A person worked on my 2 projects and generated those both the project from AI 100%.
Professor didn’t accept my projects and giving me a last chance to write them again
I just have 24 hours to submit my work again.
Question 1 = Health Care Policy
Advocacy Project
I recently shared a story about my mom on
and some health issues she has been dealing with. One thing it did for me is to underscore how broken our healthcare system can be at times, especially when it comes to the interoperability of critical health information. In sharing this, I had so many messages and responses with similar stories. I tend to look at this not as a way to complain but to see what we can do to help. We are in a position to make this better. We can all be advocates for a better healthcare experience and our legislators look to us to aid in this process.
For this project, I would like for you to come up with a personal advocacy plan. Who will you contact and what will you say? What issues will you address? How will you convey the issues in a succinct manner? There are several associations, such as
, that have active advocacy initiatives and make it easy to participate. Think about your personal stories and those stories of your loved ones and include this in your plan for advocating. It is also important to look at scholarly references to be able to back up your thoughts with solid resources. This may also help you to expand your plan and allow you to be a contact for your legislators when discussing these types of issues.
2 = Research Project = I am attaching the proposal that was written. Please find the attachment.
Taaha Asad
Research Project
Melinda Wilkins
Investigating the Effectiveness of Telehealth Services in Improving Access to Healthcare
Telehealth services are increasingly being used to deliver healthcare services to patients
remotely. Telehealth services have the potential to reduce costs and improve access to
healthcare, especially among underserved populations (George & Cross, 2020). The number of
telehealth visits has grown dramatically in the past decade. Telehealth is now used to provide
care in a wide range of settings, including primary care, specialty care, and mental health
services (Hills, 2019). However, there is still a lack of evidence about the effectiveness of
telehealth services in improving access to healthcare. This research proposal aims to investigate
the effectiveness of telehealth services in improving access to healthcare, particularly among
underserved populations.
Specific Objectives:
This research project’s primary goal is to assess telehealth services’ impact on healthcare
access among underserved populations. To that end, this project has three specific objectives:
To assess the impact of telehealth services on healthcare access among underserved
To compare outcomes of care among underserved populations using telehealth services
versus traditional in-person services.
To determine factors contributing to telehealth services’ effectiveness in improving
access to healthcare.
This research project will utilize both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A
survey will be administered to a sample of healthcare providers, patients, and caregivers to assess
their experiences with telehealth services. The survey will include both open-ended and multiplechoice questions about telehealth services, such as provider and patient satisfaction, the types of
services provided, and the impact of telehealth on healthcare access. In addition, the survey will
include questions about demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, and race/ethnicity, to
assess the impact of telehealth on underserved populations. Additionally, a secondary analysis of
existing datasets will be conducted to compare outcomes of care among patients who used
telehealth services and those who used traditional in-person services.
Expected Results:
It is expected that providers and patients will report high satisfaction with telehealth
services. Most providers and patients are expected to report being “very satisfied” or “satisfied”
with telehealth services.
Table 1: Provider and Patient Satisfaction with Telehealth Services
Provider Satisfaction
Patient Satisfaction
Very satisfied
Very satisfied
It is expected that outcomes of care with telehealth services will be comparable to those
of traditional in-person services. It is expected that clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and
provider satisfaction will be improved with telehealth services compared to traditional in-person
Table 2: Comparison of Outcomes of Care among Patients Who Used Telehealth Services and
Those Who Used Traditional In-Person Services
Outcomes of Care
Improved Health Status
Decreased Hospitalizations
Decreased Emergency Room
Telehealth Services
Traditional In-Person
Research Timeline:
i. Timeline Table
Proposal Development
2 weeks
Data Collection
4 weeks
Data Analysis
4 weeks
Results & Recommendations
2 weeks
Report Writing
2 weeks
14 weeks
ii. Summary of Estimated Time Commitments
In summary, a timeline of activities has been developed to ensure the timely completion
of this research project. The proposal development phase is expected to take two weeks,
followed by four weeks for data collection and four weeks for data analysis. The results and
recommendations phase is expected to take two weeks, and the report writing phase is expected
to take two weeks. In total, this research project is expected to take 14 weeks to complete.
George, L. A., & Cross, R. K. (2020). Remote monitoring and telemedicine in IBD: Are we
there yet? Current Gastroenterology Reports, 22(3). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11894-0200751-0
Hills, W. E. (2019). Virtual treatments in an integrated primary care-behavioral health practice:
An overview of synchronous Telehealth services to address rural-urban disparities in
mental health care. Medical Science Pulse, 13(2), 118. https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0013.5239