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DUE:Please see the
Instructional Plan
for a specific due date.
Submission: Each person in the group must submit the full report including your report merged with your group members into one cohesive document in this submission folder. Ensure that it is clear which part of the full report each group member wrote. Note that your Professor may also require your individual section submitted separately from the merged group document. Please follow the instructions for submission provided in class and see due dates in the Instructional Plan.
File Name Format: Ensure your file is saved using your group number and all your group members names. For example, Group1_Member1_Member2_Member3_Member4
The group will continue to develop the project from Report 1 by developing elements of an implementation plan. Each group member will be responsible to write one section of Report 2. The sections of the report are:
In groups with 5 members, a Communication Plan will be added.
Quality Management report for the Capstone project. The topic is -increasing
community engagement of healthcare providers access for at home end of life
care. Please find the instructions below.
Include an introduction
Ensure you research any standards or best practices or metrics that might
apply to your project. These would need to be referenced if used.
Ensure you are clear on appropriate metrics and targets and explain why you
chose these (which may require references).
Consider the dimensions of quality and, if used, reference where you learned
about this when describing the dimensions of quality.
Consider how others have structured their quality plans and reference if
This section may be more or less than 4 pages depending on formatting.
Developing a Quality Management Plan:
1. Framework Selection:
Research various quality frameworks for health care projects (e.g.,
Institute of Medicine, Health Quality Ontario, Accreditation Canada).
Choose one framework that best suits your project and explain the
reason for its selection in the report.
2. Dimensions of Quality:
Each framework will have specific dimensions of quality that serve as
focus areas for your quality plan.
Identify the dimensions of quality from your chosen framework and
explain them in the report.
3. Indicators Development:
For each dimension of quality, develop at least one to three indicators
to monitor the project’s quality implementation.
Indicators should be quantifiable (e.g., numbers or percentages) and
easy to gather data.
Consider an example: “Timeliness” as a quality dimension, with an
indicator of “Percentage of first visits within two weeks of first contact.”
4. Quality Dashboard:
Research healthcare quality dashboards or scorecards for examples of
how organizations report and track quality metrics.
Create a quality dashboard template to summarize performance
measures in your plan.
5. Measures and Targets:
Describe each metric and how targets were established (e.g., industry
benchmarks, guidance from articles, accreditation standards).
Include targets for each metric, making them realistic and achievable.
Identify the owner responsible for each metric and how frequently the
data will be collected and monitored.
6. Ensuring Data Accuracy:
Consider the data quality framework to ensure data used for the quality
scorecard is accurate, reliable, and timely.
Address any internal or external audits required to maintain data
7. Quality Plan Monitoring:
Designate roles for monitoring the overall quality plan and reviewing
the scorecard at specific intervals.
Discuss how updates to the plan will be approved and implemented as
8. Adjusting the Plan:
Emphasize the need for periodic adjustments to the metrics, targets,
and owners as circumstances change.
Plan for using the Plan-Do-Study-Act process to improve quality
through small tests of change.
9. Accreditation Consideration:
If applicable, include a plan to pursue accreditation standards (e.g.,
Accreditation Canada) and the steps required.
10. Writing the Quality Management Plan:
Include narrative descriptions for each metric, explaining its relevance and
justification for selection.
Avoid excessive metrics; prioritize those crucial for evaluating service quality.
Collaborate with the team to gather ideas for additional metrics if needed.
Refer back to the vision framework and project charter to include relevant
Proofread the report before submission and maintain a professional format.
Overall Purpose of the Quality Management Plan:
Highlight the importance of the quality management plan in delivering highquality services.
Emphasize the proactive nature of the plan in identifying areas for
improvement and maintaining focus on quality.
Stress that the quality management plan complements other sections of the
project report.