Case study: Zac 9 years old.
Case Study Assessment:
This assignment has been designed to enhance students learning of the module material, and to apply
theories, models, and research to a real-world scenario, and to understand the complex interaction of
social, cultural, biological and cogitative influences. The word count for this assignment is 2000 words
Your answers to the case study questions will require you to consider the physical, cognitive,
communicative, social, and emotional domains of development and how they interrelate. It is
recommended that you focus on these interactions overall, rather just one domain. Students are
expected to support their rationale with appropriate background research and empirical evidence
Please line-space your work (1.5) and use a size 12 font.
Please submit your work as one Word document before the deadline.
Do not copy and paste from internet sources. The following link will help you understand what
constitutes academic misconduct, including plagiarism and collusion:
Please note: Overall feedback will be provided in the comments section for this work, so markers will
not be making corrections in text. It is therefore essential that you read the feedback from your mini
essays closely to avoid repeating errors.
Marking criteria
1. Answering the set questions: the extent to which the work deals directly and clearly with the
assigned task and provides a focused response to the questions set;
2. Structure: the extent to which the work demonstrates coherent organisation of the material
and an overall logical argument;
3. Conceptual clarity: the extent to which the work shows understanding of key terms and
concepts and employs them correctly;
4. Analytic Content: the extent to which the work provides a critical analysis of the problem
that evaluates competing arguments and interpretations rather than a purely descriptive or
narrative discussion;
5. Evidence and Examples: the extent to which the work deploys relevant examples and
evidence to support its claims;
6. Style and Presentation: the extent to which the work makes effective and correct use of the
English language and is written in a clear and scholarly style.
4PSYC004W – Developmental Psychology
Assessment 2 – Case study: Zac 9 years old.
Zac is a nine-year-old male who was referred for behavioural intervention treatment of
ADHD. Zac lives with his parents and his sixteen-year-old sister and thirteen-year-old
brother. At the first appointment, Zac’s parents reported that he exhibits restlessness and
hyperactivity. He also was described as easily distracted, having difficulties listening and
following instructions and had difficulties playing quietly. His parents said that he was
always “jumpy.”
Background information
For much of Zac’s early life he was in the care of a local childminder. Zac’s mother returned
to work when he was 4 months old, both parents having low-paid full-time work. The
childminder was unregistered and cared for several other young children. For the first few
years of his life, Zac was quiet and undemanding, so spent much of his time in a baby chair
in front of the television, while the childminder attended to the needs of the more
demanding children.
When Zac was two, he spoke fewer words than children of a similar age and his
pronunciation was very difficult for non-family members to understand. His parents brought
him to the GP and on closer questioning he had 40
dB (mild-to-moderate hearing loss).
He was actively observed for 3 months and then referred to an ear, nose, and throat
consultant. With evidence of persistent conductive hearing loss, he was offered hearing aids
or grommets, in keeping with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines.
His parents elected for grommet insertion. On follow-up at 2 years, 6 months, his vocabulary
had expanded to >100 words, and audiogram showed thresholds