APA format
Population- K-5 classroom as a school counselor
compare and contrast on how each of the 3 theories and how they would work for your population and how they wont work for the population
THE THEORIES –Constructionism Theory, Systemic Theory, and ExistentialismTheory
Can use articles from and use psyco therpy net
Critical thinking as a counselor apply what you learned in class,
Can use powerpoints linked below
Talk about each theory itself , for example -better with this theory and then other theory is better work against
uploaded some doc for better understanding and cite
Constructionism &
Systemic Theories
GCO 506
Constructionism Theory
What is
-an approach to learning that holds that people
actively construct or make their own knowledge and
that reality is determined by the experiences of the
Principles of
Constructionism Theory
-Knowledge is constructed, rather than innate, or passively absorbed
-Learning is an active process
-All knowledge is socially constructed
-All knowledge is personable
-Learning exists in the mind
Who are the founders of
Constructionism theory?
-Lev Vygotsky
-Social Constructionism
-Jean Piaget
-Cognitive Constructionism
-Radical Constructionism
Types of
hat are the
features of a
Traditional vs
12 Descriptors for teaching behaviors
Systemic Theory
Systemic Theory & Families
In the late 1960s, Dr. Murray Bowen applied systems thinking to the family unit and developed
family systems theory. This theory views the family as an emotional unit and assumes individuals
cannot be fully understood in isolation. Instead, Bowen theorized, individuals must be viewed as part
of their family origin. Bowen’s concept later developed into an effective and widely popular form of
treatment, called family systems theory.
Systemic Therapy
-helps groups gain insight into how each member’s role within a group may affect its functionality
-applied to organizations, communities, or businesses
-emphasis that a family or community plays a vital role in its own recovery and psychological health
Types of Systemic
GCO 506
F o c u se s:
oF r e e – wi l l
os e l f – d e t e r m i n a ti on ,
o se a rc h fo r me a ni ng
o f te n c e n te r in g o n th e in div idu a l r a th e r th a n o n th e ir sy mpto ms
” E xiste n tia l th e r a py f o c u se s o n spe c if ic c o n c e r n s r o o te d in th e in div idu a l’s
e xiste n c e . T h e c o n te mpo r a r y e xiste n tia l psy c h o th e r a pist, I r v in Ya lo m, ide n tif ie s
th e se c o n c e r n s a s de a th , iso la tio n , f r e e do m , a n d e m ptin e ss. E xiste n tia l th e r a py
f o c u se s o n th e a n xie ty th a t o c c u r s w h e n a c lie n t c o n f r o n ts th e c o n f lic t in h e r e n t in
lif e . T h e r o le o f th e th e r a pist is to h e lp th e c lie n t f o c u s o n pe r so n a l r e spo n sibility
f o r ma kin g de c isio n s, a n d th e th e r a pist ma y in te gr a te so me h u ma n istic a ppr o a c h e s
a n d te c h n iqu e s. ” (N CBI )
▪ Dev elop ed b y :
▪ Fr ied r ic h N ietz sc he and Sor en Kier k eg aar d
▪ Further ev olv ed b y :
▪ Mar tin H eid eg g er and Otto Rank
Beliefs of Existentialism:
• All p eop le hav e the cap acity for self – awareness.
• Each p erson has a uniq ue id entity that can b e known only
throug h relationship s with others.
• Peop le must continually re – create themselves because life’s
meaning constantly chang es.
• Anxiety is p art of the human cond ition.
https://youtu.be /6JSR2wZeQHU
https://youtu.be /GEo67le4S8w
https://www.psychologytoday.com /us /therapy -types /existentialtherapy
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books /NBK64939/#:~:text=Existe
ntial%20 therapy%20focuses%20on%20 the,some%20humanistic
%20approaches%20and%20 techniques .