Pre Lab Biology Questions
Research 101: A Guide to Research at the DePaul Library
Visit this site for details and live help:
Choose a Topic
The library has a great interactive tutorial and list of sources to help you develop a research
question. Review lecture and lab notes to find a topic you’re excited to learn more about, and
read additional background information on the topic to help focus your question.
Find Background Information
Use reliable background sources to gather authoritative information about your topic. The library
offers a variety of searchable reference collections.
Create a Search Strategy
Identify main concept and terms to guide an effective search. Combine terms with AND and OR
to obtain the most relevant results.
Find articles
Apply your search strategy within the library Research Guides and databases. Those listed
below are some of the most useful sources of scientific information and allow you to specifically
search for certain types of manuscripts (review, research article) from peer-reviewed
publications. Access materials that require a subscription by logging on to the library site with
your Campus Connect credentials.
Web of Science
Evaluate Sources
Assess sources to ensure they are credible and useful. Assess whether the information is
current and relevant to your topic, supported by evidence, peer reviewed, and independently
verifiable. Consider the authority, affiliation, and motivations of the authors, and determine
whether the intention is to inform or persuade the reader.
Cite Sources
Give credit to the authors and allow readers to track down your sources to learn more about
your topic. You can use any accepted format as long as you are consistent. See Purdue
University’s Citation Resources site for examples.