Assignment 9 – Cellular Respiration1. Draw a diagram of a molecule undergoing substrate-level phosphorylation. Describe
or show the chemical events that take place.
2. Draw a diagram of oxidative phosphorylation including its location in the membrane.
Describe or show the chemical events that take place.
3. Describe (in words) the movement of the electrons in #2 above. Explain why oxygen
is key to this process.
4. If you ate four glucose molecules for lunch and you metabolized each molecule to
completion (CO2) through the citric acid cycle, how many of each different product
molecules would be made?
5. Marathon running is an aerobic activity. Many runners describe hitting a wall towards
the end of their race, where it becomes much more difficult to keep running.
Knowing that muscle cells can only stockpile so much glucose and glycogen (stored
glucose), explain at least two reasons why you think this ‘wall’ occurs.
Your answers must be based upon cellular respiration and chapter 7.