Hello, I will need a help with Behavior change program for Health class. You will use a template that i will send later. Instructions: Begin working on your own behavior change plan over one target health behavior that you would like to improve upon over the intersession break (i.e.refers to the two weeks during Christmas break, pre-summer break or post summer break). Important Tips:when identifying a target behavior for health, you should only list one health behavior that you would like to improve upon such as getting more sleep or managing stress. After you have selected your target behavior, you will then create one SMART goalfor that target behavior. Examples include:
Target Behavior: Get More Sleep
SMART goal: By the end of intersession break, two weeks (time-bound), I will get 8 hours of sleep (specific and relevant) during each work day (specific and attainable) and track progess using FItBIt to monitor sleep cycle (measurable).
Target Behavior: Manage Stress
SMART goal: By the end of intersession break, two weeks (time-bound), I will manage stress levels (specific and relevant) by meditating 4 out of 7 days each week for five minutes (specific and attainable) and track progress by keeping a meditation journal (measurable).The assignment is not long and brief descriptions is enough