HPM 440 Health Topic Research Assignment
This assignment has two parts:
1) A typed research report on your assigned medical emergency topic.
2) Give a formal presentation on this topic live in person or showing a recording.
Assignment outcomes:
– Understand the research process in examining current information on your medical emergency topic.
– Complete a report on your topic and consider implications for health promotion in the workplace.
– Create and deliver an organized and interesting presentation to the class on your topic.
Use the following steps to guide you through the process in this Health Topic Research Assignment. As a resource, check
out the BC LIBGUIDE for Health and Wellness
___Step 1 Collect and organize information from at least 3 credible primary and secondary sources for this assignment. Use
at least one from each:
❖ Scholarly journal – Search BC Library Databases
❖ Periodical article/Popular article
❖ Reliable medical websites (edu, org or gov). Make sure all information from your sources are current.
No earlier than 2015. If you’re not sure, check with the instructor.
❖ Book is optional
___Step 2 Use the table on the last page to type a minimum 2- page (single-spaced) report for an audience of adults.
With the exception of the introduction and summary, type your report content within the table provided. The table
will expand as you type in your content. Use narrative sentences. Avoid bullets and numbering. Any reference you
make to your sources in the text needs to be cited (in-text) at the end of that sentence or section, using either APA or
MLA format. Any graphs and images are to be placed on a separate appendix page, not in the table.
❖ Introduction (before table)
o Catch the reader’s attention and describe your topic in general.
o Give at least one important statistic (cited)
❖ Define this topic or emergency. Present facts, statistics and key terms for the reader. What is the cause or
etiology if it is a condition? Who gets this, age, gender, etc.?
❖ Signs and Symptoms – describe and explain.
❖ First Aid Care – Identify steps for various scenarios and situations related to this topic and any specific
guidelines for healthcare providers.
o Treatment(s) or cure for this condition – Medication, surgery, devices etc…
❖ Prevention strategies
❖ Discuss 1 current, interesting, research study on this topic. Present the results and make sure you reference
the source with in-text citation.
❖ Identify research organizations, foundations and awareness activities currently working to promote education
and awareness about this topic.
❖ Summary (after table).
o Summarize and conclude, indicating any future implications for the health promotion and
management. Note or attach any local resources, websites, etc. for additional information.
❖ Single space, minimum 2 pages
❖ Margins – Normal 1” around table
❖ Calabri, Arial or Times Roman 11 font
❖ Graphs, images, etc. are to be attached separately in appendix if needed.
___Step 3 Reference (works cited) page completes this written assignment. It includes:
❖ Minimum 3 required references in MLA format.
o List of your sources alphabetized by the author’s last name, double space, etc… Refer MLA format at
**No student shall submit the words, ideas, images or data of another person as his or her own in any academic writing,
essay, thesis,
research project or assignment in a course or program of study. It is the responsibility of each student to avoid plagiarism
while meeting the requirements of assignments. You can find an explanation of plagiarism and a few reminders of how to
use sources properly. www.bellevuecollege.edu/writinglab/ has an explanation of what plagiarism is and a few reminders
of how to use sources properly.
If you need help on this project, see me or take advantage of the following student support services on campus:
Academic Success Center: http://www.bellevuecollege.edu/asc/
Academic Tutoring Center: http://www.bellevuecollege.edu/asc/tutoring/
Writing Lab @ BC: http://www.bellevuecollege.edu/asc/writing/
___Step 4 Prepare a topic presentation. Give a 5-7 minute presentation to the class live in person using PowerPoint
or other presentation software or show a recording of your presentation during class. You will be required to share
constructive feedback to your classmates’ presentations.
Topic PowerPoint Guidelines
1. For clear reading, make sure the design and layout has a strong contrast between the text and background.
2. Make sure you give reference or citation to any images you use. Put these citations at the bottom of those slides.
Slide Sequence:
• Slide 1 – Names, topic, image
• Slide 2 – Bulleted overview of what students will learn in the presentation.
• Slides 3 to 8 – Organized content of your topic based on what is most important.
o In these slides, focus on presenting information on signs/ symptoms, first aid care, prevention and how
it relates to health care professionals.
o You may link a website or short video clip to emphasize information. The video must be buffered in
advance and cannot be longer than 1 minute.
• Slide 9 – Reference the sources used in your presentation.
• Slide 10 – List 3 main facts or takeaways you want the class to remember about this topic.
Guidelines for an “A” oral presentation
Be prepared. Have all materials ready.
Introduce yourself and the topic in the first slide.
Speak clearly to the audience, loud enough for the back row. Practice pronouncing medical terms in your slides.
Use your visual aid as a tool. Make sure the PowerPoint print is large enough for all to see and there is a strong
contrast between text and background. Video, animated clips or acting a skit in your presentation should not be
any longer than 1 minute. Have them already loaded and available so there is no delay.
Know your topic well enough to talk to us, not read from notes or word by word on the slides.
Speak clearly and teach us about your topic, talking slow enough for note taking.
What do your classmates need to know regarding signs, symptoms, care and treatment for this condition? What
did you discover in your research? As you conclude, summarize as you present three important facts you want the
class to remember.
Wait until students have taken all notes.
Cite reference sources on the last slide. Where appropriate, also include ‘in-slide’ citations for pictures/video and
quotes used in your presentation. Ask the class if they have questions about your topic.
Topic Paper Evaluation
40 Total points
5 Introduction/Conclusion
10 Format, organization, mechanics
25 Content
Topic Presentation Evaluation 60 Total points
Each student will be evaluated on knowledge of the material, confidence, preparation, voice and time.
Preparation/ Introduction/Opening
Knowledge of material
Visual aid/ mechanics and content
3 important facts/takeaways
Name _____________________________
Topic _______________________________________
Define topic.
Cause or
Signs and
First Aid Care
How does this
apply to Health
and HPM?
Research Study
foundations and
Don’t forget your Works Cited Page in MLA format.