CriteriaCompleteness of
Individual Report
1 point
2 points
3 points
Significant sections
Some required content Most required
content included.
Evidence of research
Limited research
Some research
completed with
completed – mos
limited relevance to
relevant to
Critical Thinking & Significant errors in report Identification
Mostly clear
Application of
content, application of
of theories/concepts application of
Theories/Concepts theories/concepts or
with limited or no
analysis. Critical thinking application to the
project with some
and application of
thinking. Additio
details needed.
Formatting &
1 point
2 points
3 points
Formatting does not meet Sometimes effective
Mostly consistent
and professional
expectations. Significant formatting. Some
format. Minor
grammatical errors that
grammatical errors
grammatical erro
significantly impede
that sometimes
that do not imped
impede clarity.
Citing, Referencing Substantial errors in APA
& Paraphrasing
Sometimes effective in Included mostly a
citations &
inclusion of citations
required citations
references. Copying of
& references. Errors
references with s
material or missing
in formatting
errors in
noted. Paraphrasing
formatting. Smal
issues such as copying issues with
Effectiveness –
Contribution to
Sound Healthcare
Operational Plan
1 point
2 points
3 points
Report not
Sometimes effective
Mostly effective
effective. Does not
report. Provides
report. Provides
contribute to a sound
limited content to
some useful cont
healthcare project
advance a sound
toward a sound
healthcare project
healthcare projec
plan. Significant
operational plan.
inconsistencies with other plan. Inconsistencies
sections of the full report with other sections of
Executive Summary Executive Summary not
complete or missing.
Formatting &
the full report noted.
Executive Summary
Executive Summa
somewhat accurate,
mostly accurate,
clear, and concise.
clear and concise
Formatting does not meet Sometimes effective
Mostly consistent
and professional
expectations. Significant formatting. Some
format. Minor
grammatical errors that
grammatical errors
grammatical erro
significantly impede
that sometimes
that do not imped
impede clarity.
Effectiveness –
Sound Healthcare
Operational Plan
1 point
2 points
3 points
The overall submission
Somewhat effective
Good healthcare
was not effective as a
healthcare operational operational
healthcare operational
plan. Additional effort plan. Evidence o
plan, missing critical
in critical thinking,
some critical
thinking, application of
application of
thinking, applicat
research and
research and
of research and
concepts/theories and
and professional-level and professional-
content required.
level content.
Report 2 on the lack of physical exercise by older people over 65 in
their homes in the Kitchener waterloo region
The will continue to develop the project from Report 1 by developing elements of an implementation
plan. Explain all the section
Human Resources plan,
Risk Management plan,
Change Management Plan, and
Quality Management Plan.
Each section will be roughly 4 pages in length plus references. The length will vary by section
and depends on the professional formatting choices. Please ensure contents of the section
are thorough and follow the directions provided (see videos related to each section).
Videos need to watch for the four specific Management plan for this report:
1. Human Resources Plan Report 2
2. Risk Management Plan Report 2
3. Change Management Plan Report 2
4. Quality Management Plan Report 2
The report should be submitted using a professional format rather than an academic format.
Word templates can be utilized. APA format for referencing and citations is required.
Each section must have its own citations and references. Each section must have at least one
reference. Some sections will have more references than others due to the required
elements of each. Please consult the section videos and your Professor for further guidance.
The combined report must include a Title Page, Table of Contents and Executive Summary
for the full report.
Report 2
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary is the story of the report. The Executive Summary tells enough detail to
give the reader an overview, but not too much detail so that the reader does not see the need
to read the actual report.
The Executive Summary for Report 2 is like the one for Report 1. Please review the
document on how to write an executive summary provided in Week 5 related to Report 1.
Please also review the feedback you received on Report 1 related to your previous executive
summary and incorporate that feedback into Report 2.
Given the feedback on Report 1, your group should discuss your project and any updates you
might like to make to your plan. It is anticipated that some projects may adjust throughout the
course as you work on more details and reflect on feedback. This happens throughout project
planning. The Executive Summary gives you the opportunity to provide an updated description
of the project.
Note: If you have made updates to your project from Report 1, you do not need to go back and
update your Report 1 content. Make the adjustments in the description of the project in the
Executive Summary for Report 2. When you are working on the presentations, make sure you
update any relevant elements such as the details in the budget to reflect the changes to the
project and ensure consistency.
Executive Summary Tips
• Write the Executive Summary AFTER all the sections of the report have been written and
put together in one document.
• The Executive Summary should be no more than 500 words (the equivalent of 1 page
single spaced), formatted professionally in a consistent way with the rest of your report.
• The Executive Summary should be located after the Table of Contents (i.e. cover page,
table of contents, Executive Summary with references, Section 1 with references,
Section 2 with references, etc.)
• The title “Executive Summary” should be at the top in whatever font, colour, and size
that you are using for Titles in each of the Sections.
• If you include a statistic (like in the example of the problem statement above) make sure
you cite and reference the source. As with the rest of your report, the Executive
Summary must have citations and references for information gathered through other
sources. This is formatted the same way as the rest of your report where you will have
the Executive Summary and then, on the next page, References title at the top of the
page and appropriately formatted APA references which relate to the citations in your
Executive Summary.
REPORT 2 CLARIFICATION: The videos related to each section of Report 2 provide you with content
guides. The information included in each project’s reports will differ based on the needs of the
project itself. Please use the videos as a guide, do further research into what actual health care
organizations include and how they format their information, and consult with me with any
questions about what to include in your section of the report.
You will notice that the videos for each of the 4 sections of Report 2 includes a requirement for the
section to be about 4 pages with 4 new good quality references. This is a guideline as opposed to a
requirement. There are some sections that will require more pages and/or references and others
that will require less. The objective is to produce a quality, thorough, well researched and well
thought out section of the report with supporting references as required.
You need to exercise professional judgement to know what the right number of support/references is
needed. That might mean differences between the sections related to references as well as page
length. For example
Change Management Plan – At a minimum you will be referencing the change model/s you
choose to use. Describe the model briefly and explain why this was chosen before spending
much of your section explaining in detail who will do what in each stage of change
management for your project specifically (applying the model). Depending on how you
choose to format the document, this may be slightly more or less than 4 pages.
Quality Management Plan – Ensure you research any standards or best practices or metrics
that might apply to your project. These would need to be referenced if used. Ensure you are
clear on appropriate metrics and targets and explain why you chose these (which may
require references). Consider the dimensions of quality and, if used, reference where you
learned about this when describing the dimensions of quality. Consider how others have
structured their quality plans and reference if needed. This section may be more or less than
4 pages depending on formatting.
Risk Management Plan – Review the video and consider each of the steps. For each step,
research the related frameworks such as dimensions of healthcare risk or models for
evaluating risk. Ensure you reference where you learned about this when you describe it in
your report. Ensure you are clear and detailed in your descriptions of risk in your project
including how risk will be monitored, when, by whom, and what will happen if risks
arise. Ensure you include appropriate metrics and targets indicating whether a risk will be
triggered if the metric goes above or below that target. This section may be more or less
than 4 pages depending on formatting.
Human Resources Plan – Portions of this section such as the organization chart and the
details of each of the roles in the project (key duties and key qualifications) would only need
references if you took this information from somewhere else but it is more typically
developed uniquely for your project. Areas that may require further research include any
legislation or policies which are unique to the project. If your project includes a new project
team, please include the stages of group development, and identify how you will help the
team move quickly through the stages to ensure optimal performance during a short project
(reference where you learned about the stages of group development model when
describing). This section may be more or less than 4 pages depending on formatting.
Note: At a minimum, each section must have at least 1 reference.
Reminder: Sections of Report 2 do NOT need to be double spaced – should decide on professional
formatting and use that format consistently in the group submission. Your format may be different
from Report 1 if you would like to make improvements.
Reminder: Include an introduction to each section as the beginning of your section to provide the
reader an overview of what is included in that chapter.
Reminder: As mentioned with Report 1, when merging all sections into your group report, maintain
the references at the end of each of the chapters/sections of the report – like the Evidence Based
Decision Making course textbook.
Reminder: Metrics or indicators should typically be numbers or percentages with targets.
Feedback received from Report 1:
You are health care leaders aiming to improve care/outcomes for people -who do you work for?
This is not a research project
Be consistent in naming your population of focus: over 65/60/golden agers/seniors/senior
Executive summary needs more detail – problem description and solution
Missing mention of NA
In executive summary you state 1,200 people, but do not mention this number again
9 months to complete and will cost an estimated $405,000. It will help more than 1200 senior local
Reduce repeated reference statements without your linking ideas
Some important stats not referenced
What is your estimate of the current volume of people not exercising in their homes, how do you
arrive at 1,200 seniors?
Stakeholder table first mention of IT/app
Need more clarity on what you plan to do and to spread this program, with just one part time
Instructor, PT and PSW * 3 months – In report 2 detail of how this will work
KPIs aggressive 15% reduction chronic illness, strength 20%, flexibility 15%
Long term sustainability/project duration
Gantt/Budget unrealistic, planning 20 days
Board mentioned in budget for first/only time
Idea or some of the changes our team think about as per the feedback of
report 1
Report 2 must be on the solutions like implementation plan for the problem of Report 1 which is:
Lack of physical activities in older people over 65 among their homes in KW region.
We think about to choose a small area of the Kitchener-Waterloo region which is New Dundee,
where the older population is around 1175. So, we basically focus on this number rather than earlier
number we mentioned in report 1. Be specific to provide all the calculations as per the time of 9
months, like how we achieve this number of ratios within this period to achieve our goal.
Problems may be Lack of home-based exercising equipment’s.
Solution: implementing home based exercising equipment/tools, online assessment tools at their
Problem: Fear of injury and fall
Solution: Under surveillance, proper guidance of experts
These are just for an idea; you can add some more problems for why these older people are not able
or have a lack to do physical activities at their homes and provide solutions for it.