Assignment 1: My Career Profile
Academic Year 2022-2023
Worth 15% of Final Grade
Due Date
This assignment is due by the end of module 4.
Creating a career profile will allow you to gain the career clarity you need to be able to communicate
your skills to employers. This will be done through your resume, branding, and interviewing as you
search for work.
Explanation of tasks
During the first four modules of this course, you were given a series of activities to complete.
Review your work prior to uploading your completed career profile as a single word document to the
Assignment Submission Folder.
Prior to completing the tasks, be sure to review the attached rubrics.
Student Name:
Student Number:
List of activities:
Module 1: Elevator Pitch Discussion Post
Ensure you have uploaded your elevator pitch in the discussion post section of module 1 and provided
feedback to at least one of your peers. The elevator pitch should be between 45-60 seconds in length.
Module 2: Reflection questions
In the first module, we reviewed Franklin’s (2014) definition of career: “The full expression of who you
are and how you want to be in the world. And it keeps expanding as it naturally goes through cycles of
stability and change” (p.456). Now that you’ve had a chance to consider this definition of career, it’s
time for you to put some thought into your definition of Career and Career Management.
What does the word career mean to you?
When you think of career management, what comes to mind? What elements do
you think will be important to you as you manage your career over your lifetime?
Module 3: Strengths, Assets, Personal Qualities, STAR Stories, STAR
My Strengths (Skills)
Using the table, identify at least 5 skills that you think will be most important for your future career, so
you can be more prepared when it comes time for resume and cover letter writing.
Name of the company
or institution where I
have used or applied
this skill
Example of how I have used or applied this skill
My Assets
Provide details on at least 5 of the assets you currently possess, in this table. This may include previous
years of experience, past education, previous certifications and training, and any current
training/education you are completing, for example your training at Conestoga College.
Where I obtained
this asset (may
include current
education or
When did I obtain it or
will obtain it (year of
Knowledge I obtained that is
relevant to my career
My Personal Qualities
Take some time to complete this chart with your most valuable personal qualities (aim for at least 5).
More rows may be added if needed.
Personal Quality
Example of how I have used/applied this
personal quality.
Who has observed me
professionally (for example at
work or school) using or
applying this quality to complete
tasks? Provide the position title
of this person.
My STAR Stories and STAR statements
Complete the tables below to tell 3 stories from your experiences and create 3 accomplishment
statements based on each of these experiences. These stories/experiences will be used to form
accomplishment statements that demonstrate key competencies in your resume. Focus on experiences
(preferably from past work or educational training) that are relevant to your career/industry of
My STAR Story example 1
Indicate the
from your story
Indicate the
Actions taken
to complete
the task.
Indicate the
Results from
carrying out
and completing
this task.
Identify what
Skills you used
to complete
this task.
Transforming STAR story 1 into an Accomplishment Statement
Based on the STAR Story written above, use the table below to indicate important elements to include in
the final polished accomplishment statement. The final accomplishment statement should demonstrate
key competencies relevant to your career or industry of interest [The same instructions apply to all
accomplishment statement tables in this section].
Starting the statement – Write
how you might begin the
accomplishment statement
(Ensure the statement starts
with an action verb).
Add action details – Briefly
indicate the actions taken to
carry out this task.
Results from the story Summarize what the result was
when the task was completed,
and/or what you learned from
this experience/story.
Using the information indicated
in the 3 rows above, put
together/write your Final
polished accomplishment
statement (task, action(s), and
result(s) should be included in
one concise statement).
My STAR Story example 2
Indicate the
from your
Indicate the
Actions taken
to complete
the task.
Indicate the
Results from
carrying out
and completing
this task.
Identify what
Skills you used
to complete
this task.
Transforming STAR story 2 into an Accomplishment Statement
Starting the
statement – Write
how you might
begin the
statement (Ensure
the statement starts
with an action verb).
Add action details –
Briefly indicate the
actions taken to
carry out this task.
Results from the
story – Summarize
what the result was
when the task was
completed and/or
what you learned
from this
Using the
indicated in the 3
rows above, put
together/write your
Final polished
statement (task,
action(s), and
result(s) should be
included in one
concise statement).
My STAR Story example 3
Indicate the
from your
Indicate the
Actions taken
to complete
the task.
Indicate the
Results from
carrying out
and completing
this task.
Identify what
Skills you used
to complete
this task
Transforming STAR story 3 into an Accomplishment Statement
Starting the
statement – Write
how you might
begin the
statement (Ensure
the statement starts
with an action verb).
Add action details –
Briefly indicate the
actions taken to
carry out this task.
Results from the
story – Summarize
what the result was
when the task was
completed, and/or
what you learned
from this
Using the
indicated in the 3
rows above, put
together/write your
Final polished
statement (task,
action(s), and
result(s) should be
included in one
concise statement).
Module 4: My Personal Brand Statement, My Social Media Platforms,
My Code of Conduct
My Personal Brand Statement
Natural Interest
Your response
Personal Quality
Use the space below to draft and polish your brand statements.
draft version 1
draft version 2
Final version
of the brand
My Social Media Platforms
For this activity, you will review LinkedIn with one other social media to help you better identify the
features and benefits of each. You will need to do research to complete this activity.
To get started, choose the second platform you are most likely to use for marketing your brand and
identify the platform in the table below under Social Media Platform 2. You will need to research each
social media platform, to identify the following information provided in the table below. You must cite
and reference your work using APA.
Social Media Platform 1:
Features and benefits
of using this social
media platform
(research required
Level of engagement
needed to manage my
presence on this social
media platform.
Strategies I would use
to manage my brand
when using this social
media platform.
Potential risks I may
encounter and need to
manage when using
this social media
APA References
Social Media Platform 2: