Part 1: Please respond with substantial detail that provokes further discussion. Readily offers new interpretations of discussion material. Ideas are expressed clearly, concisely.
Discussion question:
1. How has globalization, immigration and migration impacted upon health care in the United States?
2. Read the Policy Exemplars (pages 274-288) for Around the World at the end of Chapter 11. These show world wide impact of Nursing and how we can use our influence in creating positive change using the political systems. Share your thoughts on these exemplars.
Discussion response: (Samantha)
1. Globalization, immigration, and migration have greatly impacted health care in the United States. All have positive and negative impacts on health care. Globalization of health care helps expand research and helps in development of products and services, (Milstead, 2022). Globalization allows for health care information and practices to be shared among nations and help improve quality of care. Migration in health care occurs when health care professionals migrate to other countries for more opportunities and a better quality of life. This leads to advances in culturally competent care provided by nurses from other cultures. It allows nurses to learn from each other. Migration can also have negative effects on healthcare. “Migration can have devasting effects on the economy, healthcare system, population health, and a wide array of social issues in countries experiencing a loss of health professionals,” (Milstead, 2022). Migration can lead to immigration. “Many of the same factors that cause migration spur immigration,” (Milstead, 2022). Immigration of nurses and other healthcare professionals can help with shortages in the healthcare industry. Some government policies can make it difficult for immigrants to receive or even apply for citizenship. “Immigration of large numbers of people from different countries can create situations in which communicable disease run rampant and chronic health problems are exacerbated,” (Milstead, 2022). This rapid spread of disease can in return put a strain on health care workers and the health care system in general in the US.
2. The Policy Exemplars Around the World highlighted by Milstead (2022), exemplifies the importance nurses have in health care around the world. Each exemplar described cases where nurses played a significant role in policy change or creating and shaping new policies to better serve their communities. For example, in Italy there is a large aging population which creates a unique opportunity for nurses to learn about and provide quality care to an aging population. They developed the need for community-based nurses and fought for development of this specialty although physician unions were against it at first due to fear of losing power, (Milstead, 2022). The COVID-19 Pandemic fast tracked the legislature and the need for this nursing specialty for a community in need. “Nurses learned that their knowledge and perspective of the ageing population was essential in convincing the policymakers of the value and critical importance of community nurses,” (Milstead, 2022).
Discussion response: (Angelica)
1. Globalization, immigration, and migration have had major impacts on the health care in the United States. In particular, globalization can have positive impacts on health care. For instance, globalization of health care has led to the hiring of RNs and MDs from foreign countries to help expand research and development (Milstead, 2022). As such, company and government profitability increases, and the individual that accepted the job has improvement in his/her life. Furthermore, globalization increases medical access for people and countries that may not have access or may not be able to afford care (Shorey, 2022). Programs such as Doctors Without Borders allows for collaboration between nations and for knowledge to be shared. On the other hand, migration can have negative impacts on health care. For example, when RNs and MDs (and other healthcare professionals) are being taken away from their home country, the workforce becomes unstable. Migration can occur because of push-pull factors. These factors include low wages, poor nurse reputation, and overall poor quality of life. When other countries make these factors obsolete, the individual is more likely to seek employment in those places rather than stay in their own country. Immigration occurs when an individual migrates into a foreign country (Milstead, 2022). Immigration can have both negative and positive impacts on health care. For example, the immigration of a large number of people from different countries can lead to epidemics. On a positive note, countries, like the United States, use immigrants to fill gaps in staffing
2. The Policy Exemplars for Around the World relayed by Milstead (2022) explain the impact nursing has around the world. They prove that nursing has no borders, and our influence goes beyond that of just the country we live in. For example, Dr. Mariana Diniz de Sousa was president of the Order of Portuguese Nurses for several years where she helped foster the requirement of college degrees for nurses, specified the role of specialization, and urged self-regulation as professionals (Milstead, 2022). Here, we see the impact that this nurse had on nursing practice in Portugal. While the United States has made these requirements, other countries have not. However, the positive change created by Dr. de Sousa has benefited nurses and the profession overall. Dr. de Sousa’s work even influenced other nurses to explore higher education and further research development. I liked this story in particular because it highlighted how one single individual can have great impacts on others. By making higher education for nursing a priority, Dr. de Sousa helped other nurses achieve visions they thought were not possible. It is obvious here that Dr. de Sousa used her influence to foster positive changes in the healthcare system for her country. As a nurse expanding my education in a country where this is pretty much expected of me, it was great to read these exemplars and see how other countries are trying to do the same. We clearly do not have the same caliber of healthcare in the U.S that other countries do, and so there are definitely some boundaries that need to be overcome. Nonetheless, as the exemplars show, there are individuals and communities working hard to make better healthcare a reality.
Part 2: Please answer the following
View: Shawn Achor The happy secret to better work:
1. Try a technology fast for a set period of time on a day off. Share you experience.
2. Choose one of the ideas shared by Lowenstein and do it! Share how it worked out.
(I choose idea # 2 – Be Bullish about “me” time) speak about the importance of having “me” time and disassociating from technology while doing so. Maybe reading a book or doing 30 minute yoga.
3.Discuss the takeaways from Shawn Achor’s the happy secret to better work.
Part 3: Please answer the following
View: Nigel Marsh
Collateral Beauty:
1. Discuss take-aways from Marsh’s talk
2. While this is just the trailer, there is enough here to dwell on. What is collateral beauty and why is it important that we are able to recognize it?
3. Discuss the take-aways from Ch. 14…