NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
To evaluate, compare, and analyze menus from different agencies and suggest revisions for healthier food choices
based on the cultural and age group. Students in a cultural concentration will use that specific cultural focus to
complete this assignment. Those students in a cultural concentration (such as the Hispanic concentration) should be
grouped together for this assignment. However, should the groups be mixed (with students in the cultural
concentration and students not in the cultural concentration), the RUA must explore the cultural concentration (e.g.,
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1. Assess whether nutritional intake provides basic nutrients for optimal health and wellness. (POs 1 & 2)
CO2. Describe nutritional needs for optimal health and wellness throughout the lifespan. (POs 1 & 2)
CO3. Discuss the psychological, sociological, economical, and cultural implications of food on nutritional status. (POs 1
& 2)
CO4. Describe evidence-based practice interventions and modifications in nutrition therapy that can positively
influence the outcome of disease and illness. (POs 1 & 8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies
to this assignment.
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1. Identify target groups- your team will be assigned the specific type of facility menus to research. As a team,
you will select two facilities which care for your population’s demographic (age, culture). For teams with
one or more members enrolled in a cultural concentration option, the entire team should select facilities
which care for that population’s demographic. The instructor may provide the team’s assigned age group
and the type of facility in which the clients receive care. Team size may vary, depending on class size. Three
to five students per team is ideal.
2. Search for some differences between the facilities, such as urban versus rural, small versus large, or
teaching versus non-teaching organizations.
3. Facilities and populations may include
a. Daycare center: Preschool-aged children
b. Elementary schools
c. High schools
d. College
e. Hospital
i. Visitor/employee menu
ii. Specific hospital units (postoperative, obstetrical, or medical)
f. Community Center
g. Meals on wheels
h. Daycare center: Geriatric adult
i. Senior center
j. Assisted living
k. Nursing home
4. All team members must complete and sign the Team Charter Form. A copy of the form is then submitted by each
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NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
student to their individual drobox, in addition to the copy submitted by the Team Leader in the next step.
a. The team charter is in the Week 1 Explore section. A drobox for submission is in the Week 2 Explore
b. Select one student to be Team Leader. This individual is response for submitting the presentation and
accompanying outline of the speaker’s notes to the designated Team Discuss Thread first so that both
documents can be checked for originality of content.
i. The team leader will inform team members of the originality index once received.
ii. If the match is high, the team leader will coordinate revisions with team members, resubmit the
revised documents, and inform team members of the new originality index.
c. Remaining team members will submit the presentation and speaker’s notes to the assignment dropbox
after receiving the final originality index.
i. This delay in submission by team members assures that the submission of multiple copies of the
ii. team documents will not adversely impact the originality index.
5. All team members will receive the same grade for each deliverable unless it is determined that a team member
did not participate in the planning and completion of the assigned portions of the project.
The presentation is to be created using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010, or higher. Length is 10-18 slides, not including
the title and reference pages.
Follow the group process on the Team Charter to complete presentation. Refer to helpful tips listed in Team Charter
a. Title and Introduction (5 points/5%)
The title page/slide lists:
1. Type of facility
2. Cultural focus
3. Names of ALL team members
Presentation introduction includes the:
1. Purpose of the presentation
2. Cultural concentration
3. Age group
b. Current Menu Analysis (5 points/5%)
Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on the following criteria and provide rationales for your
1. Healthy/unhealthy menu selections with rationale
2. Appropriate for nutritional requirements of age group with rationale
3. The influence of cultural and regional food practice with rationale
4. Does the menu selected provide adequate amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and
5. Over the course of a full day and week, are individuals provided with a balanced diet?
6. Does this diet allow for differences in dietary patterns related to the culture or age?
c. Create Sample Menu (20 points/20%)
Create a single day’s replacement menu providing healthier choices for each menu analyzed, including the
1. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner options.
2. Age considerations, potential health concerns, cultural influences, and regional patterns.
3. Nutritional components of your food choices.
4. Explanation of why the sample menus are better nutritional options for both facilities.
5. 2 reference citations that support your choices included on the slide or in the speaker’s notes
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NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
d. Compare Menus (20 points/20%)
1. Compare each original sample menu with its corresponding replacement menu
2. Explain why the team’s menus are better nutritional options for your two facilities.
3. Provides at least two references that support your choices on the slide or in the speaker’s notes
e. Barriers (10 points/10%)
1. Detail a barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
2. Detail a second barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
3. Detail a third barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
a. Barriers may include:
i. Geographic location
ii. Health of the population
iii. Culture of the population and surrounding community
iv. Socioeconomic challenges
v. Available food choices
vi. Other barriers, as identified
vii. Include reference citations to support key points, as needed
f. Teaching points (10 points/10%)
1. Select one identified barrier and present three client education points to assist the individuals
responsible for meal planning create healthier options.
2. Considers the cultural comorbidities that may be present
3. Includes references to support key points
g. Summary (10 points/10%)
1. Summarizes key points from each section of the presentation
2. Comment about what you have learned from the assignment
3. Shares application for nursing practice
h. Presentation Quality (10 points/10%)
1. Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use color
2. Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use graphics/visuals
3. Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use appropriate use of text- no overcrowding
4. Appropriate use of speaker notes (to avoid overcrowding of slides and communicate content).
5. Team charter completed per guidelines.
i. APA Format and Length (10 points/10%)
1. References are submitted with assignment.
2. Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
3. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
4. At least four to six (4-6) scholarly, nursing, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook, are provided.
5. Citations are included on the slide when material from that source is included. Cited references are on the
reference slide.
For writing assistance visit the Writing Center.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully
understand the concepts learned in the review module.
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NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Title Page
(5 points/5%)
Required criteria
The title page/slide lists
1. Type of facility
2. Cultural focus
3. Names of ALL team members
Presentation introduction includes the
1. Purpose of the presentation
2. Cultural concentration
3. Age group
Highest Level of
High Level of
5 points
Includes 6 requirements for section.
Current Menu Analysis
5 points
(5 point/5%)
Includes 6 requirements for section.
Required criteria
Analyze the menus that the team has selected based on
the following criteria and provide rationales for your
1. Healthy/unhealthy menu selections with rationale
2. Appropriate for nutritional requirements of age
group with rationale
3. The influence of cultural and regional food
practice with rationale
4. Does the menu selected provide adequate
amounts of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins,
and minerals?
5. Over the course of a full day and week, are
individuals provided with a balanced diet?
6. Does this diet allow for differences in dietary
patterns related to the culture or age?
Create Sample Menus
(20 point/20%)
20 points
NR228 RUA Nutritional Assessment V7.docx © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved.
18 points
Satisfactory Level
of Performance
Level of
Section not
presented in
4 points
2 points
0 points
Includes 4-5
requirements for
Includes 1-3
requirements for
this section
No requirements
for this section
4 points
2 points
0 points
Includes 3 or more
requirements for
Includes 1 or more
requirements for
No requirements
for this section
17 points
15 points
0 points
NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Highest Level of
High Level of
Satisfactory Level
of Performance
Required criteria
Create a one-day replacement sample menu of meals with
healthier choices for each original menu. Include:
1. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner options.
2. Age considerations, potential health concerns,
cultural influences, and regional patterns.
3. Nutritional components of your food choices.
4. Explanation of why the sample menus are better
nutritional options for both facilities.
5. 2 reference citations that support your choices
included on the slide or in the speaker’s notes
Includes 5
requirements for
Includes 4
requirements for
Includes 3
requirements for
Compare Menus
20 points
(20 point/20%)
Required criteria
Includes 3 requirements for section.
1. Compare each original sample menu with its
corresponding replacement menu.
2. Explain why the team’s menus are better nutritional
options for your two facilities.
3. Provides at least two references that support your
choices on the slide or in the speaker’s notes.
10 points
(10 points/10%)
Required criteria
Includes 3 requirements for section.
1. Detail a barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal plans
2. Detail a second barrier to optimal nutritional value of
meal plans
3. Detail a third barrier to optimal nutritional value of meal
a. Barriers may include:
Geographic location
Health of the population
Culture of the population and surrounding
NR228 RUA Nutritional Assessment V7.docx © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved.
Level of
Includes 1-2
criteria for
Section not
presented in
No requirements
for this section
16 points
8 points
0 points
Includes 2
requirements for
Includes 1
requirement for
No requirements
for this section
8 points
4 points
0 points
Includes 2
requirements for
Includes 1
requirement for
No requirements
for this section
NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Highest Level of
High Level of
Level of
Section not
presented in
8 points
4 points
0 points
Includes 2
requirements for
Includes 1
requirement for
8 points
4 points
Includes 2
requirements for
Includes 1
requirement for
8 points
4 points
Socioeconomic challenges
Available food choices
Other barriers, as identified
Include reference citations to support key
points, as needed
Teaching Points
10 points
(10 points/10%)
Required criteria
Includes 3 requirements for section.
1. Select one identified barrier and present three client
education points to assist the individuals responsible
for meal planning create healthier options.
2. Considers the cultural comorbidities that may be
3. Includes references to support key points
Satisfactory Level
of Performance
10 points
(10 point/10%)
Summarizes key points from each section of the
Includes 3 requirements for section.
Comment about what you have learned from the
Shares application for nursing practice
PowerPoint Presentation Appearance
10 points
9 points
(10 points/10%)
Includes 5
Includes 4
Required criteria
requirements for
Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use requirements for
Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use
Accepted guidelines for presentations PowerPoint use
appropriate use of text- no overcrowding
NR228 RUA Nutritional Assessment V7.docx © 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved.
Includes 3
requirements for
Includes 1-2
No requirements
for this section
0 points
No requirements
for this section
0 points
No requirements
for this section
NR228 Nutrition, Health and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment (Team Project) Guidelines
Assignment Section and
Required Criteria
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Highest Level of
4. Appropriate use of speaker notes (to avoid
overcrowding of slides and communicate content).
5. Team Charter completed per guidelines.
APA Style and Organization
10 points
(10 points/10%)
Includes 5
1. References are submitted with assignment.
requirements for
2. Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
3. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
4. At least four to six (4-6) scholarly, nursing, peer
reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years,
excluding the textbook, are provided.
5. Citations are included on the slide when material from
that source is included. Cited references are on the
reference slide.
High Level of
Satisfactory Level
of Performance
Level of
Section not
presented in
9 points
8 points
4 points
0 points
Includes 4
requirements for
Includes 3
requirements for
Includes 1- 2
requirements for
No requirements
for this section
Total Points Possible = 100 points
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NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class, you and your
teammates will create a set of rules called a Team Charter.
1. As a team, complete all the sections listed below to build your team charter.
a. One member of each team will be designated as the team leader.
b. ALL team members will be responsible for submitting the completed team charter document by
Sunday, at 11:59 p. m. (MT) of week 2 (or as directed by faculty).
2. The team leader will also be solely responsible for uploading the final team presentation.
3. All team members will indicate agreement on the charter by initialing an understanding of the
information within the charter. Failure to complete and submit individual charter will result in a point
deduction according to rubric criteria.
4. All team members will be responsible for the completion and use of the Team Charter to ensure
cooperation and success of the project.
5. All team members must address and report any areas of conflict that arise each week to keep the
project on track. (Section IV: Conflict Management)
Helpful Tips
Team members will have the opportunity to practice active respect for other team members, consideration of
one another, and communication. Be aware that team members come from different backgrounds and have
various schedules and time demands, so working collaboratively is crucial. Timely submission of assignment
components by individual team members is also important to the success of the team. Be factual,
professional, and supportive about participation or absence of participation when you communicate with
each other.
Teams who encounter incidents when team members have not submitted/completed assignments should
communicate supportively and openly with those team members and faculty to care for peers in completing
the assignment.
Communication is a major component of nursing and healthcare, and the foundation for this assignment.
Developing good communication and team-building skills is essential for nurses. Nurses work with many
people who do not have the same thoughts and/or methods of approaching a task. Therefore, all team
members must collaborate to be successful.
Students are responsible to follow up with one another at least weekly to be sure that everyone is on track for
the final submission of assignment sections to the team leader, who will prepare the final presentation for
Section I: Team Member Skill Inventory
Each team member will individually complete this section and initial in the box. Each student submits their
weekly skill inventory to the submission area in Canvas. The designated team leader will then submit this
document to their submission area in Canvas. Due by Sunday of week 2, by 1159 p.m. (MT) or as directed by
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NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
Team Member Name
Ilian Aguilar
Punctuality/ Supportive
Angela Arnold
Punctual /Research
Areas for Development
Not tech savvy
Computer Knowledge
Section II: Work Plan
This section includes a plan for communication and written work (please agree upon & complete all sections).
1. Discuss your process to designate the team leader.
2. Explain how the team members will distribute the workload for the assignment based on Section I
consider and explain strengths and weaknesses.
3. Outline the timeline for completion and submission of assignment components to the team leader (take
into consideration the assignment due date). Individual members should work on submitting completed
work to the team leader at least 3 days before the due date.
4. ALL team members will be responsible for submitting the completed team charter document by
Sunday, at 1159 p. m. (MT) of week 2 (or as directed by faculty).
5. The team leader will also be solely responsible for uploading the final team presentation.
Section III: Conflict Management
This section should include your plan for conflict management (please agree upon & complete all sections).
Since the combined Team Charter (with all team member information and team conflict management
strategies) are always available for review by all team members (i.e., for online courses, it is in the assigned
Team Collaboration Forum), team members should refer to it often and use it to agree on deliverables for the
assignment, and actions to be taken by the team leader should conflict occur.
1. List potential conflicts that might arise between team members during this project.
2. Include the team’s plan for members who do not turn in work after the deadline.
a. Include how the team will manage team members who do not participate or do not
participate promptly.
b. For each potential conflict, list the team’s method of resolving those conflicts.
3. Specifically, address how the team will apply Chamberlain Care for peers during conflict resolution.
4. Discuss how to manage team members who do not participate fully or in a timely way
5. List all potential conflicts and how they will be addressed by the team. (Do not put contact instructor as
the only method of resolution. Instead, include what the team will do as an empowered group before
contacting the instructor.)
© 2023 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved
NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
1. List all potential conflicts and how they will be addressed by the team. (do not put contact instructor as the
only method of resolution. Include here what the team will do as an empowered group before contacting
the instructor)
Potential conflict #1: Communication issues/Lack of coordination. We will reach out to the team
member and see what is going on and see if they need help in completing or understanding the task.
The only conflict I can think of is that at least one member of the group will not participate. I only
say that because so far this is the case. I just think that our group should continue the project without them and
just note that they did not participate
a. For each potential conflict, list the team’s method of resolving those conflicts.
Potential resolution for conflict #1 We will develop a game plan as a team before beginning our project.
We will discuss our individual tasks and set up a group chat so that we can communicate with one
another. In addition, we can have each other’s personal emails and be aware of our work/clinical
schedules if one of the team members cannot be reached. This will allow us to collaborate with one
another and learn how to plan around each other’s schedule.
If there are any conflicts, I hope that we could discuss them as a group and resolve them like adults.
b. Include the team’s plan members who do not turn in work after the deadline.
• Firstly, we would encourage open and honest communication within the group. If there is unequal
distribution of work, we can redistribute tasks based on each members strengths and interests. As a
group we will ensure to be transparent about changes and that everyone agrees on the new distributed
tasks and establish clear expectations.
• If for any reason someone in our group chooses not to do their part, the rest of us as a team will
complete the project and make sure the instructor knows they did not participate.
c. How the team will manage team members who do not participate promptly?
• We will hold regular check-ins as a team to monitor the projects progress and handle any delays as soon
as possible. Constant team communication will assist us in identifying potential issues early on, allowing
changes and problem solving. Creating timelines within our group will help ensure we complete the
project on time while also allowing for any last minute changes.
There is really nothing we can do if a member of the group does not participate. We can only try to contact
them and see if they plan to contribute. If they choose not too then as a team, we complete the project without
2. Specifically, address how the team will utilize Chamberlain Care to resolve conflicts.
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NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
Section IV: Team Goals
This section should include your team goals (please agree upon & complete all sections).
1. List the team’s goals for the assignment project (these may include project assignment goals, group process
goals, quality level goals, etc.)
2. List potential barriers to the achievement of these goals and outline how they will be managed.
3. Address how barriers to completion of the assignment will be addressed by the team below
Potential barrier #1 is different time zones. Since this is an online class there is a challenge when it
comes to our time zones. However staying in communication and knowing our schedules and time
zones can help the group plan around our schedules.
Our goal for the project is to do the best that we can to get the best grade that we can working as a team to do
this. The only barrier I can think of is the possibility of a team member not participating.
Section V: Project Plan
1. This section should include your team plan and should be followed by all members of the team. Since the
combined Team Charter (with all team member information and team plan) is always available for review by
all team members (i.e., for online courses, it is in the assigned Team Collaboration Forum), team members
should refer to it often and use it to agree on deliverables for the assignment.
2. Using the table below, plan for each project week that clearly outlines each team member’s expectations.
(Be sure to assign a task for each member of the team and complete and agree upon each section).
3. Plan tentative due dates for rough drafts and completed project assignments.
4. Specifically outline all tasks for the assignment, who the task is assigned to, and when it will be posted for
team viewing and approval in the Team Forum. Complete details are required in the table below
5. Using the table below, plan for each project week. Clearly outline each team member’s expectations. Plan
tentative due dates for rough drafts and completed project assignments. (Be sure to assign a task for each
member of the team and complete and agree upon each section).
Tasks Week 2
Assigned Team Member
Get with group, plan and complete team charter
Coordinate and complete plan for team charter
Ilian Aguilar
Angela Arnold
Due to Team Collaboration
Forum On:
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NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
Address any areas of conflict and seek immediate
Tasks Week 3
Assigned Team Member
Determine the information and data needed for the
project, perform research and data collection.
Assign parts for each person and start the research
Ilian Aguilar
Due to Team Collaboration
Forum On:
Angela Arnold
Address any areas of conflict and seek immediate
Tasks Week 4
Assigned Team Member
Divide presentation slides and fill in information using Ilian Aguilar
Start presentation slides
Angela Arnold
Address any areas of conflict and seek immediate
Tasks Week 5
Assigned Team Member
Due to Team Collaboration
Forum On:
Ilian Aguilar
Final revision, collaboratively review each other’s
contributions for accuracy and coherence, speaker notes,
and cite references.
Meet and discuss corrections and and adjustments that
Angela Arnold
need to be made to turn in final project and make sure we
are all in agreeance
Due to Team
Collaboration Forum
Address any areas of conflict and seek immediate
NOTE: The final presentation is due to Team Collaboration Forum for all team members to view and approve
before final posting to the Submission area by the team leader.
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NR228 Nutrition, Health, and Wellness
RUA: Nutritional Assessment Presentation Team Charter
Final Presentation
Team will turn in the final
presentation by the
Due to group
collaboration forum
for all group
members to view
and approve prior to
final posting to
submission drop box
by group leader.
VI. Emergency Contact Information:
Each member of the team must list alternative methods for contact in case the team is not able to reach the
student via Chamberlain email.
Student name:
Student alternate email address:
Student cell phone:
Angela Arnold
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