Case Study #3: Oral Health/Nutrition
Read the assigned chapters in the course textbooks (for the week’s covered by
this case study). Read the following information (statement and scenario).
Answer the questions at the end of the Scenario for O.H.N. using your textbooks,
the supplemental readings and other sources that you find to support your
statements. This case study should use the APA guidelines (title page (with
author notes), body (with your specific headings/subheadings),
citations/references, and graphs/tables/charts as appropriate). Please spell and
grammar check your submission prior to submitting via Blackboard –
Communications – Course Messages. No other forms of submission will be
accepted or graded.
Older Adults often have multiple chronic conditions for which special diets are
recommended (McCullough et al., 2000). Coupled with side-effects from multiple
medications, Older Adults may have oral health concerns that affect their ability to taste,
smell and produce enough saliva for proper digestion (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015, August
25). Unless they have a supplement plan or a rider many Older Adults do not have
insurance that covers them for oral health care services (Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, 2013, November 19; Meininger, 2015, October 25). Multiple chronic
diseases may increase with levels of obesity (Hand, 2013, October 21).
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2013, November 19). Medicare Dental
Coverage. Retrieved from
Hand, L. (2013, October 21). Obesity: As BMI levels increase, so does risk for
Multimorbidity. Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2015, August 25). Diseases and Conditions: Dry Mouth. Retrieved
McCullouh et al. (2000). Diet quality and major chronic disease risk in men and women:
moving toward improved dietary guidance. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 76:1261–71. Retrieved from
Meininger, K. (2015, October 25). How Does the Salivary Gland Help to Digest Food?
O.H.N. is a 85 year old male who has been diagnosed with the following health
o Diabetes (diagnosed since 68 years old)
o Hypertension (diagnosed since 50 years old)
o High Cholesterol (diagnosed since 65 years old)
o Obesity (diagnosed since 65 years old)
o Gum Disease (diagnosed since 55 years old)
The following medications have been prescribed:
o Tanzieum – taken once weekly
o Crestor
o Lasix
o Lisinopril
O.H.N. often has dry mouth which affects the way food tastes and his bridge fits
his mouth.
O.H.N. is living in a low-income seniors’ apartment in the community.
O.H.N. has Medicare and Medicaid for his insurances.
O.H.N. has meals delivered through Meals on Wheels, based upon
recommendations from the registered dietitian.
O.H.N. has three children who take him out to dinner occasionally
O.H.N. has mints in his pocket which he takes often when his mouth is too dry
and also often drinks carbonated beverages to keep his mouth moist.
Questions for Case Study
1. What concerns do you have for O.H.N. regarding oral health and nutrition?
(Note: Explain what conditions may lead to adverse effects such as gum
disease as well as methods to address his chronic health concerns.)
2. What individuals/agencies should be involved in addressing these
concerns? (Note: Which health care providers/organizations should be
included in the discussion or be consulted regarding oral health and
nutrition concerns?)
3. How would you develop an intervention/care strategy of reducing the
potential risks for O.H.N. experiencing adverse reactions for each of his
chronic diseases? (Note: What steps should be taken to address his oral
health and nutrition needs given his multiple chronic health conditions).
4. What can O.H.N. do to reduce the potential for adverse effects related to his
oral health and nutrition? (Note: What changes may be necessary to reduce
preventable adverse events?)
5. What other agencies can assist with improving O.H.N.’s oral health and
nutrition needs to minimize adverse effects? (Note: Think about methods
for treating each of the chronic diseases and how changes to oral health
and nutrition can be improved. How can this care be coordinated?)
6. What processes or procedures are necessary to safeguard O.H.N. from
experiencing an adverse effects related to his oral health and nutrition?
(Note: Think Interagency – Team-based approach).