injuries
and put them in a alphanumeric code designed for each unique
thing, is a huge advantage to the healthcare world because it
provides an easier way to store such information, However,
coding is a skill that should not be taken lightly because one
wrong code could result in the wrong diagnosis of a patient or
treatment they are to receive. This can also cause billing
mistakes and lead to a long list of issues that follow.
In 2015, the United States replaced the ICD-9-CM with the
ICD-10-CM and with it came many changes. The first change
was the number of codes that were implemented. ICD-10 had
five times the amount of diagnosis codes compared to ICD-9
and the lengths of these codes could be between three and
seven characters containing alpha and numeric characters while
ICD-9 could only have up to five in which the first character
was numeric or alpha and the rest of the characters were
numeric. With the extra characters in the codes of ICD-10
came more details that could help specify a disease, procedure,
or condition even more. Using the ICD-9 system meant that it
was harder to add a new code to the list because of all the
limitations it caused, whereas the ICD-10 had more flexibility
making new additions an easier task. The ICD-10-CM also
regrouped some conditions, reordered some chapters, and
renamed certain titles. Overall, the ICD-10-CM improves the
quality of data imputed into healthcare systems and allows for
easier comparisons of morbidity and mortality data than ICD-9CM.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015, November
6). International Classification of Diseases .
Module 2 Discussion 1
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McKenzie Rogman posted Aug 28, 2023 11:51 AM
1. What is the ICD-10-CM? How does ICD-10-CM differ
from ICD-9-CM?
The ICD-10-CM is the International Classification of Diseases,
Tenth Revision, Clinical Manifestation. It is a system used by
physicians and other healthcare providers to classify and code
all diagnoses, symptoms and procedures recorded in
conjunction with hospital care in the United States. It provides
a level of detail that happens to be necessary for diagnostic
specificity and morbidity classification. These ICD-10-CM
codes are very important because they are more granular than
ICD-10 codes and provide more information about the severity
of a patient’s condition.
The move from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM was necessary by the
fact that the latter was running out of code capacity to expand,
as most of the categories of codes were already completely full.
The ICD-9-CM does, additionally, lacked the specificity and
detail provided by ICD-10-CM. ICD-10-CM has alphanumeric
categories instead of numeric ones. It also happens to contain a
greater level of detail in terms of severity, complexity, and
The structure of ICD-10-CM codes is as followed: the first
character must be an alpha character, excluding “u.” The second
and third characters are numeric, and characters four through
seven can be a combination of numeric and alpha characters.
The first three characters categorize the injury, and the fourth
through sixth characters describe in greater detail the cause,
anatomical location and severity of an injury or illness. ICD-10CM also uses a placeholder character “X” to allow for future
expansion of certain codes.
A couple examples of these types of codes includes: F53.0
Postpartum Depression, G71.0 Muscular Dystrophy, and
P04.14 Newborn affected by maternal use of opiates.
Module 2 Question 1
Contains unread posts
Tara Sepe posted Aug 28, 2023 1:04 PM
1. What is the ICD-10-CM? How does ICD-10-CM differ
from ICD-9-CM?
The ICD-10-CM stands for the International Classification of
Diseases, 10th revision, Clinical Modification. This is designed
to classify patient morbidity and mortality information for
statistical purposes. The ICD-10-CM also indexes health
records by disease and operations, data storage, and retrieval.
This most recent 10th version was initially issued in 1993 by
the World Health Organization. It is used in outpatient settings
to substantiate the reason to receive medical services by
assigning medical diagnosis codes. The ICD-10-PCS is used for
coding surgical, therapeutic, and diagnostic procedures.
Nowadays, most medical claims are filed using the 5010 claim
format electronically under HIPAA.
The ICD-10-CM contains a list of the conventions and
definitions that should be used when assigning codes. These
lists are usually in the front of the book. Private companies
publish their own editions of the ICD-10-CM. Each publisher
also has its own conventions in addition to the conventions
already stated.
The ICD-9 had plenty of flaws and weaknesses. For this reason,
the ICD-10 was created. The ICD-9 lacked room for new
treatments and detail in its coding format. In turn, the ICD-10
codes allow for much more information to be added in one
singular code. These codes differentiate between an initial visit
and a follow-up visit. Also, the ICD-9 uses mostly codes with
numbers, while occasionally using E and V alphanumeric codes
while the ICD-10 uses entirely alphanumeric codes. The ICD-9
also uses only three-, four-, and five-digit codes, while the ICD10 uses codes of up to seven digits. Because the ICD-10 allows
for more digits in the codes, it gives about 69,000 individual
codes, which is more than five times as many as the ICD-9.
There are also plenty of benefits to switching from the ICD-9 to
the ICD-10. The first benefit is that the ICD-10 allows for
better disease tracking. Next, it tracks treatment outcomes
more transparently. Third, it streamlines reimbursement claims.
Lastly, the ICD-10 reduces confusion among patients (Ultimate
Medical Academy, n.d.).
Overall, the switch from the ICD-9 to the ICD-10 was
extremely important for both patients and providers in
healthcare. The ICD-9 was flawed and seemingly against the
success of coding. There is a reason the International
Classification of Diseases has kept the tenth version since
1993; because of its success and convenience.
Work Cited
What is the difference between ICD 9 and ICD 10? . What Is
The Difference Between ICD 9 and ICD 10? | Ultimate Medical