Assignment 1: My Career Profile
Academic Year 2022-2023
Worth 15% of Final Grade
Due Date
This assignment is due by the end of module 4.
Creating a career profile will allow you to gain the career clarity you need to be able to
communicate your skills to employers. This will be done through your resume, branding, and
interviewing as you search for work.
Explanation of tasks
During the first four modules of this course, you were given a series of activities to complete.
Review your work prior to uploading your completed career profile as a single word document to
the Assignment Submission Folder.
Prior to completing the tasks, be sure to review the attached rubrics.
Student Name:
Anmol Sharma
List of activities:
Module 1: Elevator Pitch Discussion Post
Ensure you have uploaded your elevator pitch in the discussion post section of module 1 and
provided feedback to at least one of your peers. The elevator pitch should be between 45-60
seconds in length.
Module 2: Reflection questions
In the first module, we reviewed Franklin’s (2014) definition of career: “The full expression of
who you are and how you want to be in the world. And it keeps expanding as it naturally goes
through cycles of stability and change” (p.456). Now that you’ve had a chance to consider this
definition of career, it’s time for you to put some thought into your definition of Career and
Career Management.
What does the word career mean to you?
First and foremost, a job enables you to grow and apply your knowledge and abilities to realise
your potential and accomplish your personal and professional goals. You get freedom and
financial security as well as a feeling of meaning and success from it. A career can also offer
chances for development, education, and networking, all of which can help you establish a
solid professional identity and pave the way for other opportunities. Finally, having a
successful profession may make you feel happy, fulfilled, and proud of your accomplishments.
When you think of career management, what comes to mind? What elements do you think will
be important to you as you manage your career over your lifetime?
Career management is the process of planning and implementing strategies to help individuals
achieve their professionals goals. When I think about career management, it reminds me of
setting my goals according to SMART goals because they are ment to manage your goals and
helps you to grow in correct direction.Some of the important elements of career management
are motivation, improving performance and planning.
Module 3: Strengths, Assets, Personal Qualities, STAR Stories, STAR statements
My Strengths (Skills)
Using the table, identify at least 5 skills that you think will be most important for your future
career, so you can be more prepared when it comes time for resume and cover letter writing.
Name of the company
Example of how I have used or aied this skill
or institution where I
have used or applied
this skill
Mahajan Hospital
As a pharmacy assistant, you have to be very
Batala, India
good at communication skills. I have used this
skill to explain patients about the medications
that they are going to use.
Time management
Conestoga College
As a pharmacy assistant I have learned to
manage my time. This was one of the most
difficult skill to achieve because if you are late
by some minutes and hours for someone’s
medications, you might be risking the lives of
other people. So, I achieved this skill gracefully
and it helped me in my personal life as well.
Khalsa College
In my first college I have learned to Organized
myself. In second year of my college, I had to
do some work for an social event but I couldn’t
do it and I had to suffer. That year I learned that
you have to be very organized when you are
doing something because not only you don’t
have to suffer but you will be ready for
everything on time.
Car café
After working in this company I have become
Brampton, Canada
more flexible as I have become for my working
hours because this company works 24/7.
Moreover, they allow me to work according to
my college schedule, so being flexible it comes
naturally from their.
Team Work
SL Bawa Dav College
This skill everyone should learn when they are
in schools. This is the best place to learn this
skill as you play, study and do everything with
your classmates. Our schools try to put this
thing in our minds that working together makes
job easy for all. Not only my school but all
institutions and companies I have worked with
this skill “TEAM WORK’’ existed
My Assets
Provide details on at least 5 of the assets you currently possess, in this table. This may include
previous years of experience, past education, previous certifications and training, and any
current training/education you are completing, for example your training at Conestoga College.
Where I obtained
When did I obtain it or
Knowledge I obtained that is
this asset (may
will obtain it (year of
relevant to my career
include current
education or
DAV Centenary Batala,India
Public School
I have learned to always keep
an interest on learning new
things as it is a key to success
I have learned how I can self
motivate myself to grow more
Khalsa college
I have acquire the skill to
evaluate situations and make
decisions accordingly
I have enhanced my
knowledge in Canadian
medical sector. It is totally
different experience from
India. A lot new things I have
come across while studying in
this college.
Car Cafe
Brampton,Canada Currently working
I have learned that one has to
be adaptive and keep on
changing according to the
time and situations.
My Personal Qualities
Take some time to complete this chart with your most valuable personal qualities (aim for at
least 5). More rows may be added if needed.
Example of how I have used/applied this
Who has observed me
personal quality.
professionally (for example at
work or school) using or
applying this quality to
complete tasks? Provide the
position title of this person.
I like working with kids and you need a lot
Hemant – My ex- manager
of patience while handeling them as you
don’t know what they will do or they want
at any time.
I have adapt the Canadian working style
Shivam -My current manager
elegantly as it different from my home
I have understood the situations while
Hemant – my ex-manager
handling the customers and react
Handling customers can be difficult
sometimes. This skill of mine helps me to
Jhon- my current supervisor
deal with most difficult customers.
I have always worked in larger teams . I
have lead teams in my school for National
Radha- my ex science teacher
Childern Science Congress.
My STAR Stories and STAR statements
Complete the tables below to tell 3 stories from your experiences and create 3 accomplishment
statements based on each of these experiences. These stories/experiences will be used to form
accomplishment statements that demonstrate key competencies in your resume. Focus on
experiences (preferably from past work or educational training) that are relevant to your
career/industry of interest.
My STAR Story example 1
Indicate the
Once I got a chance to do social work through the college.I was working
Situation/Task with a child. We had got candies for the kids. He was having it and suddenly I
from your
noticed that he had problem in breathing. A candy was stuck in his throat. I
saw him and immediately rubbed and tapped his back. It helps him to take the
candy out
Indicate the
Tapping and rubbing at back
Actions taken
to complete
the task.
Indicate the
He was able to take the candy out of his mouth and begin breathing properly.
Results from
carrying out
this task.
Identify what
Presence of mind and spontaneous reaction according to situation
Skills you
used to
complete this
Transforming STAR story 1 into an Accomplishment Statement
Based on the STAR Story written above, use the table below to indicate important elements to
include in the final polished accomplishment statement. The final accomplishment statement
should demonstrate key competencies relevant to your career or industry of interest [The same
instructions apply to all accomplishment statement tables in this section].
Starting the statement –
I was volunteering with a social NGO during a natural disaster
Write how you might begin
in Uttrakhand and was providing medicinal assistance to
the accomplishment
affected individuals.
statement (Ensure the
statement starts with an
action verb).
Add action details – Briefly
I was providing medicines to the affected people according to
indicate the actions taken to
their problem.
carry out this task.
Results from the story –
I was able to help the needy once to survive and overcome
Summarize what the result
that instance
was when the task was
completed, and/or what you
learned from this
Using the information
Assisted the people with the medication required, practiced
indicated in the 3 rows above, communication to aware them of the most important thing
put together/write your Final
which is being sacrificed that is health and utilized some local
polished accomplishment
resources from hospitals and medical clinics.
statement (task, action(s),
and result(s) should be
included in one concise
Module 4: My Personal Brand Statement, My Social Media Platforms, My Code of Conduct
My Personal Brand Statement
Your response
Make the pharmacy profession a reputable source of living
Natural Interest
Curious about the management and operations of healthcare
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Personal Quality
Dedicated towards mankind
Use the space below to draft and polish your brand statements.
Versatile and zealous for pharmacy field
draft version
Very keen towards medical learning, (e.g. cancer treatment, research on new
draft version
Final version
I am fortunate to be a part of pharmacy world as I get to make an ethical
of the brand
change in lives of others.
My Social Media Platforms
For this activity, you will review LinkedIn with one other social media to help you better identify
the features and benefits of each. You will need to do research to complete this activity.
To get started, choose the second platform you are most likely to use for marketing your brand
and identify the platform in the table below under Social Media Platform 2. You will need to
research each social media platform, to identify the following information provided in the table
below. You must cite and reference your work using APA.
Social Media Platform 1:
Social Media Platform 2:
Features and benefits
of using this social
Sponsorships and
media platform
Finding a job
Youth engagement
(research required
Building your
Used by large population
Posting meaningful
Level of engagement
personal brand
needed to manage my
presence on this
Posting updates about
my field
Update my
videos and posts
Live sessions with
social media
achievements which
audience with
can be useful to
informative content to
help solve their doubt
Strategies I would
use to manage my
brand when using this
Doing educational
Increase my eng
Haters might report my
Connecting to people
social media
to aware them about
problems and
Potential risks I may
I can face criticism
encounter and need to
about the style I am
manage when using
using to aware
this social media
content as spam
Competitors might target
APA References
Patel,n. (2023). Instagram Marketing Guide: 11 Tips That Actually Work
file:///Instagram Marketing Guide/ 11 Tips That Actually Work
Assignment 3: My Resume and Cover Letter
2021-2022 Academic Year
Worth 35% of Final Grade and is comprised of two parts
Due Date
Part 1 of this assignment is due by the end of module nine and will be worth 15%
Your polished resume and cover letter will serve to market your skills to employers.
Explanation of tasks
This assignment will be divided into two parts.
The first part of the assignment asks you to conduct an analysis of a job posting, then you will use the
analysis to tailor your resume and cover letter to that job posting in part 2.
The second part of this assignment asks you to prepare your resume and cover letter using the same job
posting and incorporating the key elements for both documents.
Prior to completing the tasks, be sure to review the attached rubrics.
Student Name:
Student Number:
List of Activities
Part One Instructions –Submit to Dropbox
Follow these instructions to submit your materials to the Assignment Submission Folder. All of your
materials must be submitted in a single word document.
Module 7: My Job Posting and Job Posting Analysis chart
My Job Posting
Copy and paste your selected posting in the space below. Using the highlighter, highlight as many key
words or phrases that indicate what the employer is looking for.
My Skills and Qualifications Matched to the Job Posting
Using the job posting you selected, paste the responsibilities and qualification requirements into this
table, then add your own examples to show how your skills and abilities align with what the employer is
seeking in their new hire. To help you identify your own skills and qualifications, go back to your first
assignment and review your experiences.
Responsibilities from the posting:
My examples that are relevant to the job
Qualifications from the job posting
My examples that are relevant to the job
qualifications required:
Module 8: My Work/Volunteer Inventory and My Resume
My Inventory
In module 8, the emphasis was on analyzing job postings to tailor your resume. Now that you are writing
your resume, it can be helpful to craft an inventory of your history including work and volunteer
experience, and education. This inventory allows you to quickly access the information you need to
tailor your resume. Each and every resume you write will be tailored to the job! You’ve already begun to
complete the work! In your first assignment you documented your collection of experiences so, you’ve
already done much of the work to build the content of your resume.
My Work Experiences
Transfer the information you submitted from your first assignment into the chart below. This time, enter
one experience at a time, so that under each position, you can include your accomplishments. Continue
to add each experience until you have a full list of all the things you have done
Don’t forget to include all of the activities you have done, including work and volunteer experience . Add
as many as needed.
Job Title
Where I did it
(company name
and city)
What did you accomplish/do
that is relevant to the job being
applied for? (Try to write
accomplishment statements that
highlight your competencies and
experience in this job).
When I did it (month and
year of employment).
Module 9: Matching the Job Posting to Your Cover Letter, Writing your
Cover Letter Chart
Matching the Job Posting to Your Cover Letter
Using the same job posting you found in module eight, use the table below to write company
information that connect your interests to those of the company. Next, fill in the two boxes on the right
with specific information that matches your interests and qualifications to the job posting.
Company Information (research this on the
company website)
Based on your research, what makes you a good
fit for the company culture.
Qualifications from the job posting
Examples of your competencies that are
relevant to the job posting
Writing your Cover Letter—3 paragraph method
Using the template from above, and the details from the sample in the activity, write the three distinct
paragraphs of your cover letter. The content should be relevant to the position being applied for.
Write paragraph 1 of
the cover letter (what
makes you a good fit;
what do you have in
common with the
company goals, values,
and mission) and what
position you are
applying for.
Paragraph 2 of the cover •
letter (Talk
about/highlight the key
qualifications, skills and
value you bring to this
Paragraph 3 of the cover •
letter (Close the cover
letter by asking for an
opportunity to discuss
the role further and
invite a call for action by
the recruiter).
Cover Letter Checklist – Please ensure that you meet all requirements for the cover letter.
Place a check mark in the table to indicate that each requirement has been met.
Header with your contact details
Current date
Employer’s name, title, and mailing address
Subject line – Name of the position being applied for.
Opening greeting
Paragraph 1 – Includes the position name and why you are a good fit for the
company culture.
Paragraph 2 – Includes a clear connection between the job posting requirements and
the skills, experience, and academic qualifications that you bring to the position. Refer
to the example on eConestoga to see where to place bullet points.
Paragraph 3 (last paragraph) – Thank the reader for their time and consideration and
indicate a clear interest in next steps. Add contact details again in this paragraph.
Closing of the letter, e.g.:
Best regards,
John Brown
The cover letter does not exceed one page.
Resume checklist. Please ensure that you meet all requirements for the resume.
Place a check mark in the table to indicate that each requirement has been met.
Resume length – 1-2 pages
Header included with contact details
Brand statement or headline banner
Profile paragraph (optional)
Competency list/key skills/areas of expertise (relevant to the job posting
Employment history included – Accomplishment statements (include for each place of
Provide company name and dates of employment, position held and the location of the
Education qualifications included – Include the name of the institution, the year the
qualification was received, the type/name of the qualification received, and the
location of the institution.
Employment dates and education dates in reverse chronological order.
No use of abbreviations (write out complete names for employers and education
No picture of self included.
Ensure that there is no date of birth, age, ethnicity, or marital status included on the