Purpose:To recognize that individual culture does impact womans health care, communication, nutrition, and family influences that shape the families you are caring for.
Concept:Cultural Diversity
Objective:Write a paper regarding a culture and its impact on families, contraception, conception and birth.
Instructions: Create a cultural diversity paper.
This project is to a be written paper 5 pages in length APA format.These 5 pages include a cover page and a reference page.
See below (
0 points)
Refer to Purnells’ Cultural Assesment Tool to address additional questions to enhance each section (See attached)
Description of requirement:
Total with comments
Overview of culture that is not familiar to you.
What health care practices does this culture embrace that may be different than Western medicine?
a.What practices may interfere with health care?
b.What are the major illness common to the culture you are studying and what are its implications on pregnancy and birth?
What spiritual or religious practices does this culture follow?
a.Is contraception allowed and which forms are acceptable?
b.Who makes the decision regarding contraception choices?
c.Is assisted reproductive technology acceptable, donor sperm, surrogacy?Is adoption allowed?
d.What gives strengths and meaning to life?
Birth practices specific to your assigned culture:
a.Where do the women have babies, ( home birth, hospital, birth home) and who attends the birth?What are the special practices employed to support the mom or new baby?
b.Who in the family system makes decisions regarding the woman’s health such as an emergency cesarean section?
c.Include an explanation regarding how the content provides a focus for nursing assessment and or nursing interventions and nursing advocacy.